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Author Topic: Blood test results  (Read 4935 times)

Chi chi

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Blood test results
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:51:30 PM »

The doctor has just phoned with my results
Estrogen 438 was 1001
Testosterone 8.5 was 8.3
Prog 0.6

Seems like a massive drop in estrogen! Could this be why I've been feeling so crap? She also said while my testosterone is high it's what they'd expect if someone is being treated with it?
She asked a few questions as to why I'm being treated with hormones but said my levels are normal  ::) and maybe it's time to review my AD's



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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 02:19:49 PM »

How do you feel now that the restuls are back?

Chi chi

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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 03:03:33 PM »

A bit relieved to be honest, I've been advised by prof Studd to top up my  estrogen implant with 2 pumps of gel daily, hopefully things will improve a bit for me now  :)


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2015, 03:13:04 PM »

It seems to be coming together at last!  All of us are different so ti stands to reason that 1 treatment won't necessarily be enough for another person  ::)


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2015, 05:04:04 PM »

483 is not a level i would feel ok on.  I would still give it a few weeks your first can take a while to.kick in.  The test is very high.  If your e level is.low the test will not covert well and this would contribute to your symptoms.  I would not be happy to be that high personally.  Also such a big drop in e would give you symptoms 1000 is.on.the high side too.


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2015, 05:15:30 PM »

Hi Estelle, reading back a little bit about your situation and not entirely sure I am correct in assuming you had these blood tests at the GP but the GP is not treating you.

I am not experienced with HRT but I am experienced in anxiety and perhaps the desire to 'fix' things when feeling so unwell and ending up taking on too much responsibility when it should be with the professionals.  I'm all for self empowerment and helping ourselves but it really does sound to me as if you need to find a new consultant and or GP that can support you through treatment.  It doesn't seem fair that you are trying to piece together bits of the puzzle, let alone very difficult where hormones are concerned.

As simple as it might seem, I believe that the level of hormone isn't as important as the balance between all of them and it seems that your balance isn't right.  I might be missing something and it might be a particular protocol you are on, but surely the consultant is accountable if it isn't working and should help you?

I am writing because I feel you need and deserve better support and although I really appreciate that you have been here there and everywhere with things, it might be worth that extra push again to get better help.  Either way, I would perhaps take the stress off yourself in trying to work this out yourself.

I may of course have got the picture all wrong and I apologise if I have but it really seems you need someone that is going to take all factors into consideration. 


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2015, 05:20:46 PM »

Prof studd is renowned that if his way isnt right he doesnt like being challenged. I would change consultants personally


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2015, 05:31:46 PM »

Out of interest, were the tests (previous and most recent) done on the same day of the month as that too could make a difference.  I agree that even now, it seems relatively high (mine was 41  on day five of month) - though like BL says, it's as much about balance - and your body's own unique chemistry - as it is about overall levels. So damned complicated, isn't it?!! I know we should leave it all to the professionals, but it's hard not to be pro-active/analytical, isn't it?  :-\



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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2015, 05:33:23 PM »

Prof studd is renowned that if his way isnt right he doesnt like being challenged. I would change consultants personally

If that's the case, it's hard but might be best to re-consider treatment.  We put trust in consultants but they are human and not always the right ones for us.  Personally if someone is 'closed' to my communication and my need for guidance then it begins to feel 'not good'.


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2015, 06:37:27 PM »

Absolute levels are no predictor of symptoms and well being - as can be seen from the variation in oestrogen levels different women experience throughout the menstrual cycle. There is a huge range. The important thing is what level you feel good on. I can see they could be useful - say to determine approximately whether they are very high or very low (especially with implants) - and a consistent reading of 1000 pmol/l means you would be at the pre-ovulation peak most of the time but of course if you're still having a cycle this doesn't mean much unless you know where you were in your cycle when it was taken?

An example is that my estradiol levels when last measured were in the low 200's and I feel fine but Dr Annie Evans said some women don't feel right until their levels are 600 ish. Not sure about that when in your 60's (age) though!

In this context, progesterone is only important in relation to opposing the oestrogen (in terms of levels) but would have a bearing on how you feel especially during the second half of your cycle if you are progesterone intolerant. The sudden dips in both hormones will cause symptoms.

Personally I'd love to have a level of at least 300 or more - well at least to try - but in my case it's probably too late and would involve too much progesterone as well!

I don't know enough about testosterone levels to comment - Dr E said she didn't measure this as the sensitivity of the test was relevant to the T levels in men and not so accurate at the lower end of the testing scale - which of course women are. I would have thought that side effects of too much T should be obvious eg it terms of aggression, feeling hyped up, acne, hairiness, deeper voice, super high sex drive etc??

When in your cycle was the latest test taken? if you are still having a cycle and it was very early on then this is still quite a high reading and it will go higher. However you will need to go with what your consultant advises - or as lancashirelass says - change to someone else.

Hurdity x

Chi chi

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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2015, 10:42:38 AM »

Bright light - Thanks, no my GP wasn't interested in testing my hormones, he put everything down to anxiety and depression. I had PND with my first daughter 21 years ago so had been on AD's basically since then. Then had 2nd daughter but didn't really suffer with PND but my energy, libido, confidence, aches and pains, headaches, loss of enthusiasm etc etc all started but I just plodded on (as you do)! As the years went on things became worse, hubby kept accusing me of not loving him because of the lack of bedroom activity, not wanting to go out etc. then 3 years ago I had a breakdown completely out of the blue, scared me to death! Not really been right since  :-\
I was never the life and soul of the party but didn't really have any reason to be depressed, good family, hubby has a decent job that pays very well and I'm lucky enough that I don't need to work. Anyway I started to think maybe it was my hormones as the AD's didn't seem to be making a difference, I discussed it with my Gp but he just said it was anxiety and depression and that I was too young to be suffering with hormones! I saw an episode of loose women where Denise welch spoke about her depression and how she went to see Proffesor Studd who discovered part of it was her hormones so I made an appt with him. He took my history and did blood tests which revealed my estrogen was low and my testosterone was almost non existent, I had a Vit D deficiency (which GP knew but wasn't interested in treating)! And I was also oestioporatic in one of my hips! I was started on oestrogel, testim, Vit D and utrogestan for 7 days a month. After approx 3 months I felt much better so continued with the treatment. 8 weeks ago had implants fitted but haven't been feeling good since and just discovered my estrogen has dropped from 1001 to 438 so I'm now using 2 pumps of oestrogel to top up the implant.
I do feel passionate about trying to fix myself as I feel nobody us going to care as much about you as you do yourself and if I'd listened to my GP I would prob be feeling worse by now!

I came off cerazette 6 weeks prior to seeing Studd and had just started a bleed on the appt day, this is when the first test was done. The 2nd was done after I had been on utrogestan for 7 days (this was the 11th day) so I was due a bleed and it came 2 days later. Not sure where I would have been in my cycle??

I do feel like I've been "left to get on with it" and when I have questions about things Studd isn't very forthcoming in answering them or putting my mind at rest  :-\

I do feel quite "hyped up" but not in a good way, I don't have any more hair than usual or a deeper voice  :o but I am more snappy and less tolerant of things.
My last bleed was 10 May after taking provera for 7 days (1-7 May) the latest blood tests were taken on 28 May again not sure about my cycle?  :neutral:


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2015, 04:30:25 PM »

Have you throught about havinbg an email consultation with the doctor who runs this site? At £25, it could be a worthy investment? x


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2015, 05:03:06 PM »

Sounds a bit complicated Estelle. I think it's probably difficult to say anything definitive from the odd blood test if you are maybe still having a cycle but don't know where in your cycle you are. For example 1000 pmol/l would be great for your pre-ovulatory peak as I said before but I can't imagine being at this level for the whole month and have no idea how it would make one feel? Similarly if 400 pmol/l was your basal level below which it never dropped (but went higher at your peak - in a regular cycle) this should also be fine I would have thought as it is still quite high. It could be the high T making you feel like this as lancashirelass says.

I think an e-mail to Dr Currie might be an idea although your history is quite complex  (including the PND)and you would have to give her all that info including the blood tests, how you feel/felt on the various regimes etc, as well as Studd's advice/prescriptions.

We aren't really able to advise at this level Estelle  but hopefully you will get some answers soon and more importantly feel better. Re fixing  yourself - I also agree with lancashirelass that I am sure some consultants actually will spend the time trying to fix you (in a way that you feel comfortable with) - and I wonder if there is anyone on here who has had similar treatment and difficulties and has had success with a consultant - if so which one? Maybe Dr Currie could recommend someone (in your area) who would have the time/expertise to help in a way that you need - maybe she doesn't do that but hopefully can!

Hurdity x


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2015, 05:30:09 PM »

I dont personally think you have been looked after very well ,especially as you paid so much ! Maybe change to another specialist as others have said. I would hesitate to mention too much about Prof Studd though incase the medical profession close ranks ,it has been known to happen  ;)


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Re: Blood test results
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2015, 03:23:45 AM »

Nick panay is a meno and.pnd specialist i would recommend him. 