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Author Topic: Blotchy and itchy neck !?  (Read 3398 times)


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Blotchy and itchy neck !?
« on: January 08, 2014, 12:03:17 PM »

Hi girls
I am going through yet another reaction to something (but nothing springs to mind at all) or else just a hormonal flare-up courtesy of Mother Menopause !
Do any of you suffer from the same ? I've had several flare-ups over the past few years and it starts with a telltale ****ling of my skin, usually when I'm cleansing, so I get on to the antihistimine tablets asap though this started last Sat am and it's now Wednesday and not abating as yet.
My face is on fire from time to time (though not looking too red thankfully) and my neck/throat has big red blotchy patches all over it (almost looks like a really bad case of excema and from past experience I do know it can 'dry' out a bit the same as with excema)
It can get really itchy from time to time and I want to tear my throat out and it sometimes wakes me during the night and all that will soothe it is a wet flannel pressed against it for a while.
Chemists recommend Eurax cream which, sorry, just DOES NOT WORK (!) and leaves my skin feeling horrible. I'm using E45 cream at the moment as a moisturiser as I usually do when this happens.
Can anyone share their experiences and any cures, creams, pills or potions that work for you !?
Be great to hear back from you soonest !
Thanks -


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Re: Blotchy and itchy neck !?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2014, 12:05:58 PM »

A gel called Z-Gel,swear by it.All natural ingredients,can't remember where I got it from,online but if you google it?
Melanie x


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Re: Blotchy and itchy neck !?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 09:19:41 PM »

Thanks Melanie, I'll have a look and see if I can find it.
My neck 'seems' to feel a bit calmer this evening so fingers crossed I may have turned the corner.
J x


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Re: Blotchy and itchy neck !?
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2014, 11:53:29 AM »

Hi there

I have had the same thing -it first happened before I was on HRT about three years ago and the GP prescribed me hydrocortizone cream which I can't say I was happy taking to be honest......... as I prefer to find out the cause rather then just treat the symptons but had no choice.

It recently started again and has got progressively worse to be honest but not only that on occasion I have had it severely under and around my eye area and one morning woke up and my eyes were puffy so off to GP who prescribed a stronger hydrocortizone and then following another visit steroid pills which momentarily made me feel like I was on top of the world but then gave me horrid stomach bloating and felt down after so won't go down that route again.

However, the blotchy and itchiness has come back now and it's weird as some days its fine and some days it flares up.  The last gp I went to said whilst this is happening I should take antihistamines day and night! 

I have tried Eurax (no good) Acqueous, Aveeno, Dermol 500, deprobase - a wide range of eczema creams to no avail. 

I now cleanse only with Simple and the thing I found to help most recently is Nivea! 

I try to limit make up but when it's bad and I have to go to work, I obviously cover it up, which I guess doesn't help but feel conscious about it. 

One doctor said it's stress related. 

I may try this Z gel.
