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Author Topic: Evorel Sequi Patches  (Read 13179 times)


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Evorel Sequi Patches
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:29:30 PM »

Was wondering if anyone could help???
I have just started these nearly a week ago and yesterday I started to bleed. It is quite heavy and clotty. Prior to this I had not had a period for 3 - 4 months and have only had about 3 this year. Last year I didn't have any between March and December but I also lost my Sister and Dad suddenly so just put it down to shock.
I had previously not given much thought to menopause, however I have every symptom of peri apart from hot flushes and I am 50. I did used to get a lot of night sweats a few years ago but again didn't pay much attention to it. My main symptoms are anxiety, fatigue, rubbish sleep and lost all confidence when I used to be so self sufficient. I do realize I am grieving and I also take an SSRI. I am a single Mum to 2 teenages and we have always been a good team. My quality of life is poor at the moment and I want it back. Don't know if i have done the right thing going on these patches, they were my last hope  :'(     
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 06:20:14 PM by catherine21 »


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Re: Evoril Sequi Patches
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 07:23:39 PM »

Hi catherine21 :welcomemm: and so very sorry to hear about your Dad and sister - and of course you will still be grieving and need to take care of yourself.

From what you say I think the fact that you started a period after only a week on the Evorel sequi, means that you probably were due to bleed now anyway.

Usually with sequi HRT you would expect to bleed either just after finishing the second lot of patches (the combi ones containing the progestogen), or towards the end, so as you haven't actually started on these yet it could be your own progesterone rising and falling which has triggered the bleed.

I would carry on with the patches and see what happens. If your cycle is about to return then it may be that you do get some bleeds at the "wrong" time but eventually as your oestrogen levels fall you will just bleed once a month.

There are other HRT types to try if you find the combi patches dont suit you - but they work well for many women.

It also sounds from the pattern of your periods that you are peri-menopausal so hopefully the HRT will make you feel better. I think SSRI's prevent flushes which is why you may not be getting them

Here is what it says on this site:

SSRI DRUGS (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). This is a class of anti-depressant drugs which seem to work on the "thermostat" receptor as well as neurotransmitters. Examples are Venlafaxine, Fluoxetine, and Paroxetine. They have been studied and widely used effectively for reducing flushes in women who have had breast cancer [Ref 11 and Ref 28] . Care should be taken however, if Tamoxifen is being taken as part of the treatment for breast cancer since studies have shown that some SSRIs may interfere with the action of Tamoxifen. Venlafaxine seems to be less likely to have this effect and so is the preferred option in this situation. The dose of SSRIs can be started low and increased gradually to minimize side effects. A greater reduction in hot flushes is seen at higher doses but the side effects such as nausea, dizziness, problems with sleeping, agitation and confusion may be worse.

I hope you feel better soon so that it makes life a little easier for you. Teenagers can be a challenge!

Hurdity x


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 02:02:05 PM »

Thank you Hurdity for answering my query.

This past 18 months have been the toughest I have ever experienced. Is it possible that all the upset and stress could make my symptoms worse? My head feels like it has a wasps nest inside, I have zero motivation so even dragging myself to work each day is so challenging. Basically I feel half dead but cannot sleep due to racing heart. Is this what being perimenopausal can be like? and should the patches make these simptoms better? Cannot believe what hormones can do to a woman. I used to be so vibrant; where have I gone?

Another query; This morning I had horrendous anxiety and my patch was due for changing (3rd one so far), after I had changed it I started to feel more relaxed. Is this just coincidence maybe?? Hope you don't mind all my questions but I have found this web site very helpful.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 06:20:44 PM by catherine21 »


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Re: Evoril Sequi Patches
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 06:28:45 PM »

Hi catherine

I can't really help re the symptoms you describe but I am sure someone else will be along who can relate to this - ie the racing heart. Replacing deficient oestrogen should definitely help with your mood and zest for life - especially when you are peri-menopausal. A new member just posted today on how HRT has been so beneficial in all respects. However it can't deal with other problems, issues and sadness in your life - so some of these symptoms may be partly due to upset and stresses as you say.

There is an article here on this site about the peri-menopause and what is happening to your body:

The symptoms are all discussed in detail here:

There is a lot of info in the menus on the left so I suggest you read up as much as you can.

Replacing the patch is unlikely to have an immediate effect - I have read that it takes about 12 hours to build up to full absorption. Similarly provided the patch is stuck well - it doesn't run out after 3 days - the oestrogen levels build to a peak and then just tail off very gradually over the next week or so - but you change it well before there is a serious decline in levels.

Patches are designed to deliver a very consistent amount of oestrogen into the system.

Hopefully someone else might be able to share their experiences and can re-assure you too

Hurdity x


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2013, 07:20:28 PM »

Hi catherine and welcome.
The way you describe how you feel at the moment really reminds me of how i was when I became peri meno.  I too went through a particularly traumatic time and needed counselling to get myself back together. The HRT helped because I, at least, had my physical symptoms under control and it did help me to sleep better.
Give the HRT time and hopefully things will settle.
I wish you well.  DG xxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2013, 08:00:44 PM »

Hi Catherine

I have been on everol sequel patches for over two years now and made a real difference I am in peri meno and am 47 I also had a very stressful time only health wise for me, was diagnosed with a lump on my parathyroid and had to have surgery', went into meno, found I also had MS then underactive thyroid, but the worse by far was the meno symptoms the panic attacks, flushes, vibrating in my arms, horrible burning hot breath feeling and frightening doom feelings, feeling like I was being watched in my own house, and many others and of course the loss of confidence of everything!
Now I hardly have any I think the patches worked after about two weeks so keep chin up it won't be long for you now.  Keep posting and let us know how your getting on?


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2013, 10:22:46 PM »

Hi all and thank you not only for your kind words and advice but for making me feel so welcome and that I am not on my own with this. It really is reassuring to hear your experiences and be able to relate to I'm not going off my rocker after all.
I will keep posting to let you all know how I'm getting on xxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2013, 04:31:43 PM »

Hi all,

Smokey, did you see a noticable difference after 2 weeks? I'm on my 4th patch now, not started the combined hormone one yet, so maybe after a full months treatment I will notice some improvement. Muscle tension/spasms in my shoulders, neck and scalp are really bothersome at the moment so I'm hoping HRT will help with this. I'm sure this must be hormone related as I've never had it until about 5 months ago. Does anyone else have problems with this?
Regarding thyroid - my friend suggested I have mine tested as she has an under active one and when I said how exhausted I feel she said it would be worth having it checked. I don't want to appear neurotic at docs as I've only just started these patches, but if my thyroid is dodgy HRT won't help. TBH I'm just fed up with all these symptoms and I'm getting stress at work ie. my manager (male) asking me how long this is gong to go on. And with that he means my anxiety related to grief. I can't believe someone would say that to me, I just burst into tears at the thought of someone insinuating that I can just get over loosing my Sister and Dad within 3 months of each other. I used to be quite a vibrant person and I'm just a shadow of that person now; I'm sure this is because meno has now been added to grieving. Anyway if others can deal with it together with the other stresses in your life, I can too.  Thanks for your support


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2013, 08:36:52 PM »

Hi Catherine
I'm sorry to hear of your loss and it sounds like you've had a very difficult  few months.

I have also always been very active,positive and enthusiastic but over the last few months have become lethargic, irritable, mood swings and just have no drive to do anything. I was also getting headaches and bad shoulder and neck pain. I tried new pillows, mattress, pills everything and nothing worked . In despair I went to the doctor and she said my neck was very swollen and recommended massage.It has worked tremendously well and has released much tension and reduced headaches-if it is within your budget I would definitely  recommend a deep tissue massage. She also tested for thyroid and menopause though at 39 I did not see the necessity despite my periods having become irregular this year.

Anyway, I have now had 2 blood tests both showing FSH levels consistent with perimenopause and have also been prescribed the Evorel Sequi patches. Whislt it  was an initial shock I do feel better already though that might be just because there is a reason for having been feeling so rotten. My thyroid was fine but it is not uncommon for thyroid and menopause issues to occur together apparently so do insist on a test. Thyroid problems are easily resolved with a daily tablet too.

I've only recently joined the site but  everyone has been so helpful and supportive :) 


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2013, 11:31:22 AM »


Catherine how are you feeling now? The thyroid can start playing up when HRT has been started so get it checked out together with your iron too, my thyroid went out of sink about 6 months after HRT now I'm anaemic and on iron pills 3 times a day when will it end, started having extra period each month for the last couple of months, so maybe that could be the cause of my low iron I have a doc app next week to investigate, just hope it's not anything worse!



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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2013, 04:11:13 PM »

Hi Anna/Smokey,

Thanks for your comments. How long have you been on patches? Has your neck and shoulder pain improved as mine today has been awful.... had a horrible day at work though - feel like my manager is putting me under pressure to get back to 'normal'. I felt ok yesterday but today not so good. I've put my first combi patch on today, however felt rubbish before I put it on. Am I expecting too much too soon and is it a gradual improvement ie mood, motivation.
I am going to get my thyroid checked, I don't think I'm iron defficient, will see what Dr thinks. Hope you're ok Smokey, are you generally doing ok on patches despite your other probs. I agree, when will it end xxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2013, 05:07:48 PM »

Hi Catherine

I don't recall having neck or shoulder pain, legs felt achy and knees for a bit, don't seem to have that now however my legs felt strange yesterday not the same just strangely stiff, no pain but aware of them if that makes sense, I guess that could be Ms rather than meno today I feel a bit more energetic than in quite a while maybe that's the iron pills starting to bring my levels up as I managed to clean two bathrooms today! To be honest Catherine it's the ms which has being playing on my mind more than meno, but the scary meno feelings I had early on went very quickly together with the tears, I still feel insecure sometimes for no reason and have days when I don't want to go out! But in general I'm ok.only now I'm worrying why I'm bleeding in between periods although it's not heavy.hopfully it's just a meno thing and not something serious.i just hope my doctor doesn't suggest coming off the patches as I'm doing well with them.


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2013, 05:24:07 PM »

Just thought Catherine are you still drinking coffee as caffeine is known as not being good with meno! Also alcohol have your hot flushes gone or got better as if these patches are suiting you they would be likely the first symptoms to go or at least improve.

Keep posting and also keep a diary so you can look back at your progress, it really does help! Xxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2013, 08:58:18 PM »

Hi Catherine
I've onlybeen taking the patches since Monday when my GP confirmed the diagnosis of POF following my second blood test results. I do feel a bit better,more positive but that may be psychological because I'm taking something and perimenopause is the reason for my recent months of low mood and feeling terrible.

I am a little concerned about the 2nd set of patches with progestogen as these have testosterone in them and have read some stories of bad PMS on them.Of course, everyone is different so we shall see. I've got to  see a consultant in the New Year to discuss HRT options in more detail so I'm just going to see how it goes and get together a list of questions for her.

How are you getting on? I've read it can take weeks ,even months to settle on the HRT.


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2013, 06:16:11 PM »

Hi Anna/Smokey

Smokey - I don't drink coffee or alcohol, I have a couple of cups of tea in morning then drink chamomile. I don't get hot flushes (every other symptom) I take an SSRI and apparently these help with potential flushes. Thanks for advice though.

Anna - I have just posted on my other thread (bit silly starting 2) anyway I was due to change my patch today- 2nd combi one but I have chickened out replacing it as I had felt really low the last couple of days and anxiety yesterday was ridiculous. I've had a blood test for thyroid today and a tel appt with doc on Monday, so see what she says, I just can't risk depression getting bad again. I'm the same as you as in, don't know what is psychological and what is real anymore; I hate being neurotic and paranoid. Let me know how you get on with patches. 
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