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Author Topic: periods  (Read 5863 times)


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« on: February 17, 2014, 12:40:14 PM »

Hi im new to the site, for the past year I have been suffering symptoms and my periods in particular have gone haywire, the past 3 periods have been 3 weeks lasting 8 days heavier than they were but I wouldnt consider them very heavy, the problem is clots all the way through and very painful, I am only clear of bleeding for 2wks, before these 3 I missed a couple then I was 5 weeks  with just 3 days bleeding, but before xmas 2012 I was a regular 4 wks with a 4 day bleed for years, I suffer from hot sweats although not to bad yet and mood swings, tiredness and cant be bothered feelings are worse. I have been trying to put the thought of menopause to the back of my mind as im only 43, I was talking to my sister who is 53 and she had her last period at 48 and suffered for about 5yrs before that with symptoms although her periods weren't like mine, our mum had her last period at 50 but she has died now and dont know about any symptoms, I really wish this wasnt happening to me and its getting me quite down, I also ache a lot and just want to hide in bed if I dont have to go work,


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Re: periods
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 12:49:04 PM »

 :welcomemm:  your symptoms sound 'within normal limits'  ::) ……. have a browse of the menus, left of screen.  If your periods are getting you down and heavier than before, you may become anaemic.  Do you have a Practice Nurse you could chat with, maybe a Well Woman check - i.e. blood pressure, general over-haul, talk about how the Practice handles the Menopause …….

I was mid 40s when I went through peri-menopause  ::) ……..


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Re: periods
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 12:57:58 PM »

Thankyou for your reply, I had tests last summer everything came back as normal, but I will go again and see the nurse, im putting weight on aswell and I do try to lose it but it wont go, its the bleed thats worse its very clotty lots of them the size of 20ps, the pain is becoming horendous, do you think im begining the perimenopause?


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Re: periods
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 01:07:07 PM »

Sounds like it.  The Change can kind of creep up and then we realise that our bodies aren't behaving  >:(  ::) - we have a thread here somewhere about 'doing stupid things' - might give you a giggle and we have a funny 'room' too  ;)

I had clotting throughout my menstrual years <sigh> - heavy periods, lots of bleeding with clots, which went on often for 10-12 days; then a short break and it would start again, I had a 32 day cycle.  Only The Pill eased the pain.

Is it weight gain or is everything 'moving southward'?  I have lack of tummy tone due to the drop in oestrogen, generally though I haven't gain much weight - I was 7st 10lb for years, when my dog was poorly I went up to almost 9st  :o and it took 14 months to get back to 8st and a bit.  I borrowed a neighbour's puppy  ;)

What are you taking for the pain?


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Re: periods
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 01:23:11 PM »

Thanks I will have a look through, I am 12stone at the moment, I lose a stone then put it back on, but this past year I have struggled to get it off, its like my body doesn't want to part with it, I used to be a regular 9st for most my adult life, its awful not knowing if its happening or not, but ive never had any trouble with my periods till now , I have bought a few vitamin supplements for  now but I really dont know much about hrt, my mother had heart disease and died from a massive heart attack suddenly at 63, she never smoked and rarely drank, the docs have told me that it is hereditary so I try not to touch anything that risks the heart, thats the reason I worry about my weight aswell, im just scared of whats going on with me I guess


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Re: periods
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 01:27:43 PM »

We also worry more at this age  ::) ………. HRT can protect against heart disease, this is something you can talk to your Practice Nurse or local Pharmacist about.  Reading the menus, left of screen will help too.

You could also ask your GP to refer you to a Chest Consultant for a discussion unless he/she is looking at your general health regularly. 

Are you taking the supplements, I used to forget  ::).  Regular walking - briskly - can stave off osteoporosis, ladies find that yoga can be calming too.  Eating lightly and regularly can help and keeping hydrated: sometimes our bodies are thirsty but it is easier to mis-interpret that as hunger  ;), also we tend not to exercise as often at 'this age' …….. does your local Council run 'walking for health' ?  Walking with people can be relaxing.


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Re: periods
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 01:32:50 PM »

Hi Tilly - welcome to the forum.

Although the thought of menopause is not very nice you are in what is termed peri-menopause. The usual age for periods stop is thought to be around 50/51 (normal meno age) but peri happens for around eight to ten years before this so, you see, you are "normal".  Some women continue to have periods up to 56 and beyond while others stop at around 48ish.

The clots although painful are a good sign as it shows that your clotting mechanism is working and you are not likely to haemmorhage (sp?) which is always a worry when you are experiencing a heavy period because how do we know what is considered too heavy. I wonder if your GP would consider sending you for an ultrasound of the womb? It could be that you have fibroids which can cause pain and heavy bleeding/clotting.

Sorry to hear about your mum. As you know that your mum's condition is hereditary I take it you have had all the tests carried out and are on any appropriate medication? If not then it is unfair of your GP to tell you that you could have a hereditary disease and not be given appropriate support. HRT in the early years i.e. before the age of 51 is thought to protect the heart by the way.

Taz x


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Re: periods
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 01:33:59 PM »

Thankyou I will ring my practice now, yes I do get checkups once a year in the summer, I dont always remember to take the vitamins, which reminds me I must go and get them, thanks for your time its much appreciated


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Re: periods
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 01:39:14 PM »

Let us know how you get on!

Taz x  :)


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Re: periods
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 03:53:32 PM »

Hi tilly71

 :welcomemm: from me too

Just to add there is a really good article by Dr Heather Currie - the gynaecologist who runs this site, about the peri-menopause which explains what is going on in your body at this time.

And I agree with what's been said and what you are aware of - that as well as diet, weight loss and exercise are the best things you can do to protect your heart. Apologies if I am telling you what you know already but the British Heart Foundation has lots of excellent  information on this:

Hurdity x



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Re: periods
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 04:45:33 PM »

You shouldn't worry about clots. Often clots are the actual lining coming away. Many women think this is clotted blood but in fact it's tissue. Other clots are blood that has clotted when it has 'sat' in the vagina, ( if you aren't using tampons). Having clots during a period is not necessarily a sign that anything is wrong.

I'd leave off the vitamins really. It's more important to get the right nutrients through diet- there has been a lot of publicity in the press recently about vitamins and the opinion from many drs and researchers is they are a complete waste of money, unless you have a restricted diet for some reason.


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Re: periods
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 05:12:34 PM »

Thanks for the articles on perimenopause, a lot of things seem to fall into place now, I will look into hrt but I thought it was bad for the heart, so thanks for that advice,..... I have bought menopace and a few other vitamins I was also thinking of st. Johns wort, im not sure if its bad for me to take so much.....


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Re: periods
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2014, 05:27:05 PM »

You should not take St Johns Wort unless you are really ( genuinely) depressed. It can interact with many common medicines so you would need to keep checking the packets of any drugs you were on.



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Re: periods
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2014, 05:45:14 PM »

Ok thanks, dont think im depressed just down and stressed , a little tearful, a lot of its to do with my teens  driving me daft, they all seem to think life revolves around them


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Re: periods
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2014, 04:43:11 PM »

Hi, just to let you know I have a scan booked for 21st march, my gp says my womb is enlarged and thinks fibroids are to blame, my latest period isnt clotty and I wonder if its the menopace ive been taking for 11 days now?? Not as heavy either, im still feeling tired though and not sleeping very well, ive had a few flushes but not to bad, I just need to stand out in the cold for a minute in a tshirt and it goes away, im quite tearful a lot of the time. I miss my daughter a lot though, she went to live at uni nearly 6 month ago, I just cant get used to it.  I think my doctor is sick of seeing me, ive been a lot this past year, she says I read the internet to much!!
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