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Author Topic: Japan dancing ladies  (Read 7207 times)


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Japan dancing ladies
« on: November 01, 2013, 09:18:19 AM »

I watched this documentary on the laptop the other night & it got me thinking. I have tried to find the link I am sure it was BBC i player but I am either having a brain malfunction or it has gone. The documentary was about falling birth rates. BUT what was interesting they had this amazing troop of dancers like cheerleaders. You had to be 55+ to join & there where much older ladies too all looking absolutely wonderful. They looked so young & fit. My mind was all those ladies are probably menopausal or past menopause. I decided to google how to treat the menopause in Japan & it seems diet seems to play a huge role for certain sections of the world. They don't get hot flushes. Is it too late to change diet now? I am only 9 stone but have probably eaten the worst foods possible having been born in the 60's so weight means nothing.  Maybe some cultures just get on with it without moaning & have more positive outlooks. Anyway, wish I was one of those smiling dance troop ladies today. I am going to forget about PMT PMS & think positive mental attitude (for the next minute anyway!) Bev x 


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2013, 09:51:57 AM »

I think I read somewhere that because of the changing diet in Japan, ie junk food, that this will probably be the last generation who have benefited from the traditional diet.
The heart disease rate is also on the rise again because of dietary changes.

I think by and large my diet has been good as I have always been interested in food and trained and worked in catering for many years. Not that it did me much good as I have IBS and diverticular issues. I think my problems have been down to stress and made much worse by the menopause and hormonal changes.
I like the positive mental attitude though, so I will join you in that for st least five minutes.  ;D



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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 10:23:48 AM »

Someone posted the link on here I think but I can't remember where!

Taz x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 01:48:44 PM »

You know I was thinking that as I typed, there was a documentary about fast food in India recently. Its a shame really. Did you manage the 5 mins? I have been fine until I had to take my first lot of liquid antibiotic. The 500mg horse tablets just won't go down due to my nausea so I changed for the liquid.......big mistake. Feel sorry for all my kids now no wonder it always ended up sprayed on the wall or sicked up. B x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 02:36:40 PM »

I saw that program about the drop in birth rate in Japan which featured those cheer leading grannies.
I'm not convinced that diet is wholly the reason japanese women suffer less meno symptoms. In the western world there are wide variations in the severity of meno symptoms and I am convinced it is more to do with genetics and an individuals environment at the time of meno.  We read so many posts on this site from women having awful symptoms at the same time as dreadful stress situations around them. 
The Japanese culture is still very traditional in that women are expected to still be housewives and mothers & not carry on working ( this was mentioned as one of the problems in the programme) so these wonderful ladies don't have to cope with stressful jobs as we do here. How fab to be able to just get up in the morning and skip off to a fun dance class - so what if you feel a little hot at times!
Also VA may not be such a problem for them either as the programme commented that the japanese don't have much sex!!!!  DG x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 03:14:30 PM »

Dancing Girl that has made me laugh out loud re the no sex. I think you could be onto something re careers too.

This is unrelated a bit but do you think ladies who have had no kids have a better meno?  Also do you think ladies who have had no kids & married late in life or stayed single (very little sex/so no diseases of the lady kind) live a longer life. Its just when you see ladies getting their telegram from the queen they are quite often single ladies with no kids. Not sure if its physical or mental?    B x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 03:52:56 PM »

It looks as if Japanese ladies will be joining us stressies soon though

The reason that many Japanese women don't work isn't due to them wanting to stay home and attend dance classes but more that they are not allowed to take a job until a child care place has become available. I think that they allow new mothers to have eighteen months maternity leave too which is good.

Taz x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 04:01:48 PM »

Yes Taz, that's what I meant.  The tradition was that women were not allowed to work but I think this is changing or having to change because of the economics.
bev - I wouldn't have thought being single really had anything to do with living longer. Do nuns live longer? Has there ever been a study about this? I suspect that many of the ladies reaching 100 in recent times are the women that post the first world war didn't marry because of a shortage of men.
I still think it is in our genes.
DG x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2013, 04:18:41 PM »

Here's the details on the younger population not having sex

Taz x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2013, 06:10:19 PM »

Interesting articles both of them, I am fascinated by the whole culture of Asia.
Will do some more research on my questions, my sister who is 5 yrs older no kids had an easy meno & my oldest surviving relative in her 90's is one who married in her 40's & had no kids, all her sisters did & died young. Not much data so far  ;D     


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2013, 06:59:21 PM »

thing is - you hear about so many women who had large families and lived on well into their 90s. I always think -"what on earth was their pelvic floor like????!!!!"
My great, great grannie outlived 4 husbands and she had at least 5 children - got to well beyond 85 which in victorian times was quite something!!!.
Did you see The White Queen  series - I lost count of how many children she had and she lived to a ripe old age considering it was the middle ages with so much death and destruction round her.  All that time in sanctury must have been tough!!! DG x


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2013, 07:14:54 PM »

Defo genes then my mum's side has a bad mental health reputation & bad meno. I didn't watch the White Queen but wanted to. If its still on line I will try & get it, kids are either on wii, playstation, kids tv etc. The only time I get is on my laptop after they are in bed & then I wake in the night with a computer on my head five minutes watched!


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Re: Japan dancing ladies
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2013, 07:50:15 PM »

My mum is 91. Four siblings. Three girls and two boys. Both boys died in their 60s. One surviving sister is children. Other sister died this year at 88 ... four children.
My mother had me and my sister. Early meno at 41 and suffered with anxiety for years.
She has her problems at 91 but is basically as tough as old boots.

She took nothing for meno at all.  Don't think she was clued up on what was happening. She was of the generation who just got on with things and accepted their lot in life.
