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Author Topic: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt  (Read 7150 times)


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2014, 02:12:01 PM »

Yep they get paid for recording weights. I have worked in the NHS for 30 years and am very cynical. I often think this why there are no appointments due to all these meaningless reviews. Yes if here is an issue you need to be seen but I really do question the benefit of a lot of this. I am speaking generally.

Diamonds and pearls 53

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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2014, 06:12:07 PM »

I have been on and off hrt for 5 years and have not once been asked to make an appointment to have it reviewed-no blood pressure checked,weight recorded etc.Come to think of it, have not had any reviews of other meds either...  well, not until last year when, at 60, I no longer have to pay for prescriptions..makes you think!


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2014, 06:37:46 PM »

Diamonds your GP sounds great  :) Just go when you have an issue like I do  :)


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2014, 07:00:33 PM »

All these checks we get when on HRT is probably a good thing??  If you aren't on HRT you may not see a GP or nurse for years and things like high blood pressure can be missed and cause all kinds of problems.  You don't necessarily get any symptoms with high blood pressure and the risk of stroke or heart problems are greatly increased if left untreated. I certainly wouldn't go for regular checks if I didn't have to.  HRT may be saving many lives because of the checks.
DG x


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2014, 07:02:56 PM »

Sorry but I totally disagree. I think we are very lucky to be offered a six month or annual check up. Many people in other countries where it's either not available or costs a fortune would swap with us in a heartbeat.
I don't think it's meaningless at all. My practice nurse does the general checks and if there is a problem then you are referred to a GP.
None of us are getting any younger and i want to know if there is a problem that can be addressed sooner rather than later.

I find it reassuring.



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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2014, 08:38:20 PM »

You are offered a health check every 3 years between 40-70. It would be nice to be asked whether you wanted them and to be left alone if you do not them than to assume we are all good little girls who will do as we are told. This one wont lol!

I am afraid its all political a lot of the time and nothing to do with actual care. A lot of QOF has no medical usefulness. Its political whim yes this fact its in GP medical journals about it  a hotly debated topic. Dr John Cosgrove and Dr Margarte McCartney GP's have set up Grassroot GP's to try and fight it.

We should be asked if we want them, it is after all only polite. Also I worry about the consent issue its a legal case waiting waiting to happen as patients are given no valid opt out it means consent for these check up is not valid.

I am speaking generally not just about HRT.


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2014, 07:00:39 AM »

You don't HAVE to go if you don't want to. Surely, political or not, we have free choice.
We get invited, not forced and if you don't go then that's freedom of choice. It's not a case of turning up like good little girls at all.

Different strokes for different folks. You work in a GPs surgery so have the health care you need on tap. The rest of us don't have that so I for one will take advantage of the health check offers and feel lucky to have them for nothing.



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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2014, 09:15:21 AM »

Not that simple patients have to opt out once a year! Patients are too dim to make a permanent decision!  You can just simply say NO its how the GP contract works. You have to be Exception Reported each year.

I no long work in a GP Surgery I work campaigning against all this nonsense on the medical consent side. I have patients who will not see their GP even when they are ill due to this.

Yes it is political its the government that sets the GP contract each year. That is why there a grassroots GP campaign against it.

I have no issue if patients want to attend but do not hound those they do not want too or deny them treatment. Yes there are cases of patients being denied treatment. One being denied treatment for a serious back condition because she will not attend a hypertensive review. It was written up in a GP journal.  Some of what actually goes on is actually very shocking. 

It needs challenging with the Information Commissioner too as it is unfair processing under the DPA patients are not told that their data will be used for these purposes when they register with a GP.

With HRT yes it would be lovely to have NICE guidelines but its scary to think it may end up as part of the GP contract. That is my reservation about NICE.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 09:34:09 AM by ellie66 »


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2014, 09:23:26 AM »

Perhaps it's different in England. I live in Scotland and it is that simple here. If you don't want a check up you just dont go. However for some repeat prescriptions, they won't be issued without a check up.

Bit of a sweeping statement to say that patients are too dim  :-\



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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2014, 09:40:04 AM »

Unfortunately that is how patients are treated if they do not wish to attend. There, there pat on the head do as you are told. Its shocking when you talk to patients some are left with a GP as they will not agree to attend.

Edit: There is no medical evidence for a lot of it GP's go a long with it so they get paid.

The database that runs the GP contract is called NHAIS Exeter System. HSCIC ( Health Social Care Information Centre) are aware they have to allow patients to opt out of the database but on the opt out form tell patients if you choose to opt out your GP will not get paid (as he has not provided this services) so you will be deregistered and left without a GP! Nice for patients exercising their rights under the DPA. That is if the patients can get so far as to understand how this all works and actually try to opt out.

I just hope HRT when it gets NICE guidelines does not get caught up in this?  Although it already is to some degree as GP's are using to gather weights, BP's etc.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 09:48:24 AM by ellie66 »


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2014, 09:51:48 AM »

That's interesting Ellie what do you think if HRT does get involved


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2014, 10:32:10 AM »

NICE guidelines fantastic but if it is including in the GP Contract there will be issues as some patients will not attend. Yes agreed it will be a minority but why is it with the NHS they never seem to care about minority concerns. I do evidence patients are left without GP care due to the GP contract.

EDIT: There was a thread on Mumsnet a while back where some women had worked out what was going on and they had been saying to their GP's you are not taking my BP you can earn your money some other way.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 10:39:38 AM by ellie66 »


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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2014, 10:06:24 AM »

I see my GP regularly he is colleague no formal checks as such. He knows I hate them. My records say patient to contact if she has any concerns and to check own BP and let me know if its high. When he took me on as a patient he said he would never bug me about anything. He also looked at this web site to prescribe Oestrogel and Utrageston  :)

Its brilliant I love my GP  :)
Which part of the website did you direct your GP to, could you give me a link please?



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Re: yearly Dr's consultations if on hrt
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2014, 10:08:34 AM »

The side link with the HRT preparations. How are you getting on with the Femston Dandelion? It was fine for me when I first started HRT I only needed to change after 4 years due to some flushes and vaginal dryness.
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