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Author Topic: Breast Problem  (Read 10858 times)


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Breast Problem
« on: March 08, 2014, 08:47:07 PM »

Hi everyone

I have been having a problem with my left breast for a few weeks now. Have examined myself but there is no lump. If I brush against something I feel a sharp pain but its not there all the time. Went to see my GP and he examined me and also said that he couldn't feel any lump and my Mammogram which was done last year was clear.  He asked me if I had changed my washing powder, as after the Menopause you skin can become sensitive but I said no and he said that if it was no better in a few weeks to come back to see him.

I thought that it may be caused by the lace on my bra rubbing my skin.  A few years ago I had a discharge from the opposite breast, that was diagnosed as Duct Ectasia and as I hit the Menopause it cleared up.

I don't know what is causing this pain but I am getting paranoid now about it being Cancer.  My Dad died of Cancer at 58yrs old and I am 58 later this month.  I know that I am probably being silly to think like that and I know that I must go back to see the GP as its now 6weeks since I have seen him.  I have Googled a few breast sites and some say that you can get Breast pain after the Menopause.

Has anyone had a similar problem?



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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2014, 09:03:03 PM »

Yep.  Like something was rubbing.  Or sharp nips like a hot needle was inserted from the outside in; or soreness from the inside out ……… I even kept looking to see if I had a piece of thread from a new jumper sticking in ………. or from a bra, but I hadn't worn one of those for years  ::)



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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2014, 09:20:14 PM »

Yes I've had that, usually around nipple area. I have it for a while, then goes of its own accord. I've checked myself, checked my bras etc etc. Nothing. Likewise mammograms been clear.


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 10:18:32 PM »

I haven't had similar symptoms (but I have had breast cancer).  It sounds like you're intending to go back to your GP and I would hope that a referral to the breast clinic at your local hospital would follow from that.  Anything different or new to you as regards your breasts should really be checked out thoroughly.  Chances are it's nothing sinister and it may be that the cause of the pain is never discovered but it sounds like it will help to put your mind at rest to have it investigated.     


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2014, 10:59:05 AM »

Its put my mind at rest a bit now, knowing that I am not the only one to suffer from this. Cubagirl and CLKD, did you see your GP with it and referred to the Hospital?

I do intend to see my GP again but its likely to be a least 2wks before I can see my own GP.  Much prefer to see him. The appointment system at our surgery is awful.

Like you say Cubagirl, it comes and goes, but I can feel no reason for it (no Lump).  Even got K to feel around and he cant feel anything and like you CLKD, I have checked my clothers to see if something is sticking in me because that is what it feels like.

My Sister has had cysts in her breast but has always founds lumps, and had to have them drained.

I would feel a lot happier knowing what is causing it.



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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2014, 12:22:48 PM »

I had the same thing as doc sent to see breast specialist who couldn't feel anything. He sent me for a mamagram and a scan. Both were clear.......
The pain lasted a few more weeks then disappeared.......So try not to worry.


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2014, 01:44:00 PM »

I've never had it checked. But have had it off/on for many years & have now had several mammograms, due to cysts, but nothing else has ever shown up. Just one of those annoying things, unfortunately.


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2014, 04:46:15 PM »

It was hormones for me.  I had breast disease in 1995 and it was a lump …….. no pain, no swelling, no itchiness: these sensations were different, like a nylon thread sticking into the skin ….


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2014, 07:00:12 PM »

Have tried wearing a seamless bra today and I must say that I have not felt it as much today but it is still there. I am going to ring the surgery tomorrow to try and get an appointment but I think I will have to wait about 2wks to see my GP.

I feel a lot better now knowing that other women have had this problem.  I am beginning to wonder if it is hormonal but I thought that all of the hormonal stuff finished when your periods finished. I haven't had a period for 4 years now.

Will have to see what the GP said.



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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2014, 06:43:45 PM »

You can see your Practice Nurse if it's quicker?  I had an inverted nippled 18 months ago but that is non-sinister too  ::)


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2014, 08:51:22 PM »

Phoned my surgery this morning and took 45 minutes to get through.  My GP is on Holiday until next week and everyone else was booked. Its so difficult to get an appointment with anyone including our Nurses.  Going to try 1st thing on Monday morning again

Today I have worn my seemless bra again and only felt the pain once. Seeing my Sister tomorrow so I am going to ask her if she will take a look to see if she can see anything abnormal.  She has had a lot of trouble with her own breasts.



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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2014, 08:55:53 PM »

Can you not make an appt for next week or the 1 after?  :-\    Let us know what your sister thinks!


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2014, 09:17:47 PM »

Do hope you manage to resolve this soon.

Excuse my bluntness but I am going to comment on the 'service' offered by your GP surgery...

Personally I think it is totally unacceptable to make anyone wait 45 minutes to get through to a GP surgery on the phone, whether it's Monday morning or not and the lack of available appointments is appalling.  I avoid ringing my surgery to make appointments by booking on-line - does your surgery offer this?  Honestly, I'd change GP practice pronto.


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2014, 09:46:58 PM »

CLKD, that's what I am hoping to see him next week.  Would rather see him, he has been my GP for over 25years and knows me.  When I had breast problems before, he acted so fast, phoned the hospital from his surgery and I was seen within a week.  So I would rather put my trust in him, even if I have to wait a couple of weeks to see him.

Tiger 74 - To be honest I think a lot of Surgeries are having the same problem.  A few of my friends do with theirs.  Our surgery do not offer online appointments, I wish they did.  I think the problem begin with ours when 5 local GP surgeries merged into one, so we are stuck with one big health centre and lots of patients.

I suppose this is due to all the NHS cuts.  What can we do ?

Mazzy :-\


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Re: Breast Problem
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2014, 10:38:15 PM »

Surgeries are a nightmare to get through to. One time I was phoning at 1.30pm, just as lunch break was over. On came automated message saying to try after 1.30pm. Again & again I tried. In sheer exasperation I marched down to surgery & told them what was going on. My need was not urgent, but it could have been. I got a cold apology. They knew I wasn't best pleased.

We can't do on line appointments either, more's the pity.

Hope you get it sorted soon mazzy, even if just to put your mind at ease.
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