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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: New joiner  (Read 3465 times)


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New joiner
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:28:09 AM »


I've just found this site and it's much more positive and informative and humourous than anything else I've found on the internet so thanks for that! I was getting really depressed with what I'd been reading on other sites. I'm 57 and just as I thought I'd been through the worst of the menopause HRT free I've been introduced to the delights of the UTI. Oh joy. I'd never heard that that they are fairly common when the vagina walls and surrounding 'bits' deteriorate. The doc recommended Vagifem and I picked up the prescription but when I read the poss side effects I went into a panic. I might be shallow but what stood out for me was the possible hair loss. My hair isn't particularly my crowning glory but at the moment it's still on my head and I'd like it to stay there! Has anyone any experience of Vagifem and side effects. I did start using the Vagifem on Saturday as the UTI was really biting and I was shaking with fear, coward that I am. So far so good on side effects - I have a metalic tingling on the tongue and slight dizzyness when I get up too fast but nothing too awful. Nice to ask people who have been thru similar and worse to me. Cheers Chickbits


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Re: New joiner
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 10:36:54 AM »


I've possibly still got those delights to come. On HRT, albeit weaning myself off.

Can't comment on your symptoms, but there are lots of ladies on here who can. We're a good bunch & always enjoy some hood banter.  :)


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Re: New joiner
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2014, 10:51:33 AM »

Chickbits - Hello and Welcome
Don't panic!!!! Initially you may get a few stomach cramps or even a bit of spotting but this is normal. The amount of oestrogen in Vagifem is very, very small and, in fact, for many of us too weak.  The absorption into your system is really, really negligible and the side effects in the leaflet are the same as for full HRT which is silly!!!! ;D 
Many of us on here are using Vagifem and I'm finding, after 3 months, I'm still getting those terrible burning/ Cystitis type symptoms - its' truly horrible. It can take many months for the whole area to come alive having been starved of oestrogen but I'm hoping it will eventually work.  I was on full HRT for many years thinking it was enough to keep atrophy at bay but now realise I needed local oestrogen as well.
There are a few threads that cover this issue so dip into these and soak up the info. I am trying D-Mannose (teaspoon everyday) on the advice of the COB foundation when I rang them.  This is supposed to help reduce the chance of infection taking hold in the bladder.  Time will tell if this helps as well.
You could also use a gel like Mulit-gyn Actigel to help keep the vaginal area more acidic and reduce the risk of bacteria taking hold and speeding - I find it quite soothing after the initial slight stinging.
I'm sure others will be along with thoughts and advice.  Keep us posted about your progress.
DG x


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Re: New joiner
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2014, 02:03:35 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl and cubagirl and thank you for being so welcoming and reassuring. I'm glad you told me that Dgirl as funnily enough I'm having some cramping and spotting as of yesterday. At least the drugs are working! Heat pads help but trying to walk around with one strapped to your belly isn't wildly attractive. It's not so bad really. I am a bit tired and heady but I'm trying to ignore it and hope it all calms down eventually. My V is tingling like mad. I made my partner laugh when he asked what it felt like. I asked if he'd seen the Frankenstein film when the monster gets an electric current and sits up. It's what I would imagine how he felt, but on a much much smaller scale and in a localised area. Frankenvag? :o I'm sympathetic with you getting the cystitis symptoms. It's so draining and makes you feel down at times. Last night was the first time I'd slept thru the night from midnight until 6 - I was so tired with getting up for a pee every hour and then lying awake half the night with pains. I hope yours settles down soon and you get some relief. I've got the D mannose tabs - not sure if they work for me though as the results weren't as good as I had read. Maybe with the Vagifem they will have extra back up. I'll have a look at the Actigel thanks for the tip. Cubagirl hope you are weaned soon and no further problems. Is there a time when you can stop HRT and be 'normal'? I'm pretty vague on this as I've never considered HRT before so I'm on a steep learning curve. Nice chatting to you and thanks again for replying Chickbits x


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Re: New joiner
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2014, 02:32:17 PM »

 :welcomemm:  have a look in the search area ..... put in your symptoms and you'll see what others have found!


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Re: New joiner
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2014, 05:19:52 PM »

The local oestrogen treatment may have to be ongoing as the Atrophy will come back if you stop using it.  If you are using full HRT it's just a matter of weaning yourself off when you feel the time is right.  I tried coming off HRT when I was 49, persevered for 3 years and then went back on.  I came off HRT 3 moths ago for a second try (I'm now 57) and it's been much better this time - I think my body has adjusted better for some reason!!!!!!  It's just the wretched burning urethra that is a problem!  DG x


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Re: New joiner
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2014, 05:47:48 PM »

Hi chickbits

 :welcomemm: from me too

Just to add that as dancinggirl says any side effects will subside and especially once the initial "loading" period is over.

Your doctor will have advised you I presume to use once per night for at least two weeks ( sometimes longer) and then twice a week thereafter. What this does is, it plumps up the vaginal tissues so they are healthy again. During the loading period more estrogen is absorbed into the system because your vaginal tissues are so thin, but once they are plumped up, absoprtion is minimal and you should feel no side effects and begin to reap the benefit as dancinggirl says!

Vaginal atrophy is due to oestrogen deficiency and is often one of the later symptoms of post-menopause ( some get it while peri!). It will return if you stop treatement so most of us who use it are on vaginal oestrogen for life. It doesn't count as full HRT - but is a local treatment because it is only directed at the vagina/bladder.

Some of us are also on full HRT for the long term - while we can - eg I'm 60 and still on it.

Hurdity x
