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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: RECOMMENDED DHEA  (Read 10306 times)


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« on: March 13, 2014, 12:23:30 AM »

Hi everyone, if you remember i had a dilemma regarding estrogen, headaches etc.  Well i stayed off estrogen, its been a few weeks now and if anything my headaches are more frequent albeit not severe but none the less annoying and my mood is affected on those days.  I am having quite a few sweats etc but coping ok.   Meno clinic prescribed Clonidine as consultant said that estrogen is known to cause migraines in some woman (i know that) but he wasnt listening when i said i had been off estrogen and still getting them!  My headaches are definitely not due to stress etc, i know it is hormonal.

I have not taken the Clonidine yet as i dont really want to.  I went into a chemist lately to ask for something to help like supplements or herbal and the lady recommended Maca and Dhea, she said that she had been taking these for quite a while for menopause with good results.  When i read up on the Dhea i am apprehensive in taking it.  I have been taking the Maca for a couple of weeks now and think it may have helped my energy? although my enthusiasm is still lagging :-\

Has anyone else tried or takes DHEA supplement? and at what dose.  Thanks ST x

Ju Ju

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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2014, 09:41:15 AM »

Hi Sweettooth,

Yes, I have taken DHEA. I'm sure that you have found in your research that not enough is known about the effects of DHEA, good or bad, mainly because the lack of research. You can only buy it online in the UK and should be very careful to buy it from a reputable company.

 I have low levels of testosterone and DHEA ( recent blood tests show I have 1/2 the minimum). Last year, I had even lower energy levels, which was probably due to an underlying infection. I have been seeing a therapist, who specialises in sexual problems, because of my non existent libido. I was very distressed as I didn't have to energy to get to the USA to see my son. She recommended I took 100g per day as a temporary measure. Within a week or so I felt a lot better, well enough to travel. However, my energy of levels crashed again while away. Bear in mind there were other health issues going

I suggest you find out as much as you can. Probably better to try a lower amount at first. They are sold in different strengths, eg 50g. If I had not found help for my health issues, I would have given DHEA a try again, despite any risks. I'd rather go for quality of life, than quantity.

Is your GP knowledgable and helpful? Have you discussed this dilemma with him/her? There may be a good reason why Clonidine was prescribed, which was not explained to you. Your GP should be able to help you about this.



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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2014, 10:07:17 AM »

Natural ways to increase DHEA

Some info

As DHEA is a hormone growth steroid its best for women to take a very small dose e.g. 5-10 mgs.

One of the easiest ways to increase DHEA as you get older is exercise. 

Ju Ju

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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2014, 10:28:06 AM »

Not easy to exercise when your energy levels are rock bottom! Even taking a shower knocked me for six. Supplements can help to lift so you can do more as I found. The levels you suggest would have had no impact. That's why you need to get information. Blood tests can show whether you need any supplementation. I took advice from my therapist, who is extremely well medically qualified and respected in her field.


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« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2014, 10:38:53 AM »

I took DHEA at recommended level and felt irritable and bad tempered (very unlike me!) I cut down to a much lower dose as I suggested and felt fine.

These days I try to increase my levels naturally.

One supplement I do suggest is Olive Leaf extract, I have been amazed at how it makes me feel, so much better after not feeling well. I have started my OH on them now.

Ju Ju

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« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2014, 11:29:44 AM »

Horses for courses. Tell us more about olive leaf extract. How did you hear about it and what for?


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« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2014, 12:01:44 PM »

It was recommended to me, I went to se a Dermatologist privately for a very itchy rash, I had had blood tests and my Total immunoglobulin E levels were high, he diagnosed Chronic Uticaria of an unknown cause,  I was having an allergic response to something but I was sure something else was going on even though he examined me with his rather large ultra violet light magnifying glass.

I don't itch now ( after six weeks) but still have some residue spots.

I was recommended Olive leaf extract and I am glad I was as I am feeling much better even though for the first few days I had a return of the itching, (this is normal) and it is suggested that you lower the dose which I have and itching has gone.

The link I posted explains about Olive Leaf extract and there is an awful lot of information if you google.

Here is some more

I am only passing on what has helped me, I usually do my own research but this time, someone else recommended this to me and I am glad they did.

As I am very curious I wanted to know more and found a book by Morton Walker called "Nature's Antibiotic , Olive leaf Extract" so I sent away for it.

By sheer coincidence I was in my local health shop yesterday and on the counter was a free booklet about Olive leaf Extract.. it is recommended for many things.

As you say horses for courses, I also suggest you ask your therapist about it.


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« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2014, 05:48:40 PM »

I have to admit to a secret yearning to try DHEA because of promising results from it in trials, although I haven't followed it up!

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)  is the precursor steroid to other compounds which convert to testosterone which itself can convert to estradiol. here is a diagram showing the pathways - very complex!

As Ju Ju says not enough reasearch has been done on this to demonstrate its effect and personally I think it would be unwise to take it on its own if not already on HRT. The reason is the doages have not been worked out for efficacy and safety, and if it converts to estradiol there is the potential to thicken the uterus lining so a progestogen might be needed.

A while ago there was a promising study and more work is needed.

I wrote a post on it somewhile ago and kept the info on my computer ( not sure where the thread is) so I will quote it here again:

Have done some reading on DHEA and there is an interesting and balanced article in the Mail Online about it here:

It is basically referring to a small study that was published in December with preliminary positive results on sex drive - but stating that much more research is needed with larger numbers of women, and especially longer term, to establish its safety, (and I presume also how you could ultimately ensure the right and safe balance of the 3 hormones if you continued with traditional HRT at the same time).

I would also want to see a transdermal preparation investigated too.

Here are some quotes from the article (including one from Dr Currie):

"The marketing of this supplement's effectiveness far exceeds its science', it reported.

‘The short-term effects of taking DHEA are still controversial and the possible harmful effects of long-term use are, as yet, unknown,' says Dr Sally Hope, a GP and member of the British Menopause Society.

Further, doctors are divided over whether DHEA supplements should now be considered a safe alternative to HRT (the hormone is sold in the U.S. as a food supplement but can be obtained in the UK only on a private prescription or bought online from overseas)."

"The U.S. Food And Drug Adminstration has sent warnings to a  large number of manufacturers of bioidentical hormones expressing concern about claims about safety,' says gynaecologist Dr Currie. ‘Sadly, marketing and promotion remain widespread.'  "

"WHO SHOULD TAKE IT? Experts recommend waiting until further evidence emerges before trying this product."

Most women would want to take it I imagine (like I would) for low libido and tiredness - ie the same reason as I would want testosterone - but there is no guarantee that it would convert to the right hormone!

Hope this helps

Hurdity x


Ju Ju

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« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2014, 08:22:18 PM »

Thanks for your post, Hurdity. My daughter-in-law's aunt is taking 200g a day following advice from an alternative therapist. She was desperate, hardly able to get up in the morning and is now able to run her own business with enthusiasm, but I do wonder about the long term effects of such a high dose. I assume she has weighed all this up and is prepared to take a risk.


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« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2014, 11:46:32 PM »

thanks ladies, ju ju  i was prescribed clonidine for flushes and headaches nothing else!  I find i can cope with these but it is the lack of motivation that bugs me! i get flickers and then it goes again.  DHEA is available in pharmacies and the lady who works there recommended it to me, she has been taking it for a few years with good results, she said to try the low dose first. 

Silverlady i will research the olive thank you.