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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Meno and housework...and olive soap!  (Read 20936 times)


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Meno and housework...and olive soap!
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:17:50 AM »

I find it so hard to shift myself to do anything domestic at the moment and am wondering if anyone else is finding the same.  I know what needs to be done in the house but I'm beginning to reap the just rewards of my menopausal laziness - dust, allergies, untidiness (I am a tidy person by nature) and...........mice (2 recently).  I'm ashamed of the state our home's got into, but I just haven't the oomph to get it done since the meno set in.  If I do get something done, it brings me out in a lather and then I think "That's enough of that!" and leave it again for the next however many days/weeks.  It's really getting me down, as I like tidiness.   The daft thing is, I don't find it a problem at all to look after my appearance.  My clothes are always co-ordinated and neat and I follow a strict skincare regime.  I just feel sorry for my hubby that he has to live in this state - and our daughter was quite disapproving of it when she visited us over Christmas, saying that she wasn't surprised I get colds, as dust breeds germs.   I am thinking about getting one of those "tidiness teams" (or whatever they call themselves) in to blitz the house, then take over from there.   Sometimes I wish I'd lived in the times when people had a maid! :-[ :sigh:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 05:19:10 PM by dulciana »


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Re: I am not a domestic goddess but this is ridiculous!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 09:40:08 AM »

I've gone the other way!  Having work done on the house at the moment and got plans for more. I lie in bed planning my next move!  Could you get a cleaner for a few hours a week?


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Re: I am not a domestic goddess but this is ridiculous!
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 09:57:55 AM »

Lucky you, to be the opposite, littleminnie!  Unfortunately Hubby won't let me have a weekly cleaner.  He said a while back we can't afford one.   :'(    Maybe I should insist on getting some help, especially as things are slightly better now, anyway.   I just want to wake up each morning to a gleaming, fresh house that is nice to be in. 
Someone please tell me I'm not the only one to find housework such a challenge just now.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 10:39:05 AM by dulciana »


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Re: I am not a domestic goddess but this is ridiculous!
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2014, 10:58:43 AM »

I know what you mean my house is small so doesn't take too much cleaning but I spend ages trying to get motivated don't know why really just can't seem to get motivated at all ATM, would come and help you if you were in the north east think I need a challenge to get my atse into gear, take care xx


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 11:19:25 AM »

I am in the NE, nicros, and that's a really kind offer, but I don't want to put upon anybody.  Actually, since I posted this, I've hoovered the lounge, ditto the hall, tidied away a pile of books that were threatening to take over my side of the bed, ordered sticky pads (for Monsieur le Mouse), tidied the kitchen.......and done some practicing on my home organ console (I know - priorities!).    I just wish I could keep this all going!!   When I feel slothful and apathetic (like today) it's well-nigh impossible, then I look around me and feel even worse.  I wonder if making a short daily list would help.............?

walking the dog

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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2014, 11:52:56 AM »

I am the same the ironing piles up around me my husband ended up doing it yesterday and it took him 2 hours I cant face the ironing. I have always bee tidy but am so exhausted with meno i do the basics now and when feel bit more energetic i do a bit extra, I try to break it down into small parts such as vacuum lounge dust it mop floor, then few days later tackle a bedroom its the only way I can cope or I feel overwhelmed by it.

Dulciana and Nicros i too live in the north east i have often wondered if there was a way ladies could get together now and the as a sort of support group but im not sure how it would work xx


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2014, 12:05:48 PM »

Does everyone live in the NE? Lol.    If it overwhelms you Dulciana,  make a list and just do what's on your list. Write down all the jobs that want doing and divide them by 7. That way you can keep on top of the chores. (Sorry if I sound bossy). X


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2014, 12:23:16 PM »

I'm the same Dulciana, for me though it's all to do with my "can't be bothered" meno state of mind.  Never used to be like this. 

Eventually I manage to move myself to do chores/housework but never work with vigour, just drag myself around.  For me it's a symptom of something wider in the 'can't be bothered' lethargy, eg. I can't be bothered to speak on phone for hours, wardrobe has got into a bit of a mess etc, want to do yoga but can't find a class etc etc.

Lately I've been buying lots of Dettol anti-bac wipes etc and using those for quickness - previously I was opposed to wipes as they're bad for the environment but somehow I've conveniently forgotten about that.

Hope we all feel more motivated in the Spring with more light to stimulate the brain.



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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2014, 12:37:30 PM »

Ditto for me too. I just can't be bothered to do housework. I feel if it is tidy, then I can let the dusting and hovering slide a bit. I did get an all-over clean before Christmas. First time I had got that done. My house did not look all that much different but still worth the money I think. When I was working, I did the whole house on a Sunday morning but not nowadays when my time is my own. I think it is a measure of getting older. And when we are really old, it will matter even less as we won't be able to see the dirt!


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2014, 01:07:04 PM »

Thanks so much for your helpful replies, ladies.  Makes me feel a lot better and that I'm not alone in this.   You've given me some great ideas and I'm going to act on them. 
Thanks   :thankyou:


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2014, 02:01:53 PM »

You are not alone.  I have a lazy streak, now compounded because DH takes me out and about a lot.  Our house is dirty in places so we 'set too' occasionally, I would be ashamed for people to walk round  :-[ .......... however much I do clean there are always corners that get missed because I don't have time.  I try to do skirting boards once a month, DH hoovers every 6/7 days up and down; I am in charge of the dishwasher/laundry ........ we share the gardening; bathroom floor once a week with one of those cleaning wipes from a packet (which goes into landfill  :-\ ) ...........

Ask for help around the house? 


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2014, 02:13:22 PM »

It would be lovely to be able to meet up with other women in the NE. As I am slightly older than most of my friends and started peri 2 years ago at 44 so don't have anyone locally to talk to who has started the meno. I live in County Durham if anyone wants to meet up  :D


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2014, 03:15:53 PM »

I have become lazy also re housework, I used to almost have OCD with it in my younger years. I write a list at the beginning of the week, and tick it off as I go if I feel better on one day I do the worst jobs then.

I go for a five mile walk every morning, and the walk gives you the feel good factor for a while, so I try to do the jobs as soon as I get in. I then go for another half hour walk in the pm, and do jobs when I get back as the exercise does seem to give me a kick up the backside. The dogs have never slept so well. ;D


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2014, 04:16:45 PM »

I tackle things when I get back from dog walks too. What sort of dogs do you have? I have lurchers x


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Re: Meno and housework
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2014, 04:23:31 PM »

I reckon we just get to a point in our lives where we can see that there is more to what life we have left than dusting and hoovering. If others in my house don't like it then they can do it!

Taz x
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