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Author Topic: Heavy bleeding, what to do  (Read 8703 times)


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Heavy bleeding, what to do
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:34:46 PM »

Hi ladies, Im 54 and still having regular periods which have become so heavy its affecting my life. My doctor just says its your age and as I have anaemia he advised me to eat iron rich foods, thats it. Four weeks ago I had to have a total right hip replacement after a nasty fall from my horse. The day after surgery I had to have a blood transfusion, I was given three units as my blood count was so low. My surgeon told me he would write to my gp urging him to refer me to a gynacologist, so far nothing has been done. Im not even sure what can be done, Im loathe to have surgery. Today is day three of my period, I use tampax super plus with maternity towels and have had to change every half hour or so, I will probably get through at least sixty tampax each period. Is there anything I can do or take myself to ease my periods, would hrt help me, I live in a very rural village so changing my doctor is not really a viable option. Any ideas please :'(


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 09:00:50 PM »

Your GP is talking RUBBISH  :bang: and why couldn't the Surgeon ask the Gynea to visit you on the Ward  :cuss:

There is medication which will lessen heavy periods.  You *will* become anaemic if this isn't controlled  ::) and iron rich foods won't always cut it, you may need iron pills! 

How's the horse  ;)


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 09:10:19 PM »

You  need to ask your GP to refer you to a gynae for a scan to find out what is causing the heavy bleeding. It could be fibroids - in which case HRT is not always a good idea as the oestrogen can cause them to grow larger - or polyps. You may be suitable for an ablation procedure where the lining of the womb is lasered away. There is no need to put up with this.

How often are you having your periods and how long do they last?  I hope that you are now on iron tablets prescribed by the hospital?

Taz x


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2014, 02:32:01 PM »

As Taz says you should'nt have to put up with it there are so many options now and your doctor should have offered you some. Good grief can you imagine if this happened to men  :o   I was anemic too before I had total hysterectomy because of the prolonged heavy bleeds but even medication I'm sure would help you out. By the way there's a little herb called Tincture of Shepherds Purse you can buy at your Health Food shop, 5 drops in warm water can easy the flow with hours. Its a very gentle herb used for post partum bleeding, do;t know how I would have made it through had I not had some on hand. Good Luck and big hugs'S%20PURSE.aspx?activeIngredientId=51&activeIngredientName=SHEPHERD%27S+PURSE
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 11:38:23 PM by Annika »


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 05:34:10 PM »

Absolutely - I agree with Taz and Annika.

How dare your doctor send you away like that. of course you need to eat iron rich foods and take supplements with that amount of bleeding! Ablation sounds like a good idea

There is a whole section on bleeding problems on this website which tells you about the ablation procedure as well.

Then look at all the other tabs eg treatments:

I take Floradix herbal iron tonic which is very gentle, but as Taz you should be prescribed tablets with your circumstances.

You might also want to read about peri-menopause (this site) - although sounds like you haven't started yet if your periods are still regular!

Hurdity x


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2014, 03:25:43 PM »


I had very heavy bleeding peri-menopause due to fibroids (not suggesting you have these) and being a warfarin patient and it sometimes felt like I was keeping Johnson & Johnson in business with the amount of sanitary produce I got through every month!  I was prescribed iron by my GP for the anaemia and referred to a gyane consultant who offered me a procedure (successful I might add) for my fibroids. 

Your GP should not have fobbed you off like this.   Why has your heavy bleeding not been investigated?  You should IMHO been referred for investigation to confirm the reason for your heavy bleeding in the first instance, and then offered a solution.  Can you go back to your GP and insist that you are referred?

Badga xxx


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2014, 09:47:47 PM »

Your GP must help you.  I went to the doctor last autumn after bleeding very heavily for 3 weeks non stop, made life hell!  I'm 51 and perimenopause.  GP referred me for a ultrasound scan a few weeks later and then a follow up one as I've got a thicker lining than I should have though all feel will be due to hormones out of kilter (cycle is now 8-10 weeks apart and oestrogen probably not being countered by enough progesterone).  But also the scan was useful to show I had a fibroid and a polyp.  I've had gynae appt now and they need to now confirm it is endometrial hyperplasia and they will also take a biopsy to be sure at a second appt where if need be they will take out the polyp (they don't seem bothered about the fibroid at all!).  Also you can get a prescription for tranexamic acid tablets for heavy periods which can help slow the bleeding.  Like you I initially when found to be very low in ferritin 2 years ago was just told to take some extra iron but with that amount of bleeding your poor system can barely keep up. You don't need to go through such a horrid time when they can do something about it to help you.


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2014, 02:14:46 AM »

Its incredibly frightening to bleed that heavily isn't it. Why your doctor didn't at least prescribe tranexamic tabs to give you some immediate support. Don't suffer like that next episode, for me it just occurred few times before stopping completely.


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2014, 10:05:10 AM »

This is not right at all there are many things the gp could have suggested tranexamic acid tablets to try at first would stop the flow from being so bad,I went through this myself for a years I ended up with a hysterectomy I hope you get some help soon.


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2014, 11:25:28 PM »

Hi Rattymad

Totally understand, my periods were the same, I had an ablation approx 3 yrs ago. It worked great initially but periods did eventually come back.
My GP also gave me Tranemaxic Acid to help with the bleed as I am also anaemic because of heavy bleeding,it did help.
I've just started my period after 7 months and have been unable to move for the last seven hours due to pain in my back and legs.
I also have two fibroids both measuring 5-6cm and my GP says there is nothing else they can do too other than keep changing my HRT!
Like you I am getting to the end of my tether and don't quite know what else to do or how much longer I can put up with this for.
I really hope you get sorted soon.


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2014, 11:40:08 PM »

Have you considered hysterectomy Shellb. It must be miserable for you. While you are taking HRT I think that your fibroids will continue to grow as they are fed by oestrogen?

Taz x


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2014, 04:52:15 AM »

I know Taz, it's 4.45am and I've just woke up after four hours sleep in pain again!
As for the hysterectomy I am a little reluctant as I'm frightened that another huge change, especially a hormonal one may trigger my depression and exacerbate my anxiety and right now I'm not doing too bad. Oh well I don't expect to be working today !!!


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2014, 07:08:51 PM »

Having contributed to this thread I'm just wondering what are the options for ongoing heavy bleeding if you are anovulatory and only having periods every 8 and now 12 weeks which are very heavy for weeks at a time?  I'm just waiting for results of a hysteroscopy as my lining was thickened though consultant thinks it is all due to build up of lining  as hormones out of kilter and nothing sinister but has taken biopsy samples to check.  Now if all is well and my lining goes back to normal (I have a fibroid they are not worried about) will they allow me use tranexamic acid tablets to help if these type of periods continue (have a prescription ready from doc but they wanted to check everything was normal before I use anything).  What other options can they offer beyond that for such problems before things finally come to a halt? 


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2014, 04:48:51 PM »

Hi mary1962

Here are all the options listed on this site:

I have no experience of any of them but if you take a look and ask, all of them will have been tried by members on here so they will be able to share their experiences with you.

Hurdity x


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Re: Heavy bleeding, what to do
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2014, 01:11:58 PM »

Hi Mary

I had heavy periods a couple of years ago and Tranexamic Acid saved my life to be honest.  I couldn't leave the bathroom let alone the house.  They slowed the bleeding right down.

I took 3 tablets before I went to bed and I was light all night til I woke and it would start again til I took more tabs and it slowed again.  They are brilliant.

Shazzie xx
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