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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3509 times)


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« on: January 21, 2014, 07:58:06 AM »

Hi everyone

I stumbled across this great website by accident whilst trying to learn a bit more about menopausal symptoms so thought I'd sign up and introduce myself.  I am 52 and trying to go through the menopause without any medication.

I had a total hysterectomy in my late teens and was immediately given HRT via implant. This was administered roughly every six months until I was 46 and worked extremely well. I then changed location and found a new consultant to do this; he retired and another took over who immediately insisted that I have a blood test (which had never been done before) so he could check my oestrogen levels before he would do it.  I of course agreed, expecting the level at that point to be quite low as it was nearing the end of the 6 months - much to my horror and disbelief the results came back with an exceptionally high level of oestrogen in my blood.

I couldn't understand this as I knew when the levels were getting low, let's face it I'd had many years of experience. It now seems likely that this was due to a condition known as tachyphylaxis, this apparently meant that the frequency of implant needed to be maintained even though the level of oestrogen are actually high enough - it's like an artificial 'high'. So effectively one implant was being inserted before the other had actually run out.   We agreed to leave it until the levels dropped and at that point I decided to switch to tablets.

I found that the tablets (PremPak C) were not as effective so stopped taking them three years ago when I  decided that it was time to let nature take its course. Since then I have been having frequent hot flushes and mood swings, libido is virtually non existent - all of which irritate my OH immensely. When I have a hot flush he simply suggests I might feel better if I take my clothes off ... you can imagine where that one's going lol!

As for the mood swings, well that leads to arguments making my temper even shorter. My memory is definitely not as good as it was or at least according to my OH (personally I think he has an imaginary friend that he tells things to and then swears he's actually told me) - oh the joys of being a menopausal woman! I'm definitely becoming the ultimate grumpy old woman - everything and everyone seem to irritate me these days!

I'm not really sure how much longer I can continue without medication and debating whether to go back to the GP, have another blood test as I half suspect that now there's no oestrogen whatsoever floating about in my body and then possibly try tablets again. I did on one occasion try patches but found that they irritated my skin so was advised not to use them.  Friends have suggested non prescription alternatives such as Black Cohosh or Evening Primrose  but I worry about their side effects and efficacy as there seem to be few that have any long term study results that confirm there effectiveness.

Any suggestions on coping strategies would be very welcome.  :)


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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 10:28:07 AM »

Hi Blondie and welcome to MM
What a rough time you have had - having a total hysterectomy so young must have been devastating.  You have  definitely come to the right place to get help and advice - there are so many ladies posting on this site with a wide variety of experiences and knowledge.
Effectively you were plunged into menopause once you had your hysterectomy so what you are experiencing are meno withdrawal symptoms as your body tries to adjust to the lack of oestrogen (you probably knew this already, sorry if I'm sounding patronising).
I had an early menopause and had to take full HRT for many years and, like you, at 49 took myself off HRT thinking it was now time to 'let nature take it's course'. At the time there were all the scares about breast cancer but the trials that were done back then (2002) have now been shown to be very flawed. 49 is to young to be without oestrogen and I had terrible flushes, night sweats and went through life in a fog of exhaustion and depression - horrid!!!!
It is quite reasonable to go through menopause at 52, however, it is now common to carry on with HRT till 60 and, if healthy, well beyond.  Quality of life is the key thing for many of us and the benefits often far out way any risks. Certainly as you get older the doctors like you to be on lower doses to reduce risks but, for you, the risks are even lower because you don't need the progesterone part of HRT which is often the hormone that causes many of us nasty side effects.
It sounds to me as though your life is being effected on many levels and unless you have health issues that prevent you taking HRT, if I were you, I would be going back on a.s.a.p.
Have a look at the 'HRT Preparations' info in the list to the left of this screen. Prempac C is a very old HRT and you might be better using Oestrogel or try a different patch. Oestrogel is applied trans-dermally and you can use 1-4 pumps per day applied to arms and/or legs - the beauty of this is you can start low with 1-2 pumps per day for the first 3-4 weeks and then increase till you feel good.
During my 3 years without HRT I tried many, many different herbal remedies - I spent a fortune - and none of them made any difference.  It is very important to look after your bones and heart if you are not on HRT so plenty of exercise together with extra food with calcium plus high dose Vitamin D supplements & omega oils can be beneficial.
If your libido is very low then some ladies even have some Testosterone prescribed but not everyone likes that one - could be worth trying.
I'm sure others will be along soon with hints and tips.
Keep us posted about your progress.
DG x
p.s. If you want advice from a professional you can do an email consultation with Dr. Emma Currie who started this website - I think it costs £25. I did this once and it was very helpful.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 04:46:31 PM »

Hi Blondie,  :welcomemm:

You've come to the right place! There is always support here. You are not alone!

Just wanted to welcome you! Have a wonderful day!  :)



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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2014, 05:05:27 PM »

Hi blondie

I agree with everything that Dancinggirl has said but just wanted to say
 :welcomemm: from me too.

Oh - and it is of course Dr Heather Currie not Emma! Emma is the administrator!

I use Estradot patches which are very small so less skin to cover - and I am 60.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2014, 12:26:07 PM »

This is my first time on here and not actually sure what to do. I'm peri menopausal but started with really bad anxiety when I ovulate and have my period. My cycle is ony 23 days so spending a lot of time in an anxious state. Been on citalopram (antidepressant) for years but just had the dose raised to 30mg. The GP has suggested going onto HRT now but wondered what anyone else thinks.

This may be the wrong way of going about things but if someone could point me in the right direction please


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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2014, 03:12:12 PM »

Hi and Welcome Tinker2011
You are absolutely in the right place and you should be able to get plenty of help and advice from all the ladies with different experiences.
I assume your doctor has done a blood test that shows your FSH level is high so you are now peri menopausal? Are you getting any other symptoms e.g. hot flushes, night sweats etc? How old are you?
Soak up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen and then perhaps start your own thread with questions you need answering.
We're here to help - you are not alone.
DG x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 07:12:01 AM »

Thank you so much for all of the advice. I'm going to book an appointment with my GP for a chat and we'll see what he/she recommends as I don't think letting nature take it's course is any longer an option if there are drugs out there that will help.

Will let you know the outcome.

BG  :)