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Author Topic: stomach problem  (Read 13855 times)


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2014, 10:24:56 PM »

Think iam so confused its stressing me  :-\   if all the tests show only a small hiatus hernia why is my tummy so sore and burning ? i think all the stress is making everything worse and iam well aware of the horrible side effects from omeoprazole and other ppi but if i dont need them to stop the acid and burning then wont it get worse ? and then i will get an ulcer ?  ooh i think anxiety is taking over  :(


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2014, 10:51:36 PM »

Hi Kerie Anne, My first meno symptoms where stomach related but not too bad at first. The nausea got really bad though after a few months & it was 24/7. I had all sorts of anti sickness meds from the GP plus omneprazole. I just got in more & more of a mess stomach wise my anxiety was also spiralling out of control because of the stomach stuff. I was tested for h pylori too but they lost the sample so had to do it again. Months had gone by & I got in a really bad way. I stopped all the stomach tablets when my h pylori test came back negative. I seem to have got my stomach onto a more even keel now. It was all anxiety related due to peri I am sure. I had a black tongue at one point due to all the acid. It comes back a bit if I have a very stressy day. Worst time of my life ever so you have my sincere sympathies. B x


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2014, 11:00:23 PM »

thanks bev, yes iam thinking that this is whats happening, had lots of stress over the past 10 weeks or so and i feel that its making my stomach much worse  :( i have always had bad side effects from meds my stomach is very sensitive and iam like you say going to it it a rest.
I had all the treatment for h pylori without even being test, just as a precaution and that was vile, 5 anti biotics per day and 2 doses of omeprazole  so i suppose its no wonder that my stomach is in a mess x


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2014, 11:02:10 PM »

Bev, was there anything else you did to help your stomach heal ?


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2014, 11:08:01 PM »

You sound stressed as anything (I got myself in the same stupid state very recently) I was able to rationalise my fears (with help from this forum)  and because they were irrational and not based in fact from fear.

But I think from what you have said you really need medical reassurance and advice from your GP. Ask if you can have a test to make sure the h pylori has gone. Try and focus the list on your symptoms (rather than the real and obvious distress they cause you) a GP can only diagnose and treat based on your physical symptoms.

Antibiotics can really upset your tummy.

From what you have said you have said I think you have IBS; and stress just makes that worse and worse. I have pain all along my left side up to my ribs and dreadful bloat. But when I am calm and not stressed the symptoms and pain are much less or gone!

I am sorry you are having a miserable time right now but you will be able to get things sorted out and be feeling good again soon.
Good Luck


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2014, 11:18:04 PM »

thanks lubylou, i do have ibs and i have got myself into a right state, thinking about what you are saying my symptoms are burning acid tummy horrible taste in my mouth and constipation .


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2014, 11:34:05 PM »

I got so poorly the GP put me on an AD called sertraline, diazepam & sleeping tablets. I could barely eat last September my stomach was in such a mess but I forced myself to eat 4 meals a day. My anxiety was really bad I wasn't coping with normal things. I turned a corner by the end of November. I think the peri started it all off to be honest. I have a GP appt in a few weeks time & I am going to insist on HRT. I am 51 & my bloods show no peri but I know they are wrong. I think if I had got HRT this time last year I wouldn't have got so bad. The AD & benzo's have helped though & I just take very low doses as needed now of the benzo's. I think controlling the anxiety helped the most to heal the stomach, it seems a lifetime ago but I was so stressed I used to go to bed at 7pm just so I could end the day asap. Eating a rich tea biscuit felt like an ordeal. I do not & never did avoid certain foods as I knew it was anxiety. I ate what I fancied. My last problem is the nausea has robbed me of going out & I know it would do me a huge favour to get out in the real world again. I work from home & have been working hard since December having taken 5 mths off so small steps I am sure the going out bit will come. Sorry this sounds a little disjointed I am tired:)  Hope this helps a little bit. My mum was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia when I was a teenager many yrs ago after a hysterectomy. It turned out to be anxiety due to the meno, in those days they took everything away & no HRT was given.  I have a few swallowing problems too like a lump in my throat sometimes, once again I know it is anxiety. Thank goodness I can tolerate wine again it used to feel like paint stripper ;D B x


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2014, 12:45:42 PM »

10 years ago I paid for a whole bank of tests including a pooh test all of which were normal.  When I turned 60 I was invited by the NHS to repeat the stool test and again, result is normal.

Anxiety can cause acid tummy.  So maybe peppermint tea would help?  Eating dry foods etc. as previously suggested, little and often?  Sipping drinks rather than gulping as that can increase any wind problems.  The trick is to 'line' the upper stomach and gut to reduce acidity. 

Stop all the anti-acidic treatments for 3-5 days.  Allow Nature to reheat the body.  You are unlikely to get an ulcer because the amount of acid feels more than is needed to cause ulceration which usually takes years to form.



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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2014, 02:21:10 PM »

hi clkd, thanks for the advice, think i have been getting myself so stressed and with all the drugs i have had lately its really set my tummy off, my partner was only saying this morning that the only time my pellet like poo's change to normal is when we are on holiday, which tells me that when iam relaxed things settle. I have been trying to do some deep breathing and to be more aware of stressing out all the time, my son does meditation and he has been trying to  get me into in for a while, he has changed quite alot since doing it, he runs his own business very stressful and its helped him alot, i do keep trying but find it so hard to clear my mind.
It has been suggested that i try anti depressants, but i react so bad to meds i dont really want to.
Tonight iam haveing a mri scan on the whole of my spine to try and discover the problem with my lower back and hip, this has been ongoing for 12 months, i did post about it a few months ago, but felt like i was on here moaning all the while  :(


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2014, 06:49:33 PM »

It is wise to go through the investigations to rule things out.  Then the symptoms can be treated appropriately.

Relaxation therapy needs practice!


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2014, 09:04:10 PM »

Well thats the mri scan done, not something i would choose to do, but not quite as bad as i thought  :)
I was probably stressing about that as well, just cant help myself, yes clkd relaxation therapy must need alot of practice, i do keep trying but to clear your mind isnt easy is it, but i will keep trying till i manage it.


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2014, 11:34:20 AM »

I was advised to sit quietly.  No phone, radio, TV.  Curtains closed.  Cat used to sit on my lap  :-*

Shut eyes.  Hands in lap.  Begin by tensing and flexing all the muscle groups from the toes upwards.  3 times each.  Concentrate on that area alone.  It takes a while for the brain to stop wandering which is why this technique requires practice, 1/2 a day!


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2014, 03:47:16 PM »

ckld, yes i have been trying to sit quite and clear my mind for some time now, maybe now all my health tests are done i can try again to relax, well that is except for last nights mri scan, the results wont be through for 6 weeks  :(  the burning tummy is a little better today iam being  careful with what i eat and taking no pills other than blood pressure.
Was thinking this morning i have a resperate machine for lowering blood pressure which i havent used for about 12 months, it basically teaches you to slow down your breathing, to relax you, iam going to use that tonight and try to get back into the habit of using it, see if that helps me to relax.

Ju Ju

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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2014, 09:16:12 PM »

Have you tried hypnotherapy tapes? Paul McKenna does some good ones. You either sit or lie down and you don't have to listen carefully. You just let the words wash over you. I found trying to relax on my own hard work! But the tapes really help and I feel more energised afterwards.


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Re: stomach problem
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2014, 09:45:01 PM »

ju ju, no i havent tried hypnotherapy tapes, but will look into them thanks kerrie
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