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Author Topic: HRT  (Read 5624 times)


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« on: November 09, 2013, 09:11:46 PM »

Evening all, need some advice please, I have been on Climival 2mg for nearly 11 months after a total hysterectomy,  I have now been off Prozac for 3 weeks . My stomach is bad, on 40mg Omperazole which my GP said is too high but if I drop to 20mg then it gets really bad.  I have terrible brain fog and feel miserable, I have a dog but just do not want to walk him,  I just dont want him any more, sometimes I want to cry for no reason, also  now on Vagifem,  I have used it for  9 days, would a change  of HRT help, the Climival helps with 99 % of the menpausal symptoms but this brain fog and feeling miserable is too much to cope with,  I  know I have been on here before about it but I thought if I give my self a bit more time on it it will get better but I am not, my head feels heavy and I feel sad and unhappy  and God my stomach has gone chunky, I know having my stomach problems are not helping things and was hoping coming off the Prozac will help with that but so far it hasnt and thought maybe changing my HRT to an non oral route will help, any advice please  :)


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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 10:21:57 PM »

Who suggested that you stop the Prozac?  Especially at this time of year ...........


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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 08:51:43 AM »

Hi CLKD   me and my GP both thought it would be good time and as they thought they were not helping my stomach problem, but I am having bad low moments, last night I cried myself to sleep, I have a lovely Springer spaniel but I dont want him no more, I dont walk him  just dont want to, he gets in my way.  My stomach is causing me big problems, I wake up feeling sick and as soon as I take my Omperazole my stomach feels like it is swellling up , if you have had children it feels like when you get to full turn and your stomach is pushing up by your rib cage thats how it feels , every time  I eat I feel real full and sick, its been going on so long its affecting my life, the Vagifem I think is helping, I am on 2mg of Climival ,  can you get depression while menopausal,  thought maybe the HRT should help,  dont know what to do, the docters are crap ...........


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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 09:26:32 AM »

Hi Moonbeam just read your post about your stomach under your ribcage and I have had  this problem all weekend. If you are like me I thought I was going to die, woke up this morning and my tummy is rock hard and very tender not like anything ive had before. I am 52 not on any hrt my periods stop for a couple of months then start again. It feels like I am so full all the time even when I am hungry, my weight is ballooning just over the last couple of weeks I have put on about 10lbs.The sensation under the ribcage makes it difficult to breathe and I have a tightness in the left side of my neck. Keep thinking I will give it one more month and see how things go cos like you I have no faith in my doctors. I did read the 34 symptoms of menopause and this is in there , thought this might help because I am not on any hrt in case you thought it was that


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« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 09:40:25 AM »

Hi Moobeam121167 - so sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. I haven't had a hysto but I'd like to offer a few ideas to consider.
1. You may be better with transdermal Oestrogen e.g. Patch or Oestrogel - as these aren't being processed in your digestive system and liver but delivery is through the skin so less side effects such as upset stomach.
You say the docs are not helping, so ask if there is a Menopause Clinic you can attend to sort out the hormones.
2. After surgery like a hysto, its' a big thing to recover from and the body needs time to recover and adjust. You don't say how old you are or whether you were menopausal before the hysto.  If you were pre or peri meno your body will take some time to adjust even with oestrogen treatment and the level of oestrogen has to be right.
3. You sound overwhelmed at the moment - unable to eat properly etc  - this can be draining and if you have recently come off Prozac that is also tough.  I'm afraid I don't' know what Omperazole is and what it is supped to do - somebody else may be able to help about that.
4.  VERY IMPORTANT - your lovely springier spaniel. They are very lively dogs and need lots of walks. HE may well be the 'the final straw' at the moment with the way you are feeling.  I doubt you really want to get rid of him (so traumatic) however you do need some help with him. Ironically, going for brisk walks could be a good way to get you feeling better - walking my dog when I feel low really helps - but at the moment you are at such a low ebb this is too much.  The thought of parting with him is just another stress.  Is there anyone you can ask to help with walks or even have him to stay for a while or maybe give you breaks for a couple of days week?
There are often people who don't own a dog but like to borrow a dog for walks.
I know it's hard to ask for help.
I hope that's helpful.  Keep us posted  DG x


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« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2013, 10:12:57 AM »

Hi thanks for your replies, I had my opp on the 27th Dec 2012, I have asked my GP about the HRT and they say it will not make no difference what so ever to my stomach  :'( , as for my dog not sure what to do  I do think if he can find some one who can give him what he needs he will be better off, I have 4 children but 3 of them work full time and have a child, my grandson, to look after and my son who is 14 who has ADHD  will not, my family live in Wales as I live in Norwich so that doesnt help and as for friends I dont have any close friends,my hubby is my only friend and he works,  just really dont know what to do  :(


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« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2013, 01:11:47 PM »

So much on your plate moonbeam. 
I suspect some of your problems with your stomach could be stress related - I know I get terrible cramps and irritable bowl when I'm stressed but I think you need some help with this and you GP should be looking at helping with this.  I still think it would be worth trying the transdermal HRT and you could simply print off the info about this from the lists under 'HRT Preparations' on the left to this screen and show your doctor. 
The dog: Why not ask your local vet or contact the RSPCA for advice about your dog. As I said, maybe you can be given some support so you can keep him but if you really feel you need to give him up they will be able to help with that. If he's good with children a springer should be easy to re-home.  You have to do what is best for the dog at the end of the day and nobody will judge you harshly for that.
Good luck.  DG x


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« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2013, 02:36:52 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl, I do feel giving him to someone who can give him what he wants and needs is the best,  I do think if I can sort my stomach issues out things will be better, the GP has just rung and she says I do need my stomach looked at further so hopefully they will send me to a stomach specialist once and for all, and regarding the HRT printing off the facts about the transdermal HRT is worth a go, I want to get my life back  and to stop being a moaning murtle xxx


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« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2013, 03:10:41 PM »

    been trying to find the link I can print out regarding transdermal hrt, so I can take to my GP as they dont agree
    with me when I say the oral HRT is worse on my stomach,  xx


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« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2013, 03:23:06 PM »

Look under HRT preparations in the list on the left of this screen.
Under Estrogens there will be patches and Oestrogel.  Under Progesterones there will be Utrogestan. Mosts GPs don't know about these.  Good luck  DG x