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Author Topic: Does this get worse?  (Read 7840 times)


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Does this get worse?
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:52:49 PM »

Hello. I'm 50 in July and feel at the lowest I have ever felt. Have def had peri symptoms for a year or so but over Christmas my body just went mad. 6 week heavy period to the point I was nearly fainting, no sleep, panic attacks and anxiety like I have never known.
Great doctor who sent me off for an internal scan which showed up nothing sinister and she was happy to offer me something for my anxiety and panic attack. I want to see this thru with no dugs if I can but I feel grim.
The latest horrible thing is my skin-really spotty all of a sudden and I feel so bloated like I am about to have my period but nothing is coming-bit cramps but nothing!
Lord above tell me this is just about as horrid as it gets 😢


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 08:13:54 PM »

I'm relatively new to the forum and have been perimenopausal for a few years without realising it. It kicked off big style last August with some really frightening symptoms so I can empathise with the panic attacks, severe anxiety, general grimness and spotty skin. Great fun isn't it :o

Although I wanted to avoid medications, in the end I wanted a better quality of life for me and my family so I had a short course of beta-blockers to give me a break from anxiety and panic, and started hrt. I'm not on the beta blockers anymore but I am having weekly sessions with a psychologist and this has really helped me get a handle on the anxiety.

Have a look at the menus on the left... Full of great information.

The ladies on here have been amazing - no matter how horrible things seem, there's always someone who's going through it too and it really helps to know you're not alone.

Galadriel x


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2014, 08:24:01 PM »


Sorry to hear you are feeling so low. Can I ask if there is any particular reason for wanting to avoid medication.
If you have a look at the menu there is a list of alternative therapies that may help.
Browse round and join in. Lots of help here.



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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2014, 08:47:29 PM »

Thanks for all ur kind words.
I've never really been ill before so the thought if taking drugs scares me a little I guess. And I really do know it's all about my time if life so I shd just get on with it.
I am beginning to think every little tummy twinge is bloody cancer and any ache and pain means I'm about to have a heart attack! What a loser eh!
Trying to keep up a strict gym routine and eat healthily. Have told my boss how I am feeling and luckily for me she is very understanding.
Can I just ask are others experiencing very strange tummy swellings/bloating and rumblings! I manage to convince myself I'm pregnant. Most days-that wld be one of life's miracles since there has been no naughtiness since I split frm my partner back in July last year!!!!!

Debbie G

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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 08:48:02 PM »

Dear Alison
Im new too and have found the few days I have been reading and posting on the site have been a tremendous help to me.  I have also experienced the tummy swelling, pain & bloating.  Some days worse than others.  Got it checked out last year and thankfully nothing to worry about.  I do think it is worth checking with your GP for any worries you may have and asked to be referred if needed.




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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 08:54:05 PM »

Sounds like peri! In terms of no drugs I.e. Hrt - only you can decide, but I had 5 years of those symptoms and then started to get palpitations, brain rushes and hot flash type things. At that point I got on hrt and tbh I regret the wasted years where I couldn't get anyone to prescribe/diagnose me properly!! So yes, it can get worse but it may not! Look at the real risks around hrt (which are very small - much less than birth control pills) before you discount it and resign yourself to suffering.

Hope you feel better soon x


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2014, 04:46:17 PM »

Hi Alison3764

 :welcomemm: from me too.

I can understand your not wanting to take drugs if you can avoid it - I feel exactly the same.

The good news is that using HRT is not the same as taking drugs (which beta blockers and anit-depressants are) though - as they are not drugs if you use the type that are identical to the hormones your body makes. You are simply replacing hormones which become deficient as you approach menopause and beyond ( just as you do with diabetes/insulin for example).

Great that you are concentrating on exercise and a healthy diet, but as your periods become more irregular and if the symptoms become intolerable then do think about HRT - there is an enormous amount of information on this site and we can advise on the most "natural" types too.

Hurdity x

flossie fiddler

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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2014, 12:49:02 PM »

Hi Alison, I too was going to be one of those people who got through the menopause naturally without any drugs. How wrong I was. I was peri for two years when I realised that no amount of soya, homeopathy, hypnotherapy and natural creams were going to cut it.

The worse the for me was the sleep disruption, the vaginal dryness, loss of libido, anxiety that I had every ailment going, and generally feeling like a knackered old lady (at 49 I'm certainly not that). I have hardly ever been ill, and only take meds if necessary, so I was reluctant to try HRT, but I got to the point where I wanted the old me back, just wanted to feel normal again.

Well, I've been on HRT for a month now, and have to say I feel great. I feel like I did when I was 10 years younger. Got my energy back, sleeping well, and ready to tackle anything.

I really am a HRT supporter now, and for me, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Good luck


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2014, 07:32:20 PM »

Hi Alison

I keep waiting to progress further into meno as I've been having peri symptoms for about 2 years now - I'll be 52 this year, but don't think my body can make up it's mind what to do!  ::)  I've had gaps of 6 wkly periods then 3 monthly but seem to have gone back to 4 weeks on the dot.  My skin is terrible - much spottier than I've ever been.  I've been quite moody too.  Every time I get night sweats or hot flushes I think it's kicking in properly only for it all to stop again.  I go for a smear test next month and am getting tempted to try hrt.  Sorry, I'm not much help, so fed up of it all and not even properly into hot flushes etc. How long must we go through all this palaver  :-\ :-\
P.S. Also get the bloating and have had problems with increasing IBS  :(
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 07:36:04 PM by lily »


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 09:12:30 PM »

Hello. Thanks again everyone for ur kind words. Am def going to think about the hrt route. The last few days have been so miserable-just don't recognise this downright miserable person. Feel super bloated today and my skin looks horrendous. Feel like I have aged years in the last few months. To top it all have a horrid pink discharge now and feel all pms! Hey ho! Thanks again everyone x


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2014, 05:32:09 PM »

Had a period now for four weeks-no pain just horrible clots and bloating. Can't wait to see the doctor on Friday. My I don't want drugs attitude has not lasted long :)


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2014, 06:53:23 PM »

Don't stress it. Nobody wants to take any drugs but quality of life is important! I take insulin as I'm diabetic, and medication for high blood pressure (another delight of peri!) - hrt can be very helpful but bear in mind it can take a while to get the right dose and method!


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2014, 07:21:20 PM »

Alison  3764 I'm on day 17 of my period, heavy for a week and now just always there but very light.  I also have period cramps with it.  I'm 43 and have been suffering with peri since last year.  Everything is doom and gloom with me, convinced myself I'm dieing of something that's making my period not end. my skin is spotty and I'm tired all time.  I'm going to have to go the docs next week and I hate going the doctors... just need someone to tell me this is all normal and par for the course.


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2014, 09:13:45 PM »

It is all normal mandy but that doesn't mean that it's easy to cope with or that you have to put up with it. Have you considered HRT?

The reason your periods are so unpredictable is that your hormone levels are fluctuating all of the time so they are not being switched on and off at the right times confusing your body totally. This explains it well  I always think of it as the hormones becoming very indecisive!

Taz x


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Re: Does this get worse?
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2014, 05:19:38 PM »

Thank you Taz for your advice.  I'm booked in for next Monday, but I'm incredibly low.  I've spent the last night crying and can't seem to stop.  I know I can't carry on like this because just as one symptom goes away another starts up to scare the life out of me... just really hard for me to cope with xx
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