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Author Topic: Fed Up Newbie  (Read 4154 times)

Mutley Brook

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Fed Up Newbie
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:23:45 PM »


I ultimately have a question about Evorel 25 patches, but here's a bit of background first.

I'm 43 and had a hysterectomy at 31 due to cervical cancer.  They left my ovaries in and said I didn't need any HRT and I would go through the change just the same as any other woman and that it wouldn't be early.  For a few years after my hysterectomy, i used to get what I called "phantom periods" where I would still kind of get 'period pains' in my tummy and back.  I could cope with that and it only lasted a couple of years.  Then about 4 years ago, I had to have my left ovary removed as it was so badly damaged with scar tissue from the hysterectomy.  About 3 years ago I started with the occasional night sweats which gradually started getting worse.  I had blood tests which confirmed I was not menopausal. 

So, these past few months the night sweats have got progressively worse, literally soaked every night, my memory is terrible (which is becoming a problem in my work), absolutely shattered all the time and i could quite gladly go to bed as soon as i get in from work, but i can't.  Awful broken sleep every night.  I'm not wide awake all night, but i'll fall asleep then wake up every hour or so, not knowing why i'm awake, which is so frustrating when i have to get up for work, and so the tired and broken sleep cycle continues!! I'm also incredibly weepy and don't know why. I've had feelings of not wanting to be here anymore (not suicidal but just don't want to be here anymore).  I burst into tears in the queue in Morrisons the other day and don't know why!

So i bought a home test (two urine tests done one week apart) which was positive for menopause.  Went to my GP who ordered blood tests again.  Again, blood tests came back negative, but my GP was very understanding and said she doesn't always go by the results of tests but rather on the symptoms i was describing.  So at last (hurrah) i've been given Evorel 25 patches!!

So my question is - how long will it take before i see an improvement on the night sweats, weepyness and memory?

Any advice given would be greatly appreciated.  This is all so new to me and very scary and depressing because in my head, i'm still 25 and do not want to be going through the menopause :(

Many thanks xx

ancient runner

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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 03:29:16 PM »

Hello Mutley --not an expert on any of this but someone who knows will be along soon. I think I've read some people describing that they feel better pretty quickly once they get the patches going but (so far) I haven't any practical experience to offer. But I didn't want to leave you unanswered! Hope it works and soon...


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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 03:44:02 PM »

Hi Mutley  I am definitely no expert either, I had my Hysterectomy a year ago been on the pills but today I am starting on Evorel 50 patch and have been told it can take up to 3 months to work so we both need to be strong hope you feel better soon xxx


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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 03:54:18 PM »



Great news that your GP was listening to you. It's a very low dose patch that you have been given. I would go with it for a couple of months but if the majority of your symptoms have not gone by then go back to your GP and ask for the 50 ones. You will probably find at your age you will need the stronger patches but it does no harm to start off low. Your flushes should ease up quite quickly and sleep should improve.

Lots of help and support here.


Mutley Brook

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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 04:01:49 PM »

Thanks guys.  I've looked around on the net a bit and thought that 25 was a bit low, but I guess i have to try it for a while first and see what happens.

Thanks for the advice.

By the way, forums are also new to me and i wasn't sure how to reply to anyone so i just hit "quote"  is that how you do it?  Sorry, i'm probably a bit like your nan with the remote control trying to tune the tv in!! xx


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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2014, 10:18:10 PM »

Hit the reply button under the last reply!!!
Does that make sense?

Mutley Brook

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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2014, 04:08:52 PM »

Ha yes found it! 

Thanks! x ;D


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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2014, 04:18:52 PM »

Hi  Mutley Brook :welcomemm: from me too.

I agree with honeybun's post, except I would probably go back sooner than a couple of months if 25 doesn't work at all... and anyway even if they do, you need a higher dose of oestrogen than this at your age to protect your bones - at least 50 mcg.

Have you had a thyroid test too as this can go awry around menopause too?

Hurdity  x


Mrs January

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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2014, 11:22:20 PM »

Hi Mutley Brook

I had the Evorel 25mgs when I first started HRT, have my uterus etc but had the Mirena out and got full on Peri meno symptoms. I did find that the 25mg helped but just monitor each day how you are and then you can give the GP feed back.

I have from Evorel ( was allergic to them) moved through Elleste 1mg/2mgs and Femston taking just the oestrogen of Elleste 2mgs until another Mirena  fitting next week yay x

So go girlie monitor how you are and keep asking the GP for the help you may need..... xxx

Mutley Brook

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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2014, 01:38:41 PM »

Thank you Hurdity and Mrs January.

Yeah i'm going to keep a record of how I am.  Last night for instance, soaking wet with sweat again and awake at all silly hours just looking at the clock!!

I was wondering if GP only gave me low dose because the blood test measuring for FSH levels was ok?
But as previously stated, my own home urine test was positive???

Yeah GP did test for thyroid  which was ok as was diabetes - so essentially all blood tests clear, but my symptoms and home urine test scream MENOPAUSE!!


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Re: Fed Up Newbie
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2014, 06:29:37 AM »

Mutley brook,thank you so much for mentioning memory,omg,yes!! I used to be a manager in Aldi's when we had to memorise over 600 item's prices and now,pfft,not a chance,names are just the worst-so this is all part of it too then??????ARGH!!