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Author Topic: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still  (Read 10843 times)


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Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« on: January 14, 2014, 10:35:33 AM »

Morning Ladies,

I've been on Evorel Sequi Patches since August last year and the benefits have been amazing.
No sweats, no mood swings and best of all a decent nights sleep.

But, I've still got the most horrendous bleeding every month.
I spoke to my doctor who said I should stick with these patches are they are the best.
But I can't take this every month. I'm so down about the bleeding, I could cry. Well, actually I have  :'(

It's so heavy that I'm wearing night time pads during the day. I'm scared to get up and walk anywhere in case I start to leak.
I've been bleeding like this now for 8 days and it's still just as heavy. Too much info I know, but even when I have a wee it's just blood.

Any ideas what I can do as this is seriousley testing me?  I'm on the verge of coming off of the patches totally as I can't cope with this.
I don't want to do anything or go anywhere, just in case I have an accident. Work is a nightmare as I have to keep running out to change my pad.

I've given it 5 months but I've really had enough of this now.

Lizziep xx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 01:53:31 PM »

You have a few options. A coil and separate progesterone or conti patches. Sorry I don't know how old you are but there are choices. Maybe a trip to your GP or email Dr Currie for advice.



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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 04:54:59 PM »

How long does the bleeding last each month lizziep and where in your "cycle" do you start bleeding?

Taz x


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2014, 10:18:35 PM »

Hi Lizzie,

I share your pain... I've just posted on the stopping HRT thread because I've had enough. 5 months of week on/week off bleeding on Evorel Conti and as heavy as you are describing. I'm been having to buy the most absorbent tampons on the market plus use a towel incase of leaks (which are frequent). Work is a nightmare and when I'm bleeding, my brain is mush and I'm a liability.
Before that I was on sequential HRT (patches and tablets) and like you, everything was great for 3 weeks then I had a horrendous bleed.
My GP has just taken me off HRT completely (and prescribed a course of iron tablets because I'm badly anaemic now) and is referring me to the gynie clinic again. I went there 2 years ago but they didn't really help me much and I decided to persevere with the sequential stuff I was on. The option of Mirena coil was discussed but because I've not had any children, the doctor was reluctant to give me this. My GP expects this option to be raised again in light of all previous failed attempts to find something for me that works.
I'm actually enjoying being off HRT right now but I am wondering how long it'll take for me to turn into psycho woman again haha. Maybe it'll not be so bad this time and I can come off completely and get through meno HRT free - wishful thinking...   
Let me know how you get on  :)

Mags x


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2014, 07:03:19 AM »

Hi Ladies,

Sorry it's been a while since last posted,far to much going on work wise and at home.

Well, I stopped the Sequi Patches much to my partners disgust. I just couldn't cope with the bleeding any longer. I gave it 6 weeks and went back to my doctor after the sweats started to happen again with a vengeance.

He has now given me Evorel Conti patches so hopefully no bleed. But and here's the problem, my sweats day and night are as bad as ever  :'(  Will these settle down as they did on the other patches?

I'm really starting to feel rough again everyday due to waking up so often at night. And just when I thought I had it all sussed out !!


Lizziep xx



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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2014, 07:01:11 PM »

Sorry to hear about this Lizziep.

However the Evorel conti may not stop the bleeding if you are not fully post-menopausal as conti preparations are for when you haven't had a natural period for 12 months - you probably know this? However at least it wouldn;t be so heavy if you do get some bleeding.

The progestogen in Evorel (norethisterone) is very powerful though so should thin the lining. The downside is you are having it continuously so if it doesn't agree with you, you could get low-grade pms symptoms all the time. A clue is - how you felt when on the Evorel sequi - when you went onto the combi patches during the second part of the month. If you felt OK ( until the bleed) then you should settle down on these.

Your body needs time to adjust to the new hormones as you have been off HRT for several weeks, so hopefully it will settle down for you and you will be sweat free again!

Hurdity x


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches and Haevy Bleeding still
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2014, 06:26:38 AM »

Hi Hurdity,

Thank you for your reply.

Up until I when on the Sequi Patches I hadn't had a period for about 14 months.
Only when when I started on those patches did I start to bleed again.

I felt fine when I was on the Sequi Patches. No mood swings, bad temper or anything like that.

I'm really hoping these ones kick in soon so once again I can have a decent nights sleep.


Lizziep xx