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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!  (Read 4398 times)


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Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« on: March 21, 2014, 12:21:24 PM »

Hello ladies,

I am so glad I found this forum. Before I joined I read through a few of the posts and thought - ohh that's me! And I found some of the advice most helpful.. 

Short into to myself..    I am 46 years old and have been having erratic periods for nearly 2 years now.. I didn't really think much about it to be honest, and my memory hasn't been brilliant either for a while.. forgetting the stupidest of things, like the names of things, or words!
It wasn't till I went to see the Doctor about getting a mini pill in Oct last year as I was going on holiday and didn't want a period, it was then she asked when I was due on etc... Told her I had no idea, as I've always been regular as clockwork but nowadays was getting more erratic - I could come on after my usual 28 days and be on for about 6-7 days (normally it has been 4 days) and then other times I could go 7-9 weeks and only come on for 2-3 days!

It was then she mentioned the menopause. Probably sounds daft but I hadn't even thought about that - I was far too young for that - thats what 'older' ladies got! *Note to self - I am NOT in my 20's anymore!! haha.. 

So after my holidays I went back, she told me when I came back off the mini pill I would probably have a bleed about 3 day after - it was near on 7 days after when I did..  Anyway she mentioned hot flushes etc which I was only get a few here and there so I wasn't overly concerned - pah, this menopause is nothing to write home about...! 

So that was last Oct/Nov time... Fast forward to yesterday..

After months of simply not sleeping on a night, then starting to get hot flushes which are steadily getting worse both on a night and through the day, and starting to feel very irritable with people, and really annoyed with my partner who at the moment I am really glad he is working away a lot, I decided to go back to the Drs to see if they could at least relieve the not sleeping and possible hot flushes!
He has given me some HRT patches, that I change twice a week and use in a cycle of 4 weeks - anyone else got these?    I am hoping they 'kick in' fairly soon as these sleepless nights are killing me and I am sick of burning up now!

Anyway - that's me so far!  Hello!  :)


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2014, 05:35:26 PM »

Hi Mudster

Hello and :welcomemm:  - thanks for telling us your story.

Lots of women on here use those patches which will be Evorel sequi as the others are only changed once a week. I started off on these but then I changed to something else.

You should begin to feel the benefits very soon as patches deliver oestrogen directly into the system! I found the sleepless nights all but disappeared (well the sweats anyway) once I started HRT so I'm sure will be the same with you!

Hurdity x



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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2014, 07:06:33 PM »

Hi Mudster

Welcome from me too   :welcomemm:

I'm relatively new here too. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. Since joining, my anxiety levels and weird symptoms have decreased to manageable levels.

I've not experienced patches (yet), just on my second type of  tablet HRT, trying to find one to suit.

I hope yours do the trick for you, I know how distressing the mood swings and sleeplessness can be. One minute I'm chirpy, the next I can be in tears for no good reason. Every day is different  :o

Have a good look through the menu on the left, it's full of really useful info.

Galadriel x


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2014, 07:28:23 PM »

I'm not any help but just wanted to say  :welcomemm:


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2014, 03:34:56 AM »

haha that made me  ;D cubagirl!  thanks guys..

The Dr said he would try me on these patches first as like you say they go direct to the blood stream rather than going through the digestive system first etc..  I was a bit nervous talking to a male doctor but he was really nice and explained things simply...  I am a simple person  :o hehe..

Still getting horrible sweats through the day and at night, getting one now.. but I did only start the patches on Thurs teatime!

Does anyone else have their sweats and then a little later feel really cold, like their skin is cold, if that makes sense?? I am wondering if it because I have been sweating and then cooling off with water still on the skin, if that makes sense?

At work today, one minute I was just so hot like a bloomin inferno and then next I felt really cold and clammy..

I am going to have a look through the list on the left and have a good read though, its now 3.30am but not at all tired.. I have a feeling I will be slightly tired at work tomorrow!! Good job I don't start until after dinnertime..

Thanks again for the welcomes etc  x  :)


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2014, 05:20:57 AM »

I'm not much help either, but really is good to pop in here regularly, I'm fairly new, but it has really helped having like minded people to talk to.....
Welcome  ;D


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2014, 02:13:30 PM »

Hi Mudster :welcomemm:


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2014, 09:27:34 PM »

Yoo hoo! Im new too. Just joined today and in much the same boat as yourself. Its all new to me and Im quite bamboozled. Just wanted to say hello  ;D

Andrea jones

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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2014, 09:30:53 PM »

Hello mudster..... Flushes all day.... Then about 3pm onwards my skin has goosebumps like cold...feel like I'm coming down with flu...chattering teeth...nice warm bath....back to flushes.horrah...welcome to the menopause!!!!


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Re: Hiya, another newbie here and to the Meno!
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2014, 01:33:07 AM »

Thanks Andrea, I think!! At least I know its normal to be a red hot furnace one minute and then cold skinned then next!!

Sometimes its hard to describe the cold or hot sensations because its not like a 'normal' hot or cold feeling.. 

Its horrible when you are at work because one minute your fine and then next - ohh hello feeling freakishly hot while trying to carry on and hoping that nobody can tell you are feeling like a human combustion tank! :o 

You have to keep seeing the funnyside or lets face it - we would be constantly be blooming weeping wrecks  :'(   That would scare the customers away at work for sure!

And yes I agree to coming back often and reading what everyone else has been/ is still going through, as you learn a lot and realise your normal and not going potty (to an extent) and other people can relate to what you are going through.. 

You guys are brill.. Anyway 1.30am - I WILL get to sleep now, its was 4am last night..!! being on the internet wont help with the insomnia really will it!?  Thanks again guys x  Oh and to the other newbies Hello, and please feel free to share what you are going through here too xx