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Author Topic: I feel normal on this site!  (Read 1799 times)

Jackie B

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I feel normal on this site!
« on: March 31, 2014, 12:46:01 PM »

Hello all, I am 55 and last June had a Mirena coil fitted due to ongoing heavy periods and anemia. This seemed to help a lot with the periods but like many others on here my anxiety has gone through the roof, particulary relating to health anxiety. I have never really been an anxious person but I have had panic attacks, really bad feelings of doom, if not about me then my children or husband! two and a half years ago my son was really badly injured in Afghanistan, he is now ok thank goodness but I am not sure now if I have PTS or anxiety due to menopause. I think my anxiety started then. I am still waiting for the results of a routine mamogramm and I had a scan on my abdomen where they found a 2cm cyst on my ovary which sent me into major panic (even though I had one when i was much younger). I have not gone through menopause yet as I am still having the odd period (though nowhere near as bad as they used to be), and I really want a hysterectomy, I hope that would make me feel better. My GP thinks I am depressed and he has been really good to me, listens to all my worries, but he has presecribed me anti-depressants which I really don't want to take as I can reason with myself most of the time. It is during the night when I feel it most, my husband is great but doesn't really understand how I feel. I want to feel normal again and enjoy my life again. reading these forums really helps me as I have struggled to find anything that tells you about these issues during the menopause, it is all about hot flushes etc and I have managed to control these by taking sage. Sorry for rambling just feel better being able to put my feelings down. Thank You

Debbie G

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Re: I feel normal on this site!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 12:54:37 PM »

Hello Jackie
Im new to this forum too - I posted 'it just gets worse!'

First of all here is a virtual hug specially for you.

So much of what you have said I can relate to and like you I so wish I could feel normal again.  I woke last night with what felt like morning sickness!!!  Then this morning I have a period, hormones must have been at their peak.  In a lot of ways I just wish my period would stop but then I think could these awful sumptoms get worse when that happens.  That thought fills me with horror. 




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Re: I feel normal on this site!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2014, 01:22:26 PM »

Hi there  :welcomemm:

I came on here 4 years ago & haven't looked back. Great to know you're not alone. My anxiety ebbs & flows, but never needed medication for it thus far. Certain situations have me climbing the walls, but not too often. Hate it when I get blips though.

I had ovarian cysts & fibroids in my mid 30s, resulting in hysterectomy.

GPs very quick to diagnose depression. Keep doing it with me, but like you I can rationalise stuff myself. So no ADs for me.  Can't imagine what you must have gone through when your son got injured, though glad to hear he is doing fine. That certainly doesn't help anxiety. As mums we worry about our loved ones normally, without the added pressure of having them injured.


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Re: I feel normal on this site!
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2014, 03:18:13 PM »

You have had years of worrying about your son in the Forces.  That can be a drip, drip, drip of back-ground anxiety.  Then the Big One, the phone call you are dreading and he's injured.  So adrenaline kicks in and you deal with the daily issues that go with a badly injured relative, repatriation, recovery, physio. etc.; then things return to a semblance of normality and you get a reaction - no wonder! plus menopause! 

How is your son?  How involved are you with his daily life?  Have you been able to talk with his CO about his injuries and potential life after the forces?

Your GP should be able to refer you to an Obs and Gynae Consultant at your local Hospital about a hysterectomy. 

Anxiety can be helped by yoga, relaxation therapy, brisk walking, medication - I take a beta-blocka every night and if it over-comes me, I have an emergency drug - Valium is useful for short-term use too. 