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Author Topic: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse  (Read 4012 times)


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Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« on: January 25, 2014, 03:46:27 PM »


For the last three months I have been on Femoston 1/10 and it totally failed me, still flushing, burning up, can't get the smell of sweat out of my clothes etc.

After finishing my last pack of 1/10 I went onto 2/10 and have been on it five days.
It worked the first couple of days, but its failed again.

I understand fluctuating hormones etc in perimenopause, but I have no quality of life.
Not only is 2/10 not working, my flushes were actually worse last night and kept me up for hours.

I do not have a virus, I feel fine except for the flushes and sweats and mood swings.
My earlier thread may have been posted too soon. Sorry but I was not clear on how long the 2/10 takes to work, after already being on the 1/10.

I don't fancy staying on 2/10 for another three months, because I am sick of the sweats and the flushes. I want my life back. The sweats are putting me off doing anything.
Surely 2/10 should have taken away my flushes and sweats, so why am I still flushing and sweating? I shouldnt have to put up with this.

Many thanks


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2014, 04:12:46 PM »

Maybe this is not the correct HRT for you.
Have you considered another delivery method. Patches, gel, bio identical hormones.
It sometimes takes a few tries of different types of HRT before the right one is found. If it was going to help then a simple increase in your current HRT should not have caused you to take a backwards step.
I would go and discuss a complete change with my GP if I were you.



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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 04:13:59 PM »


It does sound horrid for you but I think you may have to be patient- the 'rule' is give anything new 3 months then see how you feel. But I agree with HB that 3 months with no improvement is not good news, is it?
I use gel which is very easy to increase or decrease the dose on a daily basis. I don't any more, but at one point I was still getting the odd flush etc when using the average 'normal' dose so increased it by 50% for a week or two then reduced again and was fine.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 04:16:08 PM by Sarah2 »


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 09:01:14 PM »

Hi everyone and thanks.

Sorry I was not clear, re my dosing.

I have only been on the stonger dose 5 days and the lower one three months.

Maybe, looking back, the new dose did not make my flushes worse, it just felt like that during the night.
I have not had a further flush since getting out of bed, but my heating on all day, but it is a bit milder today.

So, should I give this stronger femoston a bit longer, or, when I see my GP on 7th Feb, should I still look at a total change?

Thanks and sorry for the confusion, my head was all over the place.


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 09:15:59 AM »

I understood what you meant :)
Maybe give the higher dose a it longer- 5 days is not very long to see the benefits of a higher dose, necessarily. I'd give it a month really before changing to something else.

Mrs January

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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 10:45:21 AM »

Hi Sarah

I tried Femstron a found it made me feel horrid on the 1mg dose. I now have Mirena and Oestrogen supplement of 2mgs and feel great .....good luck hun xxxx


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2014, 02:27:14 PM »

Hi everyone.

I had a better night last night, and have not sweated since yesterday, so, maybe yeah I have not given the femoston 2/10 a decent enough go.

I would rather not take bio-identical hormones, because I am at the very end of a successful taper off diazepam, I only have 0.6mg to go, and I heard on the tranquiliser forum that bio identical progesterone is cross-tolerant with diazepam, so, taking that could interfere with my diazepam taper, as I have to take exactly the same amount of diazepam a day.

The synthetic progesterones are not cross tolerant with diazepam, so, do not present a problem, but, I also hear that the dydrogesterone I am on has less horrible side-effects than the other synthetic progesterones, so I am not too keen on experimenting with different synthetic progesterones, particularly norethisterone.

Ideally, my Femoston 2/10 will become more effective over the coming fortnight, after which I see my GP again.

EDITED - ps I got some spotting yesterday, but I am not too worried as I get my period at the wrong time anyway. I get it in the first week of my dydrogesterone phase instead of after stopping the dydrogesterone phase.

Thanks for all your help.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 02:29:12 PM by Dandelion »


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2014, 03:12:28 PM »

Bit puzzled as to why bio identical progesterone should be contraindicated with diazepan because that would mean if you had progesterone in your body naturally- either pre meno or if pregnant, you could not take diazepan.
This info would be on the instructions for prescribing Utrogestan and I can check - or your dr would if you went down that route.


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2014, 03:15:44 PM »

Yes, my doctor said it takes time to get a body in line which is all jumbled up. The only time to change it if there is a serious allergic reaction or one of the other side effects. Give it time until you see your doctor in February.


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Re: Can an upward dose adjustment make symptoms worse
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2014, 03:54:38 PM »

Yes, my doctor said it takes time to get a body in line which is all jumbled up. The only time to change it if there is a serious allergic reaction or one of the other side effects. Give it time until you see your doctor in February.

Aww thanks, I feel a bit more hopeful now that it will work eventually.

I think I was worried because I had already been on it for three months, so was expecting the higer dose to kick in straight away.

Now that I know it won't kick in straight away, my anxiety and pissed-offness has settled a bit.

I don't need the fan on in bed every night like i used to, just wednesday night and the night before last, I needed it on.
I still have the window open though. Hoping I can close this too, soon.