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Author Topic: Periods have stopped  (Read 2613 times)


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Periods have stopped
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:52:38 PM »

Hi, I'm 44 and about six months ago my periods just stopped.

Ever since I was 13, I have had extremely heavy and painful periods, in the last year (before they stopped) they were erratic, meaning they would last between 6-21 days at a time but we're always heavy. I was given tablets to try and combat this as they were making me anaemia, but this just made them even more frequent.
Just before they disappeared (about two months before) I was having hot flushes everyday.
The doctor's have decided due to the hot flushes I am starting the menopause, but have refused me a blood test to confirm this and I also seem to be the only one concerned that my periods have disappeared completely. Any advice very much appreciated.


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Re: Periods have stopped
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 10:20:06 PM »

Hi Jackiew4  & welcome to MM
What you are describing sounds like early onset menopause or at least peri menopause. 
If your GP is refusing to do blood tests this is very negligent because if you are menopausal at 44 you should definitely be offered HRT provided there are no contradictory health problems. At 44 you are too young to be without oestrogen to protect your bones and heart not to mention the relief from meno symptoms HRT would give.
REad up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - print off the necessary stuff to take to the doctor and demand you have blood tests and, if possible, a referral to a meno clinic or gynaecologist.
Keep posting and let us know how you get on.
We are here to help and support.  Good luck  DG x


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Re: Periods have stopped
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2014, 06:48:27 PM »

Hi DG,
 Thanks to your reply, I will definitely be reading the info you suggested.
I have decided to change my doctors and got the forms today to register with a new practice. Hopefully they will be more helpful, especially in regards to the blood tests.
I will let you know how I get on, thanks again for your help and support. Jackie x