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Author Topic: stomach problem  (Read 13854 times)


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stomach problem
« on: February 16, 2014, 12:37:39 PM »

hi ladies, ive not been on here for a while seemed like i was always moaning about my health and was getting quite fed up with myself, but decided to come on this morning to see if anyone can help me make sense of my latest health issue  :)
The day before christmas eve i started feeling really sick and a terrible taste in the mouth, thought it was a bug, but i carried on for 4 weeks, i went to gp and he said it could be h pylori bacteria, he didnt test just gave me the eradication treatment, 2 lots of antibiotics and lansoprosil for a week, didnt get tested to see if i had still got it ( if i ever did) it was a terrible week felt awful but got through it, next on the agenda was camera down the throat had that done last week and the dr. told me there and then that there was nothing sinister, i have a small hiatus hernia, and he told me to stop taking omeprazole every day and just take them as and when.
Well obviously i was relieved there is nothing serious BUT although the sickness has eased a little my stomach is burning with acid, i am eating very little because everything tastes like metally and iam not sure what to do about it, i have gone back to taking the omeprazole thinking it will heal my tummy but if there are no ulcers there to heal ??  I havent got a clue where to go from here i dont no anything about  hiatus hernia and the doctor said it was very small so think he assumes it isd not causing problems.   thanks for listening   kerrie


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 01:07:19 PM »

Hiatus hernia are common in ladies of our age.  If the medication is no longer working for you, try Milk of Magnesia ……… HH can cause heartburn and reflux particularly when we lay down.  That can cause the altered taste.

Have a look at your diet and when you eat.  Maybe your heavier meals earlier in the day and light snacks in the evening? for 4 weeks to see if it helps.  Acidic foods can create more acid in the gut. 

Also a good probiotic drink/tablets can ease symptoms

Ju Ju

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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2014, 01:31:41 PM »

I follow the advice to never eat after 8 in the evening and to eat little, but often. In other words, smaller portions, but more meals or snacks. Avoid eating junk food and refined sugar. Helps with weight loss too.


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2014, 02:28:30 PM »

thanks ladies clkd do you think the omeprazole can stop working then ? i have been on and off ppi  for years different ones for acid tummy but now they dont seem to be doing anything, although i wonder if all the anti biotics i was on for h pylori has really upset my stomach although i was quite surprised i didnt  get the runs.
I have been eating very little but often mainly slices of toast with manuka honey as i cant taste anything everything tastes like metal.
Do you think milk of magnesium would be strong enough to stop the acid if omeprazole isnt stopping it?


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2014, 04:20:37 PM »

For years and years I had terrible acid stomach problems. I started off on Zantac and over the years had to take stronger and stronger PPIs. Eventually a consultant told me that some of the problems that I was having were being caused by the pills I was taking. I think it was the over use of PPIs that triggered my IBS. Basically the consultant told me that my stomach was forgetting how to function properly.
I went to an alternative practitioner and stopped all medication in favour of a natural approach.
It was not easy to start with but with time and patience I got there. It's not perfect but I now have a normal diet and if I do get an acidy attach then Zantac sorts the problem. The alternative practitioner that I consulted is quite famous and also has a help line staffed by very informed people who can advise over the phone. I have to say they will also sell you stuff and post it off to you.

If you want the details I can pm you.

The only advice I can give is never to sleep lying down with a hiatus hernia. Always prop up the top of the bed.



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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2014, 05:15:29 PM »

hi honeybun, i feel very confused and i have suffered like you for years with acid but never been so nauseous and horrible tasting mouth its been constant now for about 7 weeks, iam wondering if i did maybe have h pylori bacteria and all the anti biotics cleared it but have really upset my stomach because i didnt have all this burning pain when the sickness started before christmas, it was pain in the shoulder blade and sickness, but now its my stomach.
feel a bit scared to stop the ppi in case i develop an ulcer from all this acid
the other strange thing to me is that it doesnt affect me at night when i lie down
I have come off ppi and cimeitidine type pills my self several times over the years and always been put back on them, not sure what to do for the best, i finshed all the antibiotics a week last thursday x


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2014, 05:41:34 PM »

Whenever my stomach is bad I get a horrible taste in my mouth that I think is coming from my stomach.

You really need to go back to your GP. There are a range of pills that you can take to manage your condition. I think one of the stronger ones that worked for me for a while was Nexium.

Go back and ask. Meanwhile try adjusting your diet. All white foods for a couple of weeks. Fish, chicken, and rice mainly. Give your tummy a rest. You can buy aloe Vera juice from the health shop which is very soothing and that may help too. Stay away from milk and milk products, they are very acidy.



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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2014, 06:13:45 PM »

surprised to hear that milk is acidic, i have been drinking it instead of tea or coffee as i thought it was better for lining the stomach :(
Wondering, as the consultant said the hernia did not need treatment,  could the acid and pain have anything to do with ibs ? going to the loo has been awful as it a bit like pellets (sorry) it bulks up if i take fybogel but iam not sure if the fybogel adds to the acidity in my stomach i feel it does at times
The other thing i have been given is mottillium when i was really feeling sick, does anyone think i may be better with those than the fybogel
Sorry for all the questions but this has been going on for about 7 weeks now and iam getting more stressed than i normally am


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2014, 07:14:50 PM »

Fybogel  :sick02:  ………. Motillium acts by moving food through the stomach and gut quicker. It is an anti-sickness medication.  Eases transition. I was advised to swallow it within the hour of eating my main meals: I had to take 3 pills to get a result : as it would then begin to ease food through therefore allowing space for the next meal = less bloating.

Milk is given for people with ulcers  ;) full fat mind you, not any of this diluted stuff ……

Try giving your stomach a rest for 24 hours but drink water rather than juices - stop the Omeprazole and as Honeybun suggested, try white rice with steamed chicken/fish - eat more often.  Dry toast - no butter ;-).  Local bought honey eases gut problems ……… a teaspoon several times daily if you don't fancy anything else. 

HiPylori can only be diagnosed by a sample taken from the gut ;-)


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2014, 07:16:21 PM »

I did a google  ::)

"It's easy to get confused about whether milk is an acid or a base, especially when you consider that some people drink milk or take calcium to treat an acidic stomach. Actually, milk has a pH of around 6.5 to 6.7, which makes it slightly acidic. Some sources cite milk as being neutral since it is so close to the neutral pH of 7.0. Milk contains lactic acid, which is a hydrogen donor or proton donor. If you test milk with litmus paper, you'll get a neutral to slightly acidic response.  .. "

Goats milk is however, 'different' so you may get on better with goat products.


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2014, 07:34:42 PM »

Milk,yogurt, cheese can cause excess acid. Really don't know why but it does.

For lining the stomach, porridge is very good made with water. I always have it in the morning when my stomach is bad.

Metroclopramide is really the best for speeding up transit and stopping sickness. It's what they give you before an anaesthetic and also along with morphine to stop you being sick. It empties the stomach very quickly. It's prescription only though.

Drink plenty of water and until you get new meds, take your pill just before bed as the stomach makes a lot of acid during the night.

Your bowel problems sound like IBS to me.

Make that appointment. Write down all your symptoms and discuss with your GP.



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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2014, 07:59:04 PM »

the milk thing is confusing, i will give it a miss for a while, also the fybogel, i do have ibs the constipation type, i will give the motillium a chance for a few days
i have been wondering if all this has been brought on by stress, i am always anxious and before christmas i was getting very stressed, thats when the sickness and pain in the shoulder came about, then being sent for scan for gallbladder which came back clear so did my full bloods so i was worrying what else is could be as my mom had stomach cancer so did my grandad, so then came the endoscopy which has thank god been shown clear apart from a small hiatus hernia, finally a close friend of my partner has been diagnosed with bowel cancer at 45 and they have told him to look at 2 years, so ladies is it possible that i have stressed myself into this problem  :-\


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2014, 09:06:23 PM »

You need to take a list to your GP.

You will need to take Motillium regularly i.e. every day within an hour before your main meal for at least 4-5 weeks before you notice a difference ;-)

Drink plenty of water.  Helps ease bowel movements, don't wait until thirsty ……… drink regularly.

I have twice done a bowel test kit and both times it has been OK.  Talk to your GP!


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2014, 09:22:58 PM »

been looking at side effects from omeoprazole and 1 of the main ones is stomach ache, so as the consultant said to take it as and when iam going to leave it off and see how it goes, when you say you did a bowel test kit clkd, did you buy it or have it done through the gp ? iam not really stressing about that side of things just want the tummy to settle down and the taste to go out of my mouth, so as you ladies are saying iam going to give my tummy a rest  :)


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2014, 09:41:38 PM »

You could try some Zantac. It is an older fashioned pill with less side effects.

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