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Author Topic: sleep  (Read 3641 times)


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« on: January 02, 2014, 04:06:10 AM »

Does anyone else have trouble sleeping?  How do you cope?

Ju Ju

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Re: sleep
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 06:04:38 AM »

Good morning! As you can see, I too am awake! It's a common problem at this time of life. There are plenty of threads on this forum to look at.

For me, this has been going on for 3 years. I have found wearing solar shield wraparound sunglasses 2 hours before going to bed has made a significant difference in helping me get to sleep. They cut out blue light from TVs, PCs etc. Not a glamorous look, but very restful for your eyes. My chiropractor recommended them. I found them on Amazon and they cost a mere £20 including p&p. Doesn't help with wakefulness in the night though.

I am up tonight though, as I have a virus and asthma has decided to join in. Not much fun.


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Re: sleep
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 06:09:09 AM »

Hi, I haven't coped. After 4 months of getting about 4 hours sleep each night I finally cracked and am currently off work. I am getting help now through counselling. As I am not working sleep has become something I get when I can so I allow myself to sleep when I want to rather than when I think I should. It does become a vicious circle and takes over your life - and the more you worry about not sleeping the less you sleep! I used to get up at 2am and start work - now I read for a while or just lay still and eventually I fall back asleep. It might take 2,3, or even 4 hours but it is better than being up for 20hrs a day. Break the cycle and you start to feel better about yourself and sleep becomes possible. Also take naps during the day if you are tired. The worst thing is to stimulate the mind during the night so stay off the computer and give yourself the opportunities to sleep rather than torturing yourself about the lack of sleep. It is amazing how much it affects us and how the lack f sleep impacts on our health. Concentrate on being nice to your body - go swimming, have a massage, relax and let your body sort itself out.
Whatever you do don't let it take over your life as I did as it is a long road back to health from the abyss. 

Mrs January

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Re: sleep
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 07:59:35 AM »

Hello ladies

I too have some issues with sleep. I use cotton wool ear plugs, lavender on my pillow. I also never drink alcohol or caffeine. Be kind to yourself and try to relax using maybe relaxation techniques etc......and nap during the day where you can

Hope it helps

Lyn :)


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Re: sleep
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 11:54:54 AM »

I'm up to go for a pee at least twice night - it's been like this since I had my kids - and often find it difficult to get back to sleep.  Through stressful times sleeping is really a problem. Sometimes I take a Nytol for a couple of nights which I find breaks the cycle and at least I get some better sleep.
DG x


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Re: sleep
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 07:10:32 PM »

I had this problem last year and found a book on Amazon that was amazing.  It's called The Effortless Sleep Method by Sasha Stephens.

Never thought a book could help but it certainly did for some reason.  Maybe it just altered my frame of mind but it's well worth a read.  I was at the point of trying anything to get a full night's sleep.


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Re: sleep
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 10:09:30 PM »

I have a sea sounds app on my Kindle that I play every night. It is very soothing and although it does not make you go to sleep it gives me something else to focus on as its getting my brain to stop stressing that's my problem.

There are a variety of sound apps from wind to rain to white noise.



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Re: sleep
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 10:19:35 PM »

I find the sleep app (nature sounds ) can help, they don't necessarily get you to sleep, but stop your mind ruminating over the problem of not sleeping, which is a plus. I think the wind and rain tonight will mean I don't need my ear phones in  ;)


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Re: sleep
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2014, 12:14:01 PM »

I struggle with lack of sleep. I developed 24/7 tinnitus a few years ago and started to use talking books on my  iPod to mask the tinnitus. I found it also helps me relax and fall asleep. But unless I set the iPod to shut down after 60 mins, if I had fallen asleep the talking book would wake me up! But on balance I find this a good distraction and takes my mind off things so I can fall asleep. It doesn't help on the "wide-awake" nights but at least I am listening to someone reading me a story and that helps me stay relaxed and not stressed about the fact it is 2 am and I am still wide awake!


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Re: sleep
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2014, 12:54:02 PM »

I have always been a bad sleeper, but since we bought a TV for the bedroom , I have at least solved the problem of getting off to sleep.....I set the timer and almost always I am asleep before the TV switches off......
    I know it's supposed to be bad watching TV in bed.....but if it works, I don't care.....