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Author Topic: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!  (Read 12072 times)


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I thought that heading would get your attention.

That is what a female doctor told me a couple of months ago.

In a longish "nutshell" this is my life so far.

I am mixed race and only know my white side of the family tree. My mother, grandmother and aunt all hat HRT replacement as they had their uteruses and ovaries removed due to some cancerous growths. These days they would probably not do this but it was the 70's and 80's in those days. So there is no point in asking them how they coped through the menopause as they never had one as such.

I will be 48 in a few weeks time.

It all started about 2 years ago. First the hot flushes, a lot all day and all night. Not able to sleep. Not helped by the fact that hubby snores like an electric saw. Putting on the weight as well even though I was quite active and did not eat a lot. My periods were still there as before. I have always had very, very heavy and painful periods. To put it in perspective, when I had my kids 25 & 27 years ago I did it without any pain relief. I could not understand the fuss about the birthing pain as it was more painful for me to have my monthlies than giving birth.

I go through a large packet of pain killers every month, otherwise I could not take the pain. I should have invested in shares with tampax and the ilk, going through packets each month. I had some accidents where I sat and got up and literally flooded. That was so embarrassing at the time. The only positive was that it was regular like clockwork, exactly every 28 days, so I could plan ahead. Later on it moved a little by a day or two, which was inconvenient as I had to take days off work. There was no way I could work and have the period at the same time, also as I had irritable bowels. I also got the mood swings before and the migraines thereafter. I also got the middle pain when the ovaries "spawned" the eggs. Could hardly walk at times. So the idea of going into menopause kept me going as the doctors refused to remove the uterus. They kept telling me that I may want to have more kids. Hmmm.... dont think so, otherwise I would have had them already.

So 2 years ago I had the hot flushes for a good 6 months, then I missed a period. Happy days me thinks. I had a few "emotional" breakdowns or temper tantrums as well. Whilst on the return flight from holiday I nearly fainted. It just washed over me this feeling and I thought I would burn up. I was in a third world country and there was no way I would end up on the floor in the airport. So I just gritted teeth and powered through.

Went to see a couple of doctors, the blood tests, everything seems OK, just anaemic, which I get treated for already, slightly raised cholesterol. Then nothing, everything went back to normal for a good 6 months.

Then the hot flushes started again, more intense than ever before. I used to be the person running around in a jumper in the height of summer (probably due to being anaemic). Now I can sit here with a t-shirt and still feel hot. I do not have problems with wrinkles, but do with skin blemishes and feel like a pimply teenager again. My last period was in August and I am having one right now. Its been going for 6 days now.

I had to give up my job in June. I could no longer work. I was quite aggressive and short tempered. Due to me being a contractor they let me go as my contract came to an end anyway. I was not upset, because the summer had just started and I was becoming depressed working in a dark grey office whilst the sun was out there. I am an emotional mess though. I am trying hard to not show it.
I used to lead a team of 20. My memory is totally shot. I did not know the answers to the most simple questions. I go round circles and seem to obsess about stuff and other things I could not care less about. The youngsters ran rings around me. It was really funny as I could clearly see that one of the young ones was gunning for my job. But I did not care, inbetween my hot flushes and feeling depressed about being there in the first place.

And I am so slow. I used to be so fast when working with the computers and software. Now I have to write everything down. The other thing is that subjects I used to be passionate about, I could care less about, but obsess about other meaningless stuff. I know I have a mild case of OCD, but sometimes I really have to reign myself in.

The last few years I was able to save money for a rainy day, also the kids are self sufficient even though they still live with us. So I thought take a couple of months off and see how you get on. Well I am not getting on well. So I thought I find myself a part time job. However no one wants me it seems. But then these are difficult times for all kinds of people. I did go for an interview and had my first anxiety attack. If the person interviewing me had not come out that moment I would have stood up and fled the premises.

I have the flushes, my bones creak, especially the knees. I then had my left thumb freeze up and get still. One of my caring doctors said its age and arthritis. Yeah right I thought. So went to a private clinic, had an xray done. Carpal tunnel syndrome. I received a steroid injection into the thumb joint and now wear braces at night as I had pins and needles in both my arms every morning waking up was a painful experience. The metal in the brace stops the hand and wrist from curling up. My thumb went back to normal size and I can use it again. Sometimes when I get really intense flushes I can feel my thumb throbbing. If it gets bad again I will try the injections again. If it will not work then I will have to get it operated. The specialist said the changes in my body MAY have triggered it but I should not fret about it. Easier said than done.

My other BIG problem is that I am losing my hair. First I had this one big round patch on the left side which I could cover up. At first I thought it was ringworm. But the doctors said no. Then the hair started to regrow in the patches, but coming back white. I have round patches all over in various sizes. So far I can cover them up wearing a ponytail style. But my hair is also thinning out. Each time I brush my hair the brush is full. I also know this as I used to only be able to wrap the hair band around my hair once, now I can do it three times. The docs said its alopecia. Nothing one can do. If this continues I will be bald by January/February. I think I should start to look at wigs.

I then had this idea to turn my hobby into a business so started attending a night course 2 days a week. Its more intensive than I thought. I am fretting that I may not remember everything for the exams in February and June next year.

Being with my husband is still working so no issues there. But I do have times where I have a couple of weeks of discharge like a very very mild bleeding and I did have two urinary infections. The doc says its due to the changes and not much I can do about this.

I am sure there is more stuff but I cannot remember. The worst is waking up some days and having no energy to do anything. If I could just stay in bed I would not get up at all. I feel like I have run a marathon and I am totally knackered.

I feel frustrated that the doctors do not want to give me anything to help me through this. They are trying to make me feel bad saying that others have it worse than I do. The wanted to give antidepressants. There is no way I will take those. Its the crazy hormones that need to be reigned in.

I tried herbs, the Chinese Doctors with their herbs and pills, massages, sport, and generally trying to live healthy. I even stopped eating chocolate (my vice) and reduced my coffee intake drastically from 5/6 cups to 2 a day. Actually I need the coffee to get going in the morning.

Sorry for the long moan.


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 07:00:47 PM »

Sounds like you need HRT - I would go back to your GP and ask for a trial for 3 months. 


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 07:29:15 PM »

I have been 3 times already and the last one was pretty rude as per my post heading.

And I was told that if I get too forceful or aggressive they will kick me out of the surgery.

I would like to go private, but I need a letter from my doctor and they are not willing to give me one. Without the letter my health insurance wont pay for it.

Ju Ju

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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 07:37:59 PM »

You are special!   :hug: And the good news is your symptoms are similar to many other women, which is why this forum is so helpful. You are not alone. I went to see a private gynaecologist for different reasons, without a doctor's letter, though my GP recommended her. It cost £140. I don't have private health insurance. She made recommendations to my GP.


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 07:56:05 PM »

@ Ju Ju

£140 is not the world. I think I will call a few clinics and find out the cost.

I was taken aback a little as my thumb situation cost the health insurance over £800. I would not be able to pay that out of my own pocket. Just because one lives in London one has to pay a premium I find.

I just remembered: I never took the anti-baby pill after they stopped producing the one pill called Diane in the mid 80's. They stopped that one because it was a very high dosed one and suspected of causing heart attacks and deaths. But it was the only one that worked for me. The other pills never agreed with me, even though I tried many different types. I got really bad migraines and feeling very ill and totally disinterested in sex. My husband then got the snip after baby no 2. I am a bit worried that the patches or hormone pills will trigger the migraines again and mess me up even more.



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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2013, 08:04:26 PM »

Change your GP Surgery.  This is NOT the attitude one needs to hear about any health problem! kicking you out if you seem aggressive, I would be more than aggressive  :cuss:  .......... are the Staff of 'an age' or is this a cultural attitude?  I would go to Lloyds Pharmacy and ask if there is a GP Surgery which treats menopausal symptoms, they should know by the types of prescriptions given  ;) you could say you are newly resident in the area  :-\

Have you browsed the menus, left of screen?  You may find useful information there.  You can send Dr Currie a personal e-mail too.

You are not alone  :foryou:  ........... heart attacks are 'natural', strokes are 'natural', bowel motions are 'natural' but sometimes these natural occurrences need intervention!


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2013, 08:20:09 PM »

Yes, I have been reading some of he links. Its total information overload for me. It will take me a couple of days to work through it.

Nice idea about the Pharmacy. I will try it out and see.


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2013, 09:19:59 PM »

Breadfruit - if you are London based there are plenty of NHS menopause clinics.  I used to attend one at Edgware Hospital and I didn't need a referral I just phoned up and made an appointment.
When I was first diagnosed as peri in my 30s (20 years ago) I eventually went to a private Meno clinic - Amarant clinic
Hope this is helpful.
DG x


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2013, 09:37:46 PM »

By the way - like you, I was good on the earlier type of 'The Pill' which was later deemed too strong and after I had my 2 children I tried going back on and was given one of the new ones which never suited me. 
Don't worry about HRT - it's different from The Pill.  Ask for bio-identical HRT - this is either Patch or Oestrogel for the oestrogen part and if you have heavy and painful periods I'd try having the Mirena coil fitted for the progesterone. A good clinic will look at your hormonal history and try you on the best option but sometimes you have to try a few before finding the combo that suits you.  Good luck  Dg x


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2013, 12:35:28 PM »

I have been 3 times already and the last one was pretty rude as per my post heading.

And I was told that if I get too forceful or aggressive they will kick me out of the surgery.

I would like to go private, but I need a letter from my doctor and they are not willing to give me one. Without the letter my health insurance wont pay for it.

I would call this NHS number where they search up surgery for you in your area and would tell them how you were treated as reason for looking for a new one!!

I was changing surgeries few times, because was moving a lot for awhile, and each time NHS send me a form in which I was asked for a feedback on surgery/GP. Do it, please!

Big hugs! :-\


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2013, 08:10:06 AM »

you could argue that all medical conditions are natural - unless they are self inflicted such as smoking and obesity (according to the media) and the debate is to not treat such self inflicted conditions there fore if it is not acceptable to treat natural conditions as they are 'perfectly natural' then why do we have a health service?

Sorry, in a ranting mood today. I was doing better and now I am not! I hear your story and feel your pain and frustration. I am more fortunate to have a wonderful doctor and an amazing boss (especially amazing as he is a man!). Without them I think I would have found a nice bridge to jump off as the journey over the last few months has been hell. Your problems at work resonate with me and I know how useless you must have felt. You were very brave to take the step of taking some time out.

I also have carpel tunnel and have been referred for an assessment. I have just had a cortisone injection in my shoulder as the pain was so bad I could not wear a bra, carry anything and would wake if I turned onto my side. My knee is also agony but it comes and goes.

You need help. I could not have continued without a supportive GP and some intervention from HRT and physio. This forum has also been a godsend. I hope you get what you are looking for.

Have you tried the walk in clinics? My GP recommended them a while ago as they can treat on the spot but also send you on to a specialist clinic??? Great if you are not near your GP but also perfect if you lack the trust in your GP??


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2013, 05:53:38 AM »

I had a female OB-Gyn (late 40's) tell me that menopause is natural and all women go through it and do not need hormones.  She said calcium supplements would protect my bones and if I kept having sex regularly I would have no problems "down there". After another visit for vaginal problems and hearing the same thing,  I went somewhere else and got hormones and went back to her for my yearly physical and she was downright hostile.

I then chose to continue my yearly visits with a different doctor in the same clinic.  After my first appt with the new doctor, the old doctor had the clinic send me back the co-pay I paid when I saw her the previous year.  I thought that was really weird....she was really arrogant. I secretly hope her menopause teaches her a few things about life! ::)



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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2013, 01:53:10 PM »

I secretly hope her menopause teaches her a few things about life!

I sympathize, and I hope the same for my in early 30s female GP who refuses to prescribe sleeping pills for me.

Not enough I have to cope during a day with this madness, now I need to contemplate it during nights too - wondering if this is a some sort of assassination of older women that is going on...?  :-\


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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2014, 01:46:57 PM »


The last months were hell. No energy, massive weight gain around the waist, and constant flushes and thereafter getting the chills and shaking and teeth chattering. Last week I went to the surgery and said I need to see a doctor to get a referral to see a gynecologist. I had it!

Lo and behold my surgery has a doctor specialising in Menopause. When they told me the name I could have screamed at them. She is a regular there. I had spoken to her some years ago.

Anyway, I spoke to her on Saturday. She immediately put me on HRT. She is around my age and she said she herself is on HRT and will stay on it until she dies. She said HRT is not as bad as its being portrayed. She said it can even protect women from some cancers, bone issues etc.

So, since Saturday lunch time I am on HRT. I have taken my 4th tablet today and I am on top of the world. I cleaned my house this morning! I have energy. My brain is working. I have still some flushes, but they are weaker and not as often. I also have a very reduced discharge. I feel good. I hope it stays on and is not some kind of fluke.

For those of you interested I am on:

Prempak-C 0.625 mg (conjugated estrogens) 28 tablets / 0.15 mg (norgestrel) 12 tablets

I got 6 months supply from her as its cheaper that way. I paid under £20.

If in a couple of months I still have flushes, she wants me to double the dosis of the 0.625mg tablet.

The only negative is, that I will have a period every month, but I may be lucky and it will not be as bad as it usually is. She said that if one goes on holiday and the period is due, one can skip taking the 0.15 mg tablets as a one off and not have a period whilst out holidaying.

If this does not work for me at all we will review this. Another option for me was to get the coil and take some kind of hormone, that way I would not have any more periods. But I am not keen of having something inside of me.

All I can say is stay away from men doctors and the young female doctors. They have no clue! Look for the older female doctor, they hopefully have experienced this problem of pre and menopause.



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Re: Get over it. Its natural, every woman has this. You are not special!
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2014, 07:23:03 PM »

I don't know why HRT is such a problem for doctors to prescribe and for women to feel comfortable taking.  There doesn't seem the same attitude when it comes to the contraceptive pill and the hormone levels are much higher in that.

I'm with your current GP in that I intend to take HRT for as long as possible.  Who knows, the rules will probably change in a few years!

Glad you are feeling better I did think HRT was the way forward!  (see post earlier!)
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