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Author Topic: Evorel Sequi Patches  (Read 13181 times)


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2013, 06:47:36 PM »

Thanks Catherine

I hope your doc app goes well on Monday. I made an error in my last post. apparently the patches are derived from testosterone-they don't actually include  it as an additional ingredient, I misunderstood and I'm sorry for misleading you or anyone on this :(

I know what you mean  about being unsure whether it's imagined or real, at least I suppose if we feel it then it's real to us, however it arises.

I just have faith and take hope that so many ladies say it may take a few tries at HRT but  everyone seems to get there eventually.Can you maybe go to a meno clinic for more specialist assistance than from your GP?


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2013, 11:41:55 AM »

Hi Catherine and Anna

Just to put your minds at rest about the combi patches I have not had any problems on them with mood or anything and hopefully that will be the same for you too. They are meant to be the Calming side unless you react to them, then I guess you may get pms type moods if any.

Catherine don't worry about misleading us, it's fine really!
I just hope these patches will work for you too.

I have a fuzzy head today, I think it's silent migraine that is my forehead is feeling creased ( sounds weired doesn't it) but with out any pain.

I'm warming up In  Our conservatory at the moment as the suns out, I hate the cold it seems to make me feel really really cold another symptom I expect.


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2013, 12:12:53 PM »

Hi Smokey,

I'm in a dilema as I was supposed to change my first combi patch yesterday and I haven't put a new one on. I'd been feeling low and became paranoid that it was the progesterone in the combi patch. The thing is I've been struggling with depression and anxiety because of bereavement, however I have also had quite a lot of stress at work so it could have been that. I had a blood test yesterday for thyroid so I thought I'd wait and see what the outcome of that was. Have I not given this enough time? I know no one can tell me what to do, I'm just so fed up of feeling like this. I just wish I hadn't read that the progesterone can cause side effects as I believe you can imagine all sorts of things. I never had bad pms, just a little irritable at times so i could cope with that. Some ladies seem to get relief so quickly!!! I don't know if to just stick a patch on and try to forget about it  :'(

I haven't got dressed yet, I need to stop beating myself up about it. You see I'm a single mum which has always been great for me; after getting divorced never felt the need to 'find' someone, however I have never felt so alone right now and I hate it!!


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2013, 08:07:43 PM »

Hi Catherine

I must admit I was initially scared before putting my first patch on I read and re-read the instructions several times before plucking up the courage. But I had so many horrible things to deal with and the in end I decided to go for it I mean what else could happen? I couldn't feel much worse at that point!

By the way part of the meno is worrying over silly things, things that normally you wouldn't be bothered about but seem earth shattering at the time! Until you look back at them at a later date.

I went to town today with my hubby and felt really weired and spaced out came home after an hour not sure if that's my ms getting worse of prog patch I put on last night! It's got me wondering now!

Your not alone in this journey Catherine , if you want to just chat that's fine chat away there's always someone here to listen.

Speak soon xx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2013, 02:22:25 PM »

Hi Smokey,

Thank you so much for replying - it makes me realize I am not on my own with this.

I decided to bite the bullet and put the patch on yesterday as I felt I was not giving it enough time. The trouble is I do not know what I am bringing on myself through worrying. I had a reasonable day yesterday after all, cooked a nice dinner for us and was ok, although I didn't do much else. I think that is my main worry, that I cannot seem to function ie household chores like I used to and I hate it  >:(
I slept reasonably well but woke with a headache, which has gone now after paracetamol, its just the uncomfortable muscle tension in my neck and shoulders; I'm sure it's just stress.

It must be awful for you on top of peri to suffer with MS. How did you find out you had this? Life is so hard sometimes.
How long have you been on patches? I often feel weird and spaced out so I wouldn't worry; says me who is constantly worrying.
Thanks for your support xxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2013, 11:09:52 AM »

Hi Catherine

Sorry I didn't reply yesterday had trouble with our old dog she has had a huge growth/tumour on the front of her chest for the past 6 months we couldn't get it removed as she had a dicky heart, vet said unless she seems unhappy/I'll etc she may keep going for quite a while but Saturday she suddenly kept weeping and it had loos in it and she didn't seem happy I was up every hour with her letting her out, we took her to emergency vet yesterday and decided to have her put to sleep, it was very peaceful but upsetting of course. She was 13.

 I discovered I had ms December 2010 after feeling strange my right hand side of my body was uncoordinated it was thought I was having a stroke, after two weeks in hospital and hundreds of tests everything went back to normal, but it was found that I had high calcium in my blood so had more tests which found I had a growth on my parathyroid gland so had op to remove it, then had six week agonising wait to see if it was cancerous thank god it wasn't . All menopause symptoms appeared after op , I must say looking back now it was hell for me but understanding it all really helped and going on the patches too I was then able to cope.
Whilst I was I hospital it was suggested I have a lumber puncture and had result 3 months later.

Do you have light sensertivity Catherine I do,but not as bad as I used too!

I'm going to pictures later today with a friend to see Graverty with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in it.

Must put more washing on now speak to you soon, I'm hoping you are feeling ok today take carexx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2013, 01:18:55 PM »

Hi Smokey,

Sorry I've only just managed to reply to you.

I'm so sorry about your dog; it must be heart breaking for you. I love dogs, but can't have one due to being out at work. I sometimes go for a walk with a friend and her dog and it really helps. Not been for a while  :'(

How are you feeling today? I had a reasonable day yesterday, today I feel rather low in mood. I think it's because I'm so tired as I cant sleep very well.
Christmas is weighing on my mind too as I'm worrying how I will cope like this. Hopefully there will be some improvement by then.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by light sensitivity. Hope you enjoyed the film


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2013, 03:20:34 PM »

Hi Catherine

I'm glad your having some reasonable days, I'm sure over time things will improve for you.

My dog has been the third loss this year so far last feb my silver tabby Smokey was attacked and killed by a fox and my other cat had a growth appear on her leg which was pressing on her nerve and prevented her in walking. However I still have smokeys brother Jet and an older cat Gizmo who is starting to look ill, Gettingnvery thin for ten yr old, maybe thyroid problem.

Light sensertivity is when the lights look really too bright and make you feel a bit spaced out.

I know what you mean about Christmas, with us it's money problems, helped our daughter out when she moved ino hr new house last month and it's left us a bit short.

I've got ex-work Christmas meal on Saturday, not really looking forward to it, everyone will be well and happy and probably drunk, I can't drink cause of tablets I'm on.

Oh well getting real Christmas Tree this year at weekend I think,so I've got that to look forward too.

Are you spending it away this year?


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2013, 04:58:23 PM »

Hi Smokey,

You like your pets don't you? It's so sad when we lose them. We have or had 2 cats (brother and sister) but the male has taken himself of somewhere else. Don't know why as he was greatly loved. Anyway he shows up now and again as if he hasn't gone anywhere and he is fit and well fed. He has probably found a little old lady who feeds him and doesn't have any other cats to bother him. 
I will be spending Christmas at home with kids, my Mum and brother will be coming, and I am cooking. This would not normally be a problem but I am worrying if I feel like this it will be a struggle. I usually love Christmas and even the hype leading up to it, however I just want it out of the way  ??? i just can't think straight at mo. This site has made me realize I am not on my own though.
We always have a real tree and usually spend ages choosing it, even that seems a toll this year. Once it's up then that another tick - not yet though :-\ and yes the money thing is not easy - I will spend the rest of the year paying for it  :(
Hope you enjoy your Christmas do, it's difficult I know, but you may suprise yourself.
Do you sleep well? My sleep is rubbish, never suffered with insomnia before all this  :'( xxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi Patches
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2013, 10:20:26 PM »

Hi Catherine

Christmas tree wise Do you have a Wickes near you,they are selling real Norwich no drop needle ones,we've just got ours this evening.

I expect as you say some one else is feeding your cat,and probably it has made their garden their territory, but as they say it can't be as good as home!
We have people who's garden backed on to ours that has two cats constantly sat on their back door mat waiting to be fed, I have a clear view from my bathroom window and ours also kept going over to them, but we don't have him anymore he was the one that got killed by a fox, they kept saying "we don't know why he keeps coming over" we don't feed him honest! But it was clear they did!

I do sleep better now, before HRT I would wake at about 3am and couldn't get back off til about 6, but since our dog has gone I sleep much better, as I don't need to let her out in the middle of the night.

Have you tried kharms from boots apparently it's meant to be good!

I'll try and enjoy myself tomorrow if possible, I hope you sleep better tonight, have you tried having a walk in the evening I used to find that helpful.

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