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Author Topic: How Was It For You?  (Read 6294 times)


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How Was It For You?
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:53:22 AM »

Good morning ladies. I was wondering if anyone would like to use the forum to emotionally vent or unload concerning Christmas day. I know it was looming large for those of us suffering at the moment. Personally I was tense and on edge until 9pm which is the norm atm but disappointing just the same.
Take care and wishing you all well.


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2013, 11:02:07 AM »

I had a lovely day. Both kids at home and everyone happy. I wakened with my usual anxiety but I was determined to enjoy myself and I did.
Who knows if the kids will be at home this time next year so I took every opportunity to make the most of it.

Today did not start off so well as I wakened up to the sound of the dog being sick  ::). Too many treats yesterday.

I hope everyone managed a little pleasure and joy yesterday if only for a brief time.

It's over now and the New Year approaches. I am really going to try and enjoy it. Time goes so fast so my resolution will be to make the most of everyday and not let my anxiety rule my life if I can. Let's say I will go down fighting.



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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 11:11:59 AM »

Ask me tomorrow evening  ;)


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2013, 11:18:18 AM »

Good morning all
Well for me it was busy.  From 10am to 10pm I didn't stop!  I had 8 for lunch which included my mother who is disabled and twin boys aged 4.  Dinner went well but everyone too stuffed for dessert.  The afternoon was spent in a mass of wrapping paper and looking for screwdrivers as most of kids toys today seem to require one!  My daughter and I had planned to do puppet show for the kids which was more hassle than worth but a bit of a laugh.  Everyone went about 7 then it was cleaning up some more.  My husband and I opened our presents about 8 and I was expecting a pandora bracelet but he couldn't get one so he got something else :(
Men just don't get it do they?
All in all a lovely family day but very tiring.
Today is much more relaxing :). So far.   


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2013, 11:20:12 AM »

Pandora ………….. what did he choose instead?  At least he tried ;-)


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 02:07:34 PM »

Weird, just plain odd.  Went out with another couple, took them to a very pricey buffet.  She texted or emailed throughout the meal and the very long ride back to their home.  Seemed a bit rude.  She was friends of his ex wife and I felt as if I were being interviewed the entire time and reported back on.  So not subtle.  Aargh!
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 02:29:54 PM by Trey »


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »

I would have left the table the moment the texting began.  I would have asked the matre'd to find a quiet table and had my meal served quietly, alone ;-).  In fact, I would expect a eatery to ask people to put their mobiles etc. away!

So far so good …..


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 03:34:08 PM »

Yes I must admit I hate texting at table.  I like my phone but hate ppl texting or on Facebook whatever when in company - just rude.
CLKD - that sounds very ungrateful of me!!  I am not really into presents or jewellery as we have everything we want but I had mentioned a pandora bracelet with maybe one or 2 charms as they are expensive .  The idea being you can buy charms year on year as he is always complaining he never knows what to get me.  He left it til the last minute and the pandora shop was queuing out the door.  S he went to some small retailer and bought a bracelet which is nice don't get me wrong.  Now sound and feel like a selfish cow!!!! 
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 05:24:16 PM by groundhog »


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2013, 03:42:09 PM »

Mine was good! Woke feeling yucky but think it was stress of Xmas. Once I had some sparkling wine in me was great. We danced to take that, had a walk in the minus 25 snow and stayed up until midnight after a brief nap at 5! Why am I still so tired all the time? All in all a great day thank god


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 04:17:09 PM »

Had a lovely day. Got up quite late and opened some presents, watched a bit of Gone with the Wind. Then my friends arrived and we opened more presents. Went off to have Christmas dinner out and it was lovely - so relaxed. The hotel had got it just right as far as service went. There was a bit of a mix up with our wine and we got a free bottle. Good food, excellent company a few laughs and crackers. What more could you want?  Came home and sat down to watch some Christmas tv, then off to bed with a good book. Really really good..............


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2013, 04:39:21 PM »

Bramble - sounds like a very relaxing day!

Very stressful with having to work and oldest son traveling late night on snowy country roads for several hours, but all turned out very well in spite of stress headaches and nausea.  In jammies and slippers for the day today.   :)

Had been told by hubby we were not exchanging presents, and after a VERY late night out Christmas eve was extremely surprised he got up before dawn and waited while I got ready for work.  Could not figure out why in the world he was up, and when I walked into my office found a small gold-wrapped package.  Turns out my curmudgeon had gotten me a very beautiful silver double-heart necklace with diamonds on it.  Was seriously not expecting a thing (but was very glad I didn't "obey the rule" either!)


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2013, 04:41:45 PM »

Had great day with family. Although did get anxious mid afternoon. Son's living room was like a bomb site. No room to swing a cat & I could feel myself wanting out to be calm/breath. So I did. Went to bedroom for 30 minutes for some me time. Was fine later.
As for texting, I left phone in bedroom.


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2013, 06:02:08 PM »

Better than expected. Hubby and I went for a long walk on Xmas Day as it was a lovely morning, called in on some friends who were also on their own and stayed for a couple of hours. It was almost 3pm when we got home and son and I started cooking the dinner, which we ate around 6.30pm, and making some Millionaires Shortbread that we had been wanting to make for some time. Had a bit of a laugh making it while hubby played with his new tablet PC.

Dinner was lovely and we watched Dr Who and Downtown Abbey.

Went for another walk this morning then visited eldest stepson and two grandchildren this afternoon. Not feeling very hungry so having chips with turkey slices soon :-)

Ariadne xx



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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2013, 12:53:58 PM »

PHEW! home  ;)

Mum went on and on and ..........  :-\ muttering nearly all the while except when she was alseep.  Otherwise, having taken 1 anti-anxiety tablet on Thursday evening I didn't require any more.  We had some lovely gifts, Mum joined in whilst DH and I opened ours to each other, taking note of what we had: DH helped her cook lunch which we sat down to around 12.30, after The Queen we spent 2 hours opening more: Mum had made an effort via Male Order  :o and had given us some nice pressies even though she had wrapped those for DH in white paper used for wrapping meat from the butcher  :-\   .......... yesterday was spent with DH's brother and wife - we take the meat which they cook with vegies; back this morning .........


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Re: How Was It For You?
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2013, 01:23:37 PM »

Lovely- had our traditional cooked breakfast then sat round and opened our pressies one by one.
coffee and mincepies.
Toasted my dad who sadly,is no longer with us.
Lunch was perfect.The turkey was gorgeous and not at all dry.
I cooked a crown and it said to put water in the bottom of the roasting tin and sprinkle a little water on top and baste every 30 mins.
It was the best turkey I've ever cooked and eaten.
For the rest of the day we chilled with chocolates and TV.
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