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Author Topic: Asthma check revealed more than expected  (Read 6414 times)


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Asthma check revealed more than expected
« on: December 31, 2013, 07:38:11 PM »

Have had problems with a cough off & on for ages. Decided to go for asthma check. Asthma nurse checked peak flow, asked appropriate questions.  Then checked oxygen levels & she discovered pulse was up at 110. I'd had a stressful morning, but she reckoned it should have calmed down by time I saw her. Being prescribed tablets for asthma to take at night, but won't get until Friday. Now have to record peak flow, BP & pulse for next 3 weeks. However, if pulse is still raised after 1 week, I've to go straight back pronto.  Not what I was expecting. Bit scary too.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2013, 07:42:45 PM »

Not what you wanted I am sure. When I go to the GP it takes me ages to start to calm down so hopefully when you do your home checks they will be much more stable.
You have done the right thing getting checked out and if there is a problem they are on top of things.

Try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know.

Have a lovely New Year CG and all the very best to you and your hubby.



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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 08:38:00 PM »

I would not worry too much my pulse and BP is sky high at anything medical confirmed by lovely Consultant Anaesthetist who was my Anaesthetist three times.

My GP does not even take my BP for HRT. He tells me to monitor it myself and let him know if its high  :)

They kept me in hospital for 48 hours once because was high dropped slowly after I was discharged.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2014, 08:40:45 PM »

I had a scary asthma check once, the nurse more or less told me I was heading for COPD.  My GP wasnt at all happy at the stuff she said to me; made me more anxious and my asthma worse than ever. Try to relax and not worry, It was probably just a blip.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2014, 09:13:39 PM »

How's thing CG.



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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2014, 09:45:31 PM »

It was fine first thing. I should know better with this nurse. She once referred me immediately to GP after doing an ECG. Did ECG because BP was really high & it was really high because they'd scared me after a blip in a blood test. Ended up in Hospital that time for nothing. Another GP said it had been totally unnecessary. Nurse is really nice, but manages to scare me over small blips. I've managed to stay relatively calm today, despite making big meal. Son wasn't hungry & his GF wasn't well. She's got a really bad cold, which son passed onto her & youngest GD. So his GF has gone to bed & I'm in my jammies, just chillin'.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2014, 11:06:21 PM »

Hi CB, I must weigh in here.  As you know I was a registered nurse at a famous hospital.  I worked on the heart floor and the NORMAL resting pulse for an adult female is 60-100!!!!!  Any activity, physical or mental can raise the pulse and any form of anxiety can raise it immediately.  It is normal and necessary for the human being to have a fight or flight response as it is genetically imbedded in us for survival.  My BP is normally 115/60 pulse around 64.  In the doctors office it is BP 160/85 pulse 90 or more.  And I could be there to pick up a simple prescription.

Once I was at 7600 ft. Moving into our new mountain home and my breathing became difficult and I panicked and BP skyrocketed.  I finally went to emergency and doc did an EKG, which was abnormal as mine always is and she and I both agreed I had a reaction to the elevation, altitude illness or reaction.  I also have had asthma most of my adult life, verified by tests many times.

As I was leaving a nurse ran up,to me and said your EKG is abnormal, it is dangerous for you to leave.  She said the ER doc was not a cardiologist and I should see this other doctor.  I did and was immediately scheduled for an angiogram where a catheter is threaded into my heart.  This can be a dangerous procedure and should not be done without a reason.  Result, NO blockages.

Point of story, don't let certain types be alarmists.  Just tell them it is perfectly normal for you to have higher results in a medical setting and you will do home checks, which are far more reliable.

If you are truly ill, you will know it, but anxiety is the cause of so much over treatment.  And over treatment by itself can cause illness or side effects from medicines.

Also some people have sort of a power complex and knowingly or not scare people.

If you faint, get sweaty or nauseous, and possibly short of breath and a feeling of impending doom, you have a problem.  Being breathy or high pulse or high BP can be a very normal reaction to anxiety or to overbearing medical personnel.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 09:37:19 AM »

I did tell her I'd had a very stressful morning Trey. She was checking my oxygen levels with one of those clip on finger monitors, pulse was 110. I emphasised I was stressed as had a million & one things to do, she double checked pulse & said it still should not be so high, despite the fact that I'd been waiting 25 minutes past my appointment time to see her.  I know I get anxious when visiting surgery, but they don't seem to believe me. I did BP checks three times a day for a week  at their request, and they were satisfied. Can't remember exactly the numbers but somewhere around 130/75.

Anyhoo home checks are fine, so far.  Just need to sort out asthma.

Thanks for your input Trey, much appreciated!


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 01:31:39 PM »

I have asthma as well, but luckily not symptomatic most of the time.  But if get anxious can bring it on.  I'm super sensitive to odors and have a new mattress, which is causing me a lot of discomfort.  Have aired it out repeatedly and still fighting for air and stuffed head each morning.  I used to get allergy shots twice a week for over twenty years.  Did them at home.  I could only take a minuscule dose without reacting.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2014, 01:04:52 PM »

Just collected my prescription for Montelukast 10mg tablets. Asthma nurse mentioned possibility of vivid dreams when taking them. However, she didn't mention other side effects, like suicidal thoughts, anxiety, hallucinations to name but a few. Now I realise these things have to be declared on the info leaflets, but it's scary. I've warned hubby so he can keep an eye on me.


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2014, 07:44:31 PM »

CG - my husband has had these for his COPD and didn't get any side effects at all so hopefully you will be the same.

Taz x


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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2014, 07:53:05 PM »

When my mother gets a prescription we take the information leaflet out and take it away. We always use the same pharmacist and I ask her to check that every thing is appropriate together.

Hope all is fine for you CG and you get some relief from your coughing.



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Re: Asthma check revealed more than expected
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2014, 10:27:02 PM »

Well first tablet taken. Hope I stop coughing soon. Been bad all day today, probably to do with stormy weather.