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Author Topic: Is this normal or ok?  (Read 3466 times)


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Is this normal or ok?
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:06:28 PM »

I know I am peri-meno with all the symptoms I have.  I tend to stay away from doctors as much as poss.  Has anyone had this sort of bleeding...  last sort of normal period was beginning of Dec.  For last 3.5 weeks I have had pink/vaguely red spotting at some point each day - I know this is "normal" peri-meno BUT I also do a fair bit of jogging and each day that I jog I discover I have bled about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of blood whilst jogging.  I think "yeh - proper period is about to start" but of course nothing else happens - just back to daily pink etc...  Is this ok??  Should I try jogging for as many hours as possible to get rid of more?? :-\


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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 04:21:27 PM »

Hello cherylks and welcome
It certainly is common to get strange spotting and bleeds through peri menopause.  ARe you getting other symptoms e.g. flushes etc?  I understand your reluctance to go to the doctor, (i hate having to see anyone in the medical profession) however, I think it would be wise to get this bleeding/spotting checked out to, at least, rule out any problems.
It's great to keep fit but I don't think extra jogging is going to help!!!!
It's a good idea to get a check up when you are in peri - if only to get a routine cervical smear and a review of the situation.  Perhaps go to a meno clinic if you have one in your area? DG x


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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 06:26:28 PM »

Thanks.  Have looked up meno clinic but seem to need referral from doc.  Not impressed with my doc as gave very dubious advice to my son once.  Also he's anti hosp appointments and never seems to really be interested...  I have plenty of nightsweats, palpitations, forgetfulness, heavy/light periods...  Just cant be bothered to go to doc if nothing to worry about.  Also dont want hrt as years ago was tried on various hrt & pills but they just sent me way to hormonal!!!  Dont want to go there again!  Will trying ringing clinic direct.  :)


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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 06:41:13 PM »

Try to keep an open mind. If you do go to the doctor, you may be surprised to find he will be happy to refer you to the meno clinic as many GPS don't want the hassle of dealing with meno problems. Also, if he/she ignores your problems with this bleeding/spotting that would be negligent. I'm afraid I still feel you should get the bleeding checked out - maybe if things don't settle down within the next week or so you should make that appointment at the GP and bite the bullet.  Is there another GP at the practise you can see?
If you tried HRT before you must have been in very early peri meno - what were you given? Did you get bad side effects? Keep us posted about your progress. DG x


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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2014, 07:42:27 PM »

You may have a polyp which bleeds on activity or contact?  This needs to be confirmed by your Practice Nurse or GP.


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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2014, 02:50:54 PM »

OK thanks.  If it continues into next week I will ring doc.  I was given various pills/hrt about 15 years ago cos periods so painful I would occasionally pass out.  Whatever I tried would be fine for cple of months then I would become extremely emotional, suicidal, violent and all sorts.  Once off the treatment I would settle down other than the pain again.  Eventually gave up with pills/hrt and over the years it eased.  That's why so scared to have any hormone treatment!


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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 03:13:44 PM »

cherylks - things have moved on bit since you tried things before. If you still get painful periods  a Mirena coil might be worth considering and then you could just add some Oestrogel to help with flushes, night sweats etc. and after a while you won't get any bleeding at all. DG x

Sula maye

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Re: Is this normal or ok?
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2014, 03:20:10 PM »

If you are unhappy with your doctor then find someone else you are happy with, you should ideally feel confident in your GP. Having recently moved to Wales and found our new surgery rubbish - they actually make us all cry at times they are so unhelpful, unfriendly and horrid - and having no choice but to be at that surgey I have still tried lots of doctors and found the one I can best work with. She's still no way as good as my last GP but is better than the others. So if you can shop around, you don't have to put up with someone whose judgement you don't trust!