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Author Topic: Not lurking for long  (Read 2918 times)


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Not lurking for long
« on: November 05, 2013, 07:52:38 PM »


I lurked for all of two days and was so relieved to find other people feeling like I do/did/am yet to feel that I just had to join.

I live in Vienna, moved here from the UK c. 3 years ago and don't have any friends my age going through meno.  I am 44 and have two kids (4 & 7) so although I have probably been peri for about 18 mo I've only recently realised that this is probably what it is.  I just wish there was a test stick you could pee on that would say, 'Yep, menopause, stage x' so that I could know for sure, as of course, like many of you, I am worried that deep down it's not menopause at all, but Something Else...... :o

Looking forward to learning and laughing with you all.  It's really nice to have someone to 'talk' to!


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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 10:21:11 PM »


I love the peeing on the stick idea.....if only. Browse around and join in. It's nice to have you on-board the good ship meno.

If you want to tell us your symptoms then perhaps we can offer some advice and help.



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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 03:58:54 AM »


The "is it something else" thoughts can really get you, can't they?

Menopause is really a strange compilation of symptoms.

Please browse around the different posts and maybe you will get some mental relief from those anxious thoughts! ;)



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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 07:33:31 PM »

Hmm, my symptoms...well things all started going weird about 2 years ago when I started having palpitations and thought (since both my parents have had heart attacks, one fatally at 45) that it was my turn. So I got checked out and my doctor basically said I was OK and that it was probably stress (seemed fair since we had just emigrated). I accepted it, but decided to make some changes anyway (ie. finally quit smoking for good. Had been a 1-3 fags a day gal for a while).

Then my 30 year old sister had a major heart attack and at the same time I started having anxiety attacks and mood dips along with the palpitations but again, considering all the sh*t going on, figured it was also stress.  However my doctor suggested that as I am such a high risk for heart attacks (I have already been diagnosed with CVD) I should quit all forms of hormonal contraception.  So I did.  Then of course I expected my periods to return, which they did, a bit....but I didn't really record it that frequently until I realised that I had a period in September 2012 and then...nothing until March 2013, when I had a two and half week period from hell.  When it was finally over I actually felt like something had come to an end, call it intuition, I don't know...then I had another period in July 2013 which lasted 1 day.  Since then nothing - oh, apart from moodswings, memory loss, electric shocks on scalp and diaphragm, needing to wee more often, hot flushes for two months (although they seem to have stopped now??), getting too hot at night (although not actually sweating), itchy toes, frozen shoulder, agonisingly painful elbow, equally painful hip (all this on the right side...) I could continue but you've probably heard it ALL before...

The latest thing is that suddenly, out of nowhere, I appear to have gained 3-4lb.  I have changed nothing - I am a pretty active person with two young kids and never had a problem maintaining my weight.  But suddenly, for the past month, I am bloated around the middle and can't shift the extra pounds. I've upped the exercise and downed the carbs but - nothing.  It's annoying how much this has upset me!  I know that it's often expected but is it really that sudden? Like over the course of a few weeks you suddenly start gaining weight...?

I am also mightily confused by all the nutrition advice, especially for women that decide not to HRT.  I haven't asked about it, but over here (Austria) they are not so keen to automatically give it so I am trying to figure out what I should do.  I have a feeling I will be refused HRT anyway because of the heart stuff.

So I'm off to trawl the forum and see if I can make any clarity out of the fog in my head!  Thanks for reading - if you made it this far!!


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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 09:01:19 PM »

Hello stroppy_mama. Just wanted to welcome you to the forum and to say that for help, support and good old fashioned sisterhood there is no place like it!
Best wishes.


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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 09:33:50 AM »

 :welcomemm: stroppy mama


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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2013, 07:11:31 PM »

Welcome - Stroppy Mama

A test stick would be helpful - However I would probably miss totally........
Re weight gain when exercising as normal and not eating more, it is SO annoying, especially when you / I am not eating more.




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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2013, 04:39:20 PM »

Hi Stroppy Mama, welcome to MM. Hope you get some info & feel like you are normal. I am 50 & not on HRT yet (trying to get it) with two under 10's.  Sounds like you have had a stressful time recently & then the added hormones too. Hope you get some great advice. Bev x


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Re: Not lurking for long
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2013, 09:19:01 PM »

welcome aboard :)  the weight gain thing..... so annoying isn't it..... I've just suddenly gained weight the last few weeks.  I'm always moving around, active, but it doesn't seem to help at the moment...

who'd be a woman eh? ::)
