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Author Topic: Newbie going mad!!!  (Read 3855 times)


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Newbie going mad!!!
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:02:59 PM »

Hi to everyone,
So glad I found this site this morning as I feel like I'm going mad and think it may be perimenopause? A little about me:

I just turned 49 this month and prior to May this year my periods were always very regular every 26 to 28 days and havent used the pill for years.
Then the fun started, I missed a period and since then they have been all over the place, light, heavy, had two with heave clots, some 2 weeks apart and some six weeks apart, some lasted a couple of days and some a couple of weeks.
I was convinced I had cervical cancer and my smear test was due which came back normal.

I have an underactive thyroid and have been on medication for about 8 years but around the same time I felt a heavy feeling in my neck, and a dry, red throat, my tsh levels were raising also so my thyroxine was increased. I was convinced I had thyroid or throat cancer so doctor sent to specialist who put a camera down my throart and did scan of my neck but results were fine. I have some nodules which we knew about but nothing else.
The ultrasound did show some swolen lymph nodes in my neck and he checked under my arm but they were fine. He said they were not the shape or swolen enough to be of concern but I am still terribly worried about it as my throat is still dry(sometimes more than others, and the feeling in my neck still comes and goes)

I seem to experience pain all over which comes and goes, my arm pits, back of my neck, legs, last night my skin was hurting on the inside of my arm from wrist to elbow but gone today. Now I have an ache behind my knee. Everytime I feel these aches I feel like there is something seriously wrong with me and I am dying!!

Mentally, I am all over the place, dont feel like I can cope with work which is very stressful at the best of times. Im constantly crying over something and nothing, feel totally stressed and so so anxious, like I said avove I am convinced I am dying and feel really scared. I have just come back from a two week holiday in the caribbean and the first week i was so moody and took it out on my husband.
Whilst we were away I started noticing hot flushes (sometimes sweats) during the night. I thought this may just be the heat over there but since being back I have them even worse, last night I got hardly any sleep and I'm getting them during the day also, I have just been for a walk to cool down from doing the ironing!!
I have had a headache yesterday and today which comes and goes and I feel achy all over but maybe that is the jet lag?
The only other thing that seems to have altered is my calcium level was slightly low. I have to book an appointment for a repeat blood test and they will check this again along with my thyroid.
I have done some research and spoke to the doctor who said it may be the start of menopause but then it could be my thyroid as that would affect my periods.
I really feel like I'm going mad along with a few other on here I think! It is very comforting to see i am not alone in my symptoms and fears.


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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 04:40:10 PM »

Hello cal and welcome to the forum.
You are definately not going mad, infact you sound perfectly normal for a woman whose hormones have decided to go haywire, makes you realise how powerful the little blighters are doesn't it.
I'm not expert on treatments I'm afraid but there are many ladies who can advise you and they will be along presently. You are not alone.
take care.



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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 06:03:17 PM »

Hi Cal
No wonder you are anxious - you're having a tough time.
It does sound as though you are peri-menopausal.
Soak up as much info as you can from this site so you can discover what you options are.
Try to make a longer appointment with GP and write down all the questions you want to ask.
Hopefully, if your doctor is good, together you will find a good way forward.
Try not to worry - we are here to support you.
DG x


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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 05:31:29 PM »

Hi Ladies, Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. It certainly is helpful reading all the information on here and hearing other ladies are suffering also and sort of helps put some perspective on things that maybe I'm not going mad afterall!!

I need to book my follow up blood test and will book a longer appointment to discuss the results and my other concerns.
I have also had the palpitations which are very fightening as it feels like you are having a heart attack but what I have notced is when the palpitation happens I feel like I lose the ability to swallow, its a very quick thing which passes very quickly but is very scary, can anyone else relate to this?
I will post this on another topic I saw about weird symptoms also.


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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2013, 05:47:37 PM »

Hi Cal I am going mad too! I started peri this year & I am 50. I have the swallowing thing too esp when I am anxious. Hormones are so powerful I never realised. I hope you get lots of advice from here it has helped me so much. Bev x

Suzi Q

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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 04:43:08 AM »

HI Cal
Im sorry your having such a rough time everyones here for you ok xxxxx


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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 08:13:09 AM »

Thanks Ladies,
I am so glad to hear someone else has the swallowing thing, that is such a relief. That is one of the first symptoms I had along with the full feeling in the neck which made me think I had throat or thyroid cancer months before I realised it may be peri. It's actually been a bit of a relief when more symptoms piled up and I realised it probably is peri and nothing else.
Bev sorry to hear you are struggling to, yes you are right the swallowing thing happens when I get palpitations or get anxious, its really horrible. Thank goodness for websites like this where you can get support. I wonder how our mothers coped!! x


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Re: Newbie going mad!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 08:54:51 AM »

I had it really bad yesterday morning when I was in the usual ridiculous situation of calling my doctor to make sure my meds where ready to find out they didn't even known anything about them. It is anxiety. I sometimes get it if I am anxious when I eat & have to swallow my food with a drink. I also get it if I am explaining something really stressful to someone when I am out like at the dentist the other day. If I had to go into therapy I would struggle with it then for sure. I take sips of water & try & divert my attention to something else. It is horrible & I guess it is sort of a mini panic attack really just a different sort of one. Hormones are such strange things & it took mths for me to realise it was peri too. Once the penny dropped it made sense but still did not help as unlike a broken leg there is no quick fix. Bev x