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Author Topic: Hello everyone. I have just been diagnosed and i am 40, need advice please  (Read 4637 times)


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Hello, my name is Maureen and i am in my menopause, for 2 years i have been too and throw to the doctor and each time i suggested it might be the change, my doctor did not do the blood test until recently which showed a high reading, i knew deep down that it was menopause but at least my doctor is listening to me now. I have not had a period for 3 months and i have bad hot flushes but the night sweats are awful too. My doctor suggested i go on HRT. Now i had originally decided that i will go the natural way but my doctor was quite insistent that i go on it as my family history ( my father had osteoporosis) and she said that i am more than likely to get osteoporosis as it runs in the family. I asked her for a herbal equivalent but she said that they do not help much! My doc said that as i am only 40 it would benefit me to be on HRT.
 My question is this, if i go on HRT and when i come off it will i have to still go through hot flushes etc.
Can i protect my bones through drinking milk, yogurts, calcium tablets?
I have had Abnormal cervical  cells 3 years ago, could HRT cause cervical cancer?
I am having a bone density scan in July and thought i would see what the results are before making my decision.
I am very confused and any information will be greatly appreciated
many thanks



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Hi and Welcome maureenm
I had an early meno - peri from mid 30s.  It is essential you take HRT as your body is meant to have oestrogen until at least your early 50s and you need to protect your heart and bones. Sadly diet and exercise will not be enough - listen to your GP - she is right.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen  - it's good to be fully informed.
The 'Natural Way' is only for those who have a close family history of breast cancer or women who are going through the meno at the normal age(around 52) and are not suffering badly with meno symptoms.
I'd ask your GP about the cervical cancer risk but I don't think there is any problem with HRT and this type of cancer.
Yes you will go throughout the meno when eventually you come off HRT but the symptoms won't necessarily be dreadful.  The guidelines on when to come off HRt are now changing and some women stay on HRT well into their 80s!!!!!  Although 60 is still generally the cut off at the moment.
If you want to try pills I'd start with Femiston(the progesterone in this one is well tolerated)  or go for the combination of Oestrogel or patch for the oestrogen part and Utrogestan for the progesterone part.
Hopefully others will be along to give advice.  DG x


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Hi maureenm

 :welcomemm: from me too!

I agree with everything Dancinggirl says!

Just to add that according to the latest paper from British Menopause Society and Womens' Health Concern - "While there is a known association between the oral contraceptive use and cervical cancer, there is no association between cervical cancer and HRT".

In addition, as Dancinggirl says, medium dose HRT provides sufficient oestrogen to decrease bone turnover (off the top of my head - think that's correct) - but you will still need plenty of calcium in your diet because bone is still being made, and of course take weight bearing exercise to strengthen your bones too - but first and foremost it's oestrogen you need at your age and with your family history - whatever the results of your bone scan.

I'm almost 61 and still on it!

Hurdity x


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Welcome and I agree. I went through early meno just before 40. Went straight onto the gel and the utrogestan used for 12 days per month, it works a treat, your body needs hormones until at least the age of 50, if not older, I also tried all the natural and alternate methods first but nothing came close to the hrt.


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Hi Maureenm
I'm going through early menopause too 42. Last year I didn't have a period for 6 months and was getting a few flushes, mentioned to GP and she done bloods and ye meno, anyway she suggested HRT for bones and I said ok, I was on Elleste duet for 4 months and all ok and then all hell let loose I started having palpitations and anxiety, I stopped HRT and got put on a beta blocker to help with anxiety. 4 months on I'm back to normal no periods, few flushes but no palpitations or anxiety. I am taking calcium supplement and menopace plus and feel good so far, I am sticking with this for now as the HRT didn't agree with me, but I won't be ruling it out altogether, if things get bad I will go back to GP and ask for it, I have read up on Femoston and will try that if need be but as I said I happy doing it my way for now, the choice is yours and you can only try with or without. Everyone is different and will have different ways of dealing with it. Good luck with whatever way you try and feel free to ask questions the ladies here are great all having different opinions.


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Thank you all for your reply, my main concern is the threat of a blood clot, i was allergic to The Pill all varieties so this is a concern for me. I am also allergic to some antibiotics and medicines.....i guess i am just a bit scared to try it incase it goes my case it usually does :(
I also had the mirena coil removed last september after having it in for 2 years.....i do not know if this has any relevance but thought i would write it down incase it does !
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 08:06:50 PM by maureenm »


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Hi maureenm
HRT is not the same as The Pill - the oestrogen used these days is usually bio identical with our own natural hormones so unlikely to cause problems. If the Mirena didn't suit you that doesn't mean HRT will be a problem.  Femiston has progesterone that is close to natural progesterone so is tolerated very well. It may be best to try the bio identical route which is the Oestrogel or oestrogen patch
Utrogestan(micronised progesterone that is bio identical to our own progesterone).
I would print off the info from the HRT Preparations section to show your GP as many doctors are not up to speed about this type of HRT.
Your GP sounds sensible so I would discuss your fears with her. Blood clots are rare whereas the risk of heart problems and bone loss due to lack of Oestrogen are far greater. 
I doubt very much you would have much to loose by trying HRT and probably very much to gain.

Dinnie - it's a shame you had a bad reaction to HRT, I suspect you were given the wrong one and perhaps too strong a dose to start with for you.  I had an early peri meno (mid 30s) and had to kiss quite few HRT frogs before I found the HRT Prince for me.  Before going on HRT I spent a fortune on herbal remedies and vitamins at the time which didn't help my meno symptoms at all - I had a bone scan aged 37 that showed real bone density loss and that really frightened me.  I was lucky and had a good GP who simply said to me "if I was her daughter she would insist I take HRT"
I hope you both find a good way forward.  DG x


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Ye I agree wrong HRT didn't know much about them but have read up on a lot since, probably given cheapest option, but anyway I'm ok just now but will be going back and asking for Femoston if things get bad. I don't want to be surviving every day I want to be living life every day!


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Hi Maureen,

My advice would be to try combined HRT, I was advised to take it at age 45 due to my Mum and her Mum having both died suddenly of a heart attack. My Doc advised that my heart needed Oestrogen to stay healthy and because I was in full menopause at 45, I was told that Climagest would protect my heart and bones.

Once being told this I agreed and have now been taking Climagest for nearly 2 years. I'm having some menopause symptoms again and have an app with Doc next week.

HRT can also protect you. Xxx


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Hi Maureen

Speaking as someone who tried to handle my meno symptoms "naturally" all I can say is that it was an epic fail. Maybe it works for some women, but not me. I spent literally thousands of dollars going to a naturopath, who had been highly recommended to me, for 3 months and all she did was make everything much worse.

I find the concept of "natural" menopause treatments (ie alternate and herbal therapies) interesting because really the only natural way to treat menopause is with natural (bioidentical) hormones (ie estradiol and progesterone).