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Author Topic: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!  (Read 4951 times)


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MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:21:46 PM »

Hi everyone.

I am 53 and was diagnosed in 2005 with MS.  I started having perimenopause symptoms 3 years ago, firstly with flooding for around 3 weeks of the month.  This eventually stopped at around 2011 and from Aug 2011 to Aug 2012 I didn't have a period so thought that would be it.

Then in Sept 2013 I had a very small amount of spotting.  I have had biopsy and womb investigations and the results all came back normal so my GP decided it was all to do with the menopause.  Since then I have had no more spotting but my night sweats and racing pounding heart during the night sometimes have been awful.  My GP has asked me to consider HRT and I was wondering if there is anyone on here who suffers from MS as well as the menopause and are you using HRT.  If so, which one.  I am a bit confused as to which one would be best for me as I didn't bleed for a year and spotted in Sept. 

Thank you so much for any help you can give me.

Shazzie x


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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 09:25:37 PM »

Hi Shazzie, I responded to your other post.

Sorry to nag, but you are so so lucky to have a GP who is positive about HRT.
Give it a go, it helped enormously with my MS, my first GP was very against HRT.
Somebody else (Silverlady I think) has looked at at the benefits of estriol / oestrogen on MS, it really does help.

Hope you get sorted soon.


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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2014, 10:28:50 AM »

Thanks Limpy. 

Good to talk with someone else with MS having the same worries.

Yes, my GP is really good.  She has just started going through the menopause herself so that helps.

I think I might give the patches a try as I take Gabapentin and Baclofen so I don't really want to take any more tabs.

Thanks again for your reply.  I really appreciate it.

Shazzie xx


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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2014, 03:34:06 PM »

Shazzie - I know exactly what you mean about about not wanting to take any more tabs.

I am currently trying to reduce the amount of Gabapentin I take. I have been on 3 x 300mg a day for a few months. Whilst my pain has reduced, I sleep too much, weight has piled on, oh and there's the reduction of sex drive to virtually nowt. Hence attempt to reduce Gabapentin, we'll see how it goes!

Hang onto that GP of yours, she sounds wonderful.


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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2014, 03:52:52 PM »

Awww thanks Limpy.  Nightmare isn't it dealing with both but glad I found you?

Gabapentin is brill but the weight and drowsiness issue is a pain I agree.




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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2014, 03:59:44 PM »

Hi Shazza,

Welcome to the forum, I am on 50 everol Sequil patches, I'm  nearly 47 and went into meno at 44 as I still had periods at the time so the HRT patches give me a bleed each month. I went on HRT due to so many menopause symptoms I was also diagnosed with ms at about the same time.

My ms is not too bad at the moment but I suffer really badly with fatigue, sometimes concentration, my r leg sometimes has weired feelings together with my r eye,but vision is ok.

It's nice to talk to someone else on here that also has menopause and ms, as I think there. Is only a few of us on here with the same condition.



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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2014, 04:15:18 PM »

Hi Smokey

Nice to speak with you.  My main MS symptoms are Optic Neuritis, having to self catheterise,  heavy legs, spasms and the heat of the hot flushes make things so much worse.

Nice to speak with you Smokey and thanks so much for your reply.  I really appreciate it.

Shazzie xx


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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2014, 04:58:16 PM »

Hi Shazza

The HRT in patch form,doesn't pass through the live,thus reducing any tummy troubles you may have ie ibs etc and also reduces the possibility of headaches/migraines.  Mine started on flushes after about 4 days, so if your worried its worth trying them, especially if your ms is made worse by them.

Take care x


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Re: MS and HRT Advice Needed please!
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2014, 05:24:40 PM »

Just got back from GP with a supply for Femseven Conti.  She said to try half a patch so see how it goes.  Bit nervous but gonna give it a go.  will let you know if they have the flushes and racing heart xxx