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Author Topic: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help  (Read 9903 times)


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Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« on: February 11, 2014, 05:44:53 PM »

Hi All
I'm so pleased to discover a forum like this and would appreciated any advice, experiences or your opinions. I am at the end of my tether with consultants and doctors I have seen and really could do with other opinions.

I'm an 51 year old woman who had one ovary removed in my late 20s and second ovary I'm my early 30s. I have been on HRT since but for the past three and a half years I have experienced severe abdominal pain and persistent heavy bleeding which has now resulted in fibroids which were discovered after a scan. Does anyone know if I were to have my womb removed would I still experience pain,bleeding and menopausal symptoms as I am now having all three because my consultant has stopped my HRT.

Thank you for reading, Rosie


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 06:09:11 PM »

Oh poor you- sounds like a rough ride.

Oestrogen causes fibroids to grow- sometimes. Mine hasn't- it's stayed small.
A close friend of mine has a large fibroid and heavy bleeding so her consultant took her off Oestrogel and put her onto Tibolone which builds bone ( she has a high risk of osteoporosis) but does not make fibroids grow.

If you have a hysterect. then you won't have periods , pain or fibroids, but you would probably still be wise to consider HRT for your overall health and meno symptoms. Having your uterus removed does not mean you won't have meno symptoms- that's down to lack of oestrogen.

You could be offered the Mirena as part of HRT which would stop the bleeding and do away with the need for a major operation.

Can you change consultants? If they aren't offering you these options they don't seem to be up to speed!

« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 06:11:26 PM by Sarah2 »


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2014, 06:14:44 PM »

Hello and welcome osier
You poor thing - what a tough time you're having. I'm not sure i can be of any real help but if you aren't on HRT and still getting bleeding and pain I would be rather concerned.  Are the doctors suggesting a hysterectomy is the way to go?  One way or another the meno symptoms could continue for some time - everyone is different so there is no way of knowing when these will subside! I suspect the HRT may have caused fibroids (which can happen) which could be the reason for the bleeding and pain and so further HRT would not be advisable a the moment. I think I'm right in assuming that without your ovaries you would not have been producing hormones so you needed the HRT to protect your heart and bones for the long term.   At 51 you are at the normal age to go through the menopause so you could see if the meno symptoms subside over the next few months. However, if you do have a hysterectomy I doubt you would have pain and bleeding but you may then be able to have oestrogen to help with the meno symptoms.  Hysterectomy is a major operation and can bring other complications so you need to discuss your options fully with your doctors so you can make an informed decision. Hopefully ladies who have experienced a hyster will be along with advice and help.  Keep us posted about your progress.  We're here to support you.  DG xx


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 06:20:16 PM »

I assumed- rightly or wrongly !!- that the bleeding was happening right at the end of taking HRT as a withdrawal bleed? It can be heavy with fibroids.
HRT doesn't usually make fibroids develop if they weren't there in the first place but it can make them grow.

Your dr should have helped you come off HRT slowly over 3-6 months at least.
Stopping overnight is never advised.

Was this not suggested?


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 07:03:26 PM »

I assumed- rightly or wrongly !!- that the bleeding was happening right at the end of taking HRT as a withdrawal bleed? It can be heavy with fibroids.
HRT doesn't usually make fibroids develop if they weren't there in the first place but it can make them grow.

Your dr should have helped you come off HRT slowly over 3-6 months at least.
Stopping overnight is never advised.

Was this not suggested?

I think like me Rosie was already experiencing bleeding from the combo of HRT and fibroids.  I did ask my GP about stopping the HRT gradually, but she said I really needed to stop them straightaway in an attempt to stop the bleeding.  I stopped taking it nearly 3 weeks ago and did indeed have a heavy withdrawal bleed which is only now slowing down..... >:(  She told me this bleeding could go on for up to 6 weeks!  :o

Only advice I can give is hang on in there, the bleeding will hopefully stop soon.


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 07:12:40 PM »

The other option with heavy bleeding is to increase the amount of progesterone to control the bleeding.

What options have you been offered Rosie?


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2014, 08:10:36 PM »

Many thanks everyone for your replies and advice. I was taken off the HRT over a period of 2 months but only because my dr suggested this time frame. The consultant at the hospital wanted me to come off it in 2 weeks but my dr felt that was too soon. It isn't a withdrawal bleed though as it is the same pattern that I've been experiencing for the past couple of years. When I asked the consultant about removing my womb all he would say was that it wouldn't be in my best interest and wouldn't elaborate any more only to say because it wouldn't when my husband asked. I get such bad pain in my tummy and lower back and some days it really puts me out of action. This has gone on so long now that I really wonder what I'm going to do if I have bad menopausal symptoms as well as this happened when my HRT was stopped a few years ago. The consultant thinks that as my age has reached the 50s now I should hopefully be not suffering with all these symptoms. So we shall wait and see. Thank you again everyone I will keep you informed and any more advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2014, 08:37:43 PM »

It's a bit laughable ( not really) that he thinks it should all be over by 51! What planet are some drs on? There is another post on another thread here by a woman age 67.

Can you ask for a 2nd opinion and see another consultant- the one you are seeing sounds a bit hopeless really.

At the very least he ought to explain why a hysterectomy was not advised. If someone said that to me I'd ask why and keep asking them until the explained.

What I don't understand is why you are bleeding so much when you don't have any ovaries? It must be the HRT/fibroids, but that doesn't mean that there is no HRT that would suit.

Do you know about the Mirena coil?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 08:07:58 AM by Sarah2 »


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2014, 09:38:36 PM »

I did try the mirena but it didn't work for some reason. I have thought about a 2nd opinion at a different hospital as well but I thought I would see how I go for a couple of months and see if this consultant was right or not. At the moment he isn't because I still have pain, bleeding, backache and now the flushes have started up again and I have only just finished the HRT.


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2014, 10:12:39 PM »

osieb - I think Sarah2 is right - you need a second opinion.  If the bleeding and pain are causing so much trouble then this should be addressed.  If your menopause symptoms are also having an impact on your quality of life then you should certainly be given some options.
It sounds as though your GP is quite sensible as he/she told you to withdraw from HRT over a longer time than the consultant. Perhaps you need to discuss things with your GP?  Your consultant sounds very 'old school'.  Good luck  DG x


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2014, 06:58:19 PM »

Sorry to hear what you are experiencing Osieb it sounds like your going through a rough time of it. I had a total hysterectomy two years ago because of fibroids,ovarian cysts and constant bleeding leading to anemia etc., I remember having constant bladder pressure and the urge to go to the loo, pain the in the side almost constantly for years and wonder now how on earth i put up with it. Finally after bleeding for 6 months straight i went in and had a hysterectomy and for me it gave me back an enjoyable life free from pain and worry. I know its not for everybody and there are other options available and i wish you the best whatever you decide and which direction you go. Hope you can get things sorted with your GP, have you asked for a hysterectomy or was it just never suggested?  Best of luck Osieb and big hugs xx


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2014, 08:53:14 PM »

Hi Annika thank you so much for sharing your story. Your symptoms were almost identical to mine as I too have constant pain in my left side and I too keep having to pee often. My longest bleed without a break was 62 days then after about 4 days stopping I started again. That was last year and since then I had a break for about 6 weeks but now I bleed every couple of weeks. I have asked for a total hysterectomy but I have been refused so I am considering going to a different hospital to see a different consultant. My dr has put me on amitryptiline tablets now to hopefully control the pain. I have worked up slowly to 5 tablets of 10mg per night but other than making me really tired and slight dryness of the mouth they haven't done anything for the pain. I am due to see my dr again next week and I know she is going to suggest a month of a different medication but I am going to tell her that I don't only want to be pain free but drug free as well. I will keep you posted and thanks again xx


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2014, 09:19:39 PM »

I do feel for, I  had multiple fibroids my stomach was so swollen that I couldent fit into any of my clothes.I was on northisterone for a year I had to take three a day with no break because the bleeding was so bad, I did have to have a full abdominal hysterectomy in the end and it was the best thing I did I had no quality of life with the constant periods If they do say for you to have the op I would have it. It takes a few months to get over it but really worth it .Good luck.


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2014, 10:05:54 PM »

Thank you anjia so glad that you are well again now and thank you for your advice xx


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Re: Pain, bleeding and fibroids... Please help
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2014, 10:43:35 PM »

I had constant pain & bleeding in my 30s, caused by fibroids & cysts. Solution was a hysterectomy which I had done in my mid 30s. They left my ovaries, only to remove them 10 years later. To get relief from constant pain & bleeding was amazing! No regrets.

You need to ask for a gynae referral again. Maybe ask a friend if they know of good gynae consultant. Ask why they feel it's not the right thing for you.  I feel for you. I remember the constant pain, made me so grumpy with hubby & kids.

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