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Author Topic: Any one using Estring?  (Read 7386 times)


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Any one using Estring?
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:02:16 PM »

Hi there.  I've been using Vagifem (2 times a week) plus a little Ovestin in between for 3 months now.  My burning urethra was slightly better for a few weeks but for the last 2 weeks things have been really bad again.
I know it can take up to a year for things to improve (I've read some of the research papers) especially as I've had this burning on and off for over 10 years now.  I've been on Full HRT since my 30s, had a 3 year break aged 49 - 52 and then went back on for next 4 and half years. Came off Full HRT, for a break, when I started the Vagifem and my flushes etc haven't been too bad - so I'm really surprised to say I'm not in a hurry to go back on!!!!!
I'm wondering if I should try the Estring - can anyone give me feedback about this?
DG x


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 06:21:19 PM »

Hi DancingGirl - I think there are a few users of this but not that many which is why you probably haven't had a response yet!

Have you tried doing a search? There are some recent experiences on this thread:,140.0.html

I have wondered about using this myself but wondered if I might sneeze it out having had 4 children! Also using Utrogestan vaginally  - the Estring instructions say it can't be used with othe vaginal preparations.

Having said that I use Vagifem when I am taking utrogestan vaginally - the former in the mornings. It does give a higher dose of estradiol - I think equivalent to the 25 mcg Vagifem pessaries maintenance dosage. From memory about 7 mcg per day.

This probably isn't what you are after but hope it helps anyway!

Hurdity x


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 09:16:42 PM »

Thanks hurdity. I've been looking at some the research done on oestrogen locally for va & one finding was that many women did better with & preferred the estring - i'mparophrasing. I have been emailing with ancient runner & she is doing well with estring - less irritation than with vagifem or ovestin! Maybe estring would help improve things quicker ? I'm going to discuss with practise nurse. Dgx

ancient runner

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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 11:13:44 AM »

Hello all
Dancinggirl's prompted me to share experiences of the estring. Background is that I am perimenopausal, had picknmix periods for the past year or so but not really any other problems to speak of -- except really awful cystitis/burning/itching soreness in vagina and vulva. This started big time about a year ago and (thanks to a lot of googling and help from this site) I worked out what the problem was and have been going backwards and forward to the GP trying ever-stronger creams and then the Vagifem. Nothing worked all that well once it was on maintenance dose -- couldn't sit on a chair most days, haven't had a hot bath or swum much over the last year, etc). Got estring just before Christmas and it's been much better than anything else has.
*you get a constant dose of 7.5 micrograms a day
*I can't feel it's there, though I spent the first day wriggling just to see if I could
*things are a lot more stable. I've had the odd burning episode but usually close to urethra or at base of bladder -- so have started adding a smear of Ovestin outside twice a week
* I'm not up and down on a three-day cycle like I was on vagifem/ovestin
* was getting more spotting with ovestin/vagifem

HOWEVER I have had three periods over that time and the VA always feels better/normal at that point in what I laughingly call my cycle. So it is possible that some of the improvement is due to that.
Regardless, I'd say the estring is brilliant. If you have VA problems and other options aren't working well for you it is well worth a try.

ancient runner

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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 11:27:37 AM »

One final thing -- I have had three kids and the Estring shows no sign of falling out. Hurdity, you're probably fine!


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2014, 04:57:14 PM »

 I tried estring in past 3 years ago BEFORE I was on hrt. It was better, but still had burning then. You don't feel it after a day or so. I have had 3 kids too and no worries about it falling out. I have an Rx of it coming in mail....I was going to wait until my appt in March, but the doc had sympathy for me so I am getting it early.  I have been off the vagifem now since November, occasionally using one here or there and to be frank, I can't really tell any difference.  I just don't think it was enough for me or took too long to dissove. My last blood levels my progesterone (incidentally) was low. I was taking 100mg every night sublingual and now am taking 150mg every night sublingual for about 2 wks. It seems the VA is better....I know this doesn't really make sense, but I don't care. I can now go at least a day or so without the awful burning. Looking forward to trying the estring again!

ancient runner:  in peri when my periods came back for a while, the VA always disappeared until I missed periods for at least 3 mo again. It was the only symptom I had at the time.


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2014, 05:01:11 PM »

Good luck Andius - keep us posted about your progress.  DG x


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2014, 10:05:25 AM »

Saw practice nurse yesterday afternoon to discuss ongoing problems with burning urethra etc. it was a good session.  She examined me and said I have a small cystocele and thickening of the vaginal wall by the bladder.  She took a vaginal swob to send off to check for infection etc. and also tested a urine sample which showed it contained blood!!!!  Was given another pot to do a morning urine sample to be sent off for testing but no antibiotics as, apart from the usual burning, I wasn't having any other symptoms. Well, soon after I went to bed last night the burning increased and the urge to pee was dreadful - lost count of the times I went for a pee by 1am. Switched on the bathroom light to try and find painkillers at 3am and noticed the pee in the loo was pink!!!!  Infection had really taken hold.
This morning I was given a 3 day course of Trimethoprim which I hope will do the trick. 
She's going to do some more tests next week in case there are other factors that are causing this burning and infection.
For the time being I'm just going to use Vagifem 3 times a week until the infections have all cleared and they have a better idea of what's going on.  Then, if I'm still uncomfortable, I'll try the Estring.    Sleepless night and sore fanny - I feel very sorry for myself. 

ancient runner

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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2014, 01:46:30 PM »

Andius -- sounds very familiar, and that's what concerns me a bit!


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2014, 01:20:02 AM »

Got the Estring in late last week and waited till Saturday FEB 1 to put it in ( so easier to remember the 90 day count).  I felt it for the first few hours and went to bed.  After that, I have not been able to feel it.

Late last night I started having a little burning outside on inner labia.  Inspection showed some redness but no swelling and no discharge.  Today I am burning there ALL day. Do not want to wee, because it burns more! This is outside mainly although my urethra is feeling a little iffy. My patch was changed on Monday night. This feels like a day after I used to use the vagifem. It would get better by third day, then come back when I used it again.  That is why I drastically reduced using it.

I am at a loss here. Can anyone describe what having TOO MUCH local estrogen feels like?...or have any suggestions? I know if I call the doctor they will say to just take the estring out and I may end up doing that but thought I would check with you ladies first.


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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2014, 09:57:37 AM »

Hi Andius
I haven't tried the Estring yet as I think it is still early days using Vagifem for me.  I started this thread in the hope of finding more ladies who have tried it and hear their experiences. 
Like you, I seem to get some irritation with the Vagifem - during the first 2 week load up I felt irritation all the time. When I reduced down to x2 per week the burning urethra came back with a vengeance.  Last week I did have a UTI which was horrible and had to have antibiotics which I really don't like taking as it can result in thrush which causes more problems!!  When you have ongoing burning it's very difficult to know what is 'just burning' or whether it's a UTI brewing???!!!!
The irritation I get from the Vagifem feels like a tingling as though blood is circulating more and therefore things are coming back to life but any relief from burning I get, by day 2, quickly wears off and the burning returns.  This is why I'm wondering if the Estring might be better as it gives continuous oestrogen.  I'm not on full HRT now so, for you, the local oestrogen is an extra.

The redness would indicate to me that there might me something else, like flora imbalance or infection/thrush, going on?!! Do you think you could have a bacterial infection or thrush?  Have you tried using some of the pessaries or gel for treating this you can get at the chemist?

The thing is, even if you are on HRT and using extra local oestrogen the level of oestrogen in your body would probably still be less than when we were young and ovulating - I could be wrong about this. Ancient runner is the only lady at the moment who seems to be using Estring on this site. My logic is telling me the burning is a combination of issues many of which are a mystery.
If i were you I'd try some of the BV gels.  Keep us posted. DG x

ancient runner

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Re: Any one using Estring?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2014, 12:34:50 PM »

Andius, I had awful cystitis-like symptoms on the two occasions I tried vagifem x 2  so I see what you're asking. It might be that your labia isn't used to getting consistent oestrogen yet and things are a bit unsettled. I think I would persevere but perhaps treat locally for thrush as well. I've had a few ups and downs using the estring but in general it is so much better than the alternatives, and it did take a while to settle well. I've kept a diary and it looks as though I've had one or two bouts of burning since using it which have generally lasted a day and then gone (i am peri though so hormones there but erratic). I have taken to using a smear of ovestin outside to make sure the oestrogen is getting there as well, and I think that helps. Am also using Sylk, which is a kiwi-based lubricant, just to make sure no friction in the area.

Good luck. I'd persevere rather than calling the doc just yet.