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Author Topic: And I thought it was all over (newby post)  (Read 3436 times)


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And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:03:26 PM »

Hi, I`m Natalie and new to these forums. Merry Christmas all. :)
I`m 50 years old and have been in peri for well over 3 years now. Been to hell and back with practically every menopause symptom there is over this time, then 8 months ago my periods just stopped, and many of the symptoms improved dramatically,and I have felt human again for much of the time. Two weeks ago it all came back...Heavy , very painful and long period, hot sweats,weird head sensations, nausea and lack of appetite, horrendous head aches and muscle aches, feeling on the verge of panic attacks, jumpy and anxious but to name a few. :( I`m feeling pretty dreadful to be honest and once again my self confidence has taken a nose dive..It`s so hard to function normally when you are overwhelmed by so many different ailments at once, and the stress of Christmas is adding to my anxiety. Has anyone else experienced this....thinking you have turned the corner, only to relapse again?  I assume my hormones have gone to pot again and that`s why my periods are back:/


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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2013, 04:28:21 PM »

no one? :(


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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2013, 05:40:47 PM »

Hi Natalie,  have just seen your post and want to send you lots of hugs, as I can so relate to how you feel.  I am post meno and had an awful few years in peri ,  with all kinds of horrible symptoms- panicky feelings, feelings of dread and doom, fear, depression, anxiety, jitters, adrenaline rushes , crying non stop nausea etc.  My spells of being unwell used to come and go with my cycles, even after my periods stopped, but this last year has been the year from hell as my anxiety,depression etc has been constant, I think because I tried HRT for 5 months  it has sent my hormones into chaos :(   I had to come off it suddenly as it wasn't helping the emotional symptoms and gave me very heavy bleeding.  I am now on a new Anti Depressant as the Prozac had stopped working, and ten weeks in am waiting for it to work :-\     It is so awful, and disrupting my life so much-  today I have been in and out of bed and luckily only have close family here, I find it very hard to face people at the moment.   I know what you mean about losing confidence.  I am 57 so a bit older than you and had hoped that by now things would have eased off a bit.   Are you taking anything for your symptoms? maybe a trip to your GP might help.   You can Pm me anytime as I  understand how you feel, and I have found this forum so helpful,   I really hope you  find some relief soon,  if you look on my 'feeling dreadful' thread on the all things menopause forum,  you will be able to see  more about my meno journey, and also all the great advice that I have been given.   sending you a :hug: Love Magsxxxxxx

meno lesley

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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2013, 06:23:49 PM »

Hi Natalie

I'm 55 and stopped my periods at 50. All was going swimmingly for 2 years with the occasional hot flush but then suddenly hit by every symptom going. It was like I changed over night and thought i was going mad. Anyway, 3 years later and dabbling in different hrts I now  am on estrogel and utrogestan which has been the best one for me. I am not symptom free but am a hundred times better than I was. I have tried to reduce the hrt at different times but the symptoms come back. So for now I will stick with it.

All the things you have got going on I can relate to and know for me that this forum has helped me immensely. It has not made me feel so alone as none of my friends seem to be sailing through menopause.

As Mags said perhaps you could arrange an appointment with doctor to discuss things.

Hope you feel better soon.

Lesley x


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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2013, 10:17:43 PM »


The forum is very quiet at the moment due to Xmas celebrations. Lots will be along to welcome you soon.

What you are experiencing is very normal. Have you considered HRT. I went six months without a bleed and then the next time was eight months. At that point the flushes and insomnia were unbearable so I opted for patches.

It's a very personal choice but there is lots of help and support here.



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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 12:11:57 PM »

Thank you ladies  :) I am glad that I found this forum, as reading through others posts, I can see that others experience the same horrible things that I am feeling. I did go to see my GP a year ago, but was basically told that it is my age, and to get on with it, and it`ll pass. :-\ However I am at the stage where I am thinking of going back and speaking to another GP at our practise (a male GP, as it was our female GP who was so unsympathetic..I guess she sailed through menopause!
I have always suffered with anxiety throughout my life (a born worrier) and sometimes I do wonder if I make myself worse as each new symptom makes me question whether it is to do with menopause or is it something more sinister. I find myself looking on google to see if this new symptom is one suffered in menopause by other women. I know you shouldn`t google! lol  Basically the worse you feel, the more you worry about it and the harder it is to function normally..Don`t you agree?  So how much of it is anxiety related and how much is actually hormonal, or do the two just go together?
At the moment mornings are my worst time. I wake up with a headache, and feel nauseous all a hangover without the booze! Unfortunately it`s not like I can try and relax as mornings are when I have to go out and muck out the horses and tend to the animals (I live on a small farm)
A good nights sleep is hit and miss..Sometimes I twitch, and buzz for hours before falling asleep, and yes I too get the adrenalin rushes that make you feel so dreadful.
Today, besides the nausea, and headache, I ache all over, and feel like someone is pinging elastic bands in my head...wierd!!
The only thing I have actually tried is Vagifem, but had to come off this as it made me feel quite dreadful. I was put on this to try and help me with stress incontinence...another thing that makes you feel low..Oh the fun of it all! ::)
I look forwards to speaking to you all and thank you again for your support xx


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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2013, 02:48:06 PM »



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Re: And I thought it was all over (newby post)
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 03:32:26 PM »

Hi Natalie I'm new also!

I had 3 months over the summer where like you after 5 years of cyclical symptoms with peri, I suddenly felt great. No periods, hardly any symptoms. Then they hit again but instead of being cyclical they were pretty much constant and I had new ones - adrenaline rushes with bp spikes, dizziness etc etc. finally gave in and went on hrt (estrogel and compounded progesterone). Still in early days and building up my doses but feel sooooo much better. Have gone from just praying for bedtime to get away for it all, to dancing round the living room with my 2 girls (not a pretty sight but we are all enjoying the change). I am obviously scared of drugs etc but my specialist really reassured me and to be honest, I couldn't face another 1 to 10 years feeling as I did! It has also cured the continual peeing!! Hope you find some relief and the ladies on here are just GREAT