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Author Topic: Early Menopause  (Read 6118 times)


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Early Menopause
« on: November 11, 2013, 12:10:47 PM »

I'm new to the forum. Over the last year I have missed several periods and not had one for 3 months. Over the last couple of months I've had severe head and neck ache, sleeplessness, irritability and mood swings. My doctor has run various tests and the results are that my hormones are consistent with menopause. I have to go back for another test in 2 weeks as she does not want to diagnose on 1 test because of my age

I'm only 39 so this has come as a shock for me. I have mixed feelings and it is still sinking in. I don't really know anyone who has gone through the menopause ,even my sister who is 10 years older than me hasn't gone through it yet.

I'm hoping to learn a lot from this forum and meet people going through similar experiences and was wondering about the following:

- Has anyone gone through this in their 30s/early 40s
- Is HRT recommended. From what I've read and my doc says it's definitely recommended for people in early menopause.
- Will it ease my symptoms?
-I'm concerned about side effects as my other sister had  breast cancer at 35
- I've recently started yoga and also need to keep an eye on my diet/weight.

Many thanks and lovely to meet you all :)     


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 12:17:16 PM »

Welcome, so sorry re your diagnosis but I think that you will find that there are several ladies on here who have done so. I went through at 39 as well, the best HRT for you is the bio identical one, I highly recommend the rub on gel, Oestro or Femigel it is called and a natural progesterone like Utrogestan which you can use Vaginally for so many days per month to protect your womb. You most def need hormone replacement, being so young, and my Dr said that they only start counting from approx the age of 50 as you are topping out what your body would naturally be making. Do not delay, and do not worry, the bio's have had no side effects for me at all, without them, I would have been a shrivelled up, miserable old prune, look after your bones and your heart whilst you are still so young. You will find loads of support on here, all the best.


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 12:22:48 PM »

Thank you so much for your response Cassie, It's good to know there are other people having similar experiences.My doc said something similar about the HRT so that's good to know.

My FSH level was 46.9. I had no idea what that meant but from reading it seems that is a high level. I've also read though that levels do increase throughout the month. I shall see what the next blood test resultis of course but I wondered what is the likelihood of a woman who isn't in perimenopause  having a FSH level that high at any point in the month. I can't seem  to find anything about it.
Many thanks   


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 01:23:33 PM »

Hi and Welcomeanna123
I was peri-meno from mid 30s!! Ghastly!!  I believe the  FSH level shows how hard your ovaries are working to maintain your hormone levels.  High FSH means ovaries having to work very hard so indicates peri meno.  HRT is absolutely vital when so young, to protect bones, heart etc. 

I totally agree with Cassie - you must insist on bio-indenticals.  The gel is great because you can control the amount of oestrogen you use and use the lowest dose which keep your symptoms at bay.  While peri your own hormones will fluctuate and the gel helps with that.  Dr. Currie (who started this website) describes Utrogestan as 'Breast Friendly' which I believe means it has the least risk re: breast cancer.  Utrogestan also carries the least side effects as it is bio-identical so is the most natural form one can use.
Soak up all the info on the left of this screen - dip into some of the threads and keep asking questions.  We're here to help.
DG x


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 02:38:32 PM »

Thank you dancinggirl

I'm stillgetting used to the terminology.I've not heard bio-identical before-does this just mean the most natural HRT? Is that the term for using oestogen and progestorene. Is that the same as combined sequential therapy for perimenopause which I am presuming I'll need?
Would you recommend cream rather than tablet?
Hope you don't mind all the questions-it's just so much to absorb at a much earlier time than I ever imagined it would be :(


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2013, 03:04:56 PM »

Bio-idemtical is the term used for hormones that are the same as our own. Utrogestan (micronised progesterone) is recommended because it is bio-identical and estradiol I beleive is the natural oestrogen. During peri-meno you will be given sequence HRT which will involve a withdrawal bleed each month.  I have always found Oestrogel the best oestrogen though some prefer patch.  There are combined patches but Oestrogel gives you flexibility which is great.
Utrogestan is a tablet that can used orally or vaginally (although in the UK it is only licensed to be used orally but if you read threads on this site you will learn the vaginally is a good way to go.) 
I'm sure more ladies will be along soon with advice.
Just arm yourself with lots of info from this site, write down all your questions and have a clear idea of what you would prefer when you see your GP.  GPs tend to just flip throughout the magic book of drugs and pick the first one they see, so if you are knowledgeable and clear in a positive way they may well go with what you want.  DG x


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2013, 04:03:37 PM »

Hi anna -

Yes, I had an early menopause with my last period at 39 and was also advised by my doctor to go on HRT for the sake of heart, bones etc as well as for energy and well being etc at least until about the age of 50/51.

I followed the advice and  21 years on and aged 60 (Heck?!!!!) I still feel that was the right way forward.
I have no horror stories to report. It took a while before I found the best product and regime for me, but I did settle and was on systemic HRT via a patch until aged 53 when I had a hysterectomy and switched to Vagifem. Since then I have been managing very well on Vagifem alone. The other ladies on here are best to advise on the systemic products around now as I am out of touch with those. but I would always advocate bio identical HRT.

I have always had regular check ups and mammograms etc. It is very good if you are lucky to have a supportive GP too - and this website will give you lots of info and support as well.

Good luck on your journey.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 09:58:27 PM by scriv »


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2013, 09:28:31 PM »

Thanks DG & Scriv

I've been reading so much about it today and all your replies have been very helpful. My GP is female and really good. When I see her in a couple of weeks I'll put together a list of questions/issues to discuss and  it will be so useful if I have even a basic awareness of HRT :)  I think I need to discuss the following with her  but would be grateful if you would advise if I've missed anything or got anything drastically wrong

- Bio -identical HRT
- I'm assuming she'll put me on sequential HRT. Would this be  the one with a monthly bleed? Bit disappointed as thought the upside of  menopause would be an end to periods!
- I know it will have to be one that has oestrogen and progesteren.
- I've read that because I'm young (ish!) the doses will have to be medium or high for bone and heart protection. Is this just oestrgen or does the progesteren have to be high too   
- My concerns are I don't want heavy bleeds, pain or PMS. Is it the progesteren dosage that affects this?
- My main symptom is not sleeping -it's crazy,I get 2 hours  if lucky.
- gel, pill or patch. Patch or gel seems preferable for absorption.

The whole thing is crazy.I have a young child.  Ialways thought people went through this when their children had left home and they were approaching retirement.

Thank you all for your kind responses


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2013, 09:52:02 PM »

There is a lot to take on board. 
At your age, you will need to be on a sequential regime of both oestrogen and progesterone.  The progesterone will give you a withdrawal bleed each month. If you suffered from bad period pain as I did then ask if you could have a Mirena coil fitted as the progesterone part of the regime will give little or no bleeding while you have it (some spotting for the first few weeks or months).  With the Mirena you can then just use Oestrogel or a Patch for the oestrogen and use the amount that works for you.
Regarding dosage of HRT - generally they want you on the lowest dose that will keep your symptoms at bay - so they should start you quite low to medium and only increase if necessary.  The progesterone dose will be balanced against the amount of oestrogen to protect your uterus from thickening. If you want to try pills, I know a few friends who are on Femiston - the progesterone in this is still quite 'kind' and similar to the natural.
The good news - One of the first things I noticed when I went on HRT was I slept so much better.  Good luck  DG x


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2013, 10:06:54 PM »

Sorry, I forgot that you would still have to have periods, albeit HRT induced ones. I have now edited that from my earlier post. I seem to remember that it took me a while to get the right progesterone mix.

Has your doctor also tested for hypothyroidism? I ask because this is sometimes hand in hand with an early menopause. It was with me. It sounds as if you have a good supportive GP though which is so good. Mine have always been brilliant.


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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2013, 06:40:11 PM »

Thanks DG-to be able to have a decent night's sleep again would be wonderful :) Thanks for clarifying that about the HRT,I'll keep it in mind

Scriv -yes, my doctor tested my thyroid too as originally they thought that was the issue. It makes such a difference having a good,undertstanding and supportive doctor doesn't it.  I recently moved and so impressed with the new practice I'm  registered with which is a blessing.

Suzi Q

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Re: Early Menopause
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2013, 01:53:53 PM »

its not the end of the world I admit it can feel like it I went over Ovarian failure at 36 last 42
It was at the time HRT was bad and most GPs were very reluctant to give it
You had to be almost suicidal I took nothing and as Ive been post meno now 16 years
I know nothing about BIO stuff IM sure you will find a lot of help on here IM an old hand now
Because of that Im a whizz on Atrophy and gentitalia problems but not the useage of HRT
Chin up your not alone everyones here for you at the click of a button huge hugs xxxxxx