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Author Topic: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!  (Read 7820 times)


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2013, 04:34:36 PM »

I don't see the FemSeven meds on the RX list to the left.....those are pills you take orally?

If so, maybe the docs would let you try a lower dose patch if things get difficult??? since they are considered lower "risk". Would you be willing to try that?

Without systemic and fully into menopause, I developed several vitamin deficiencies due to poor absorption via gut, also had a bad rash which I think was because of using  3 vagifem weekly, but maybe it was an allergy I developed to some food I am not aware of.  When I went on patch, that has now gone away.  Low estrogen affects a lot of normal body processes as I am sure you are aware.  I hope you don't get worse and the UTI's stay away!

As for as energy....I had none.  Before starting systemic HRT at 56, I didn't even want to be in the same room as anyone in my family after dinner and never went out unless I had to.  I was quite happy to retreat to my bedroom and watch TV alone or read book or computer from about 7pm and then go to bed.  I didn't want to be "bothered" by even having to converse with anyone or do anything.  HRT has helped a lot with all that.  I didn't feel depressed or grumpy really, just didn't want to deal with anything at all after I got home from work and ate dinner.... it was simpler to be alone and I liked it that way.  I became really annoyed if people tried to draw me in or get me to do something though.



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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2013, 05:28:13 PM »

Taz - when you lay it all out like that it is no wonder you are feeling grumpy and miserable! What an unlucky run of illnesses and conditions.

The physical discomforts returning though lack of HRT (oestrogen) alone are enough to make anyone feel depressed, never mind all the other things - which may or may not have arisen because of stopping the HRT, but could also have been due to the stress you mention, which cannot help.

I would suggest what you are feeling is only natural and is not depression as such - but feeling low because of a multitude of things. I think it is important for you at the moment, to concentrate on one thing at a time - because otherwise all the problems and health worries can seem overwhelming, and lead to your wondering if you will ever feel lively again.

Personally I would steer clear of ADs because there are reasons for your feeling like this and when you have sorted them out, from what I know of you, you will surely feel much better. It would be a pity to come off HRT and then need to go on ADs in place of oestrogen.

So - do as much as you can to take care of yourself - your diet, exercise etc (I am sure you do a lot of the latter with all the school kids!) and then just look to the next thing. The kidney scan will let you know whether there is anything wrong there, and if all OK, you can then look to sorting out what might have caused the post-coital bleeding. Maybe an iron tonic would help build you up if you haven't eaten so well over the weeks you have been ill and under the weather?

In the meantime - yes you will definitely be very tired from having a long infection, antibiotics, a virus and a tooth infection - more than most people have in such a short space of time.

I really do think stopping HRT will have contributed to  some extent - and I am puzzled as to why you and others on this thread are talking about having to stop at 60 but I realise it is absolutely a personal choice but you are very well aware of the benefits and current thinking is for the risks to equal the benefits between 60 and 70. As long as it is your choice not the doctor's! The longer you are off it the more diffcult it will be to persuade the doctors to allow you to re-start - but any woman who has to hold down a job should surely be entitled to continue with HRT? From what I have heard the more enlightened doctors understand this.

As for this being the new post-HRT you - it is far too early to say because of all your other issues! However I think several of us discussed on here - maybe a year or two ago - about how even the low dose of HRT we are on (those still on it) doesn't quite give us back the same zest for life as formerly but eliminates the worst symptoms and helps to prevent some of the health conditions due to oestrogen deficiency. I certainly don't have the same enthusiasm as I used to nor experience the same surges of excitement - but I would dread not being able to have my HRT!!! I do have plenty of energy still and that keeps me going (although I don't think I'd ever have the energy to go to the pub that often and be lively and sociable!!).

You shouldn't have pmt now that you are post-meno - the hormones just won't be surging any more and you have almost no progesterone. If you are having food cravings etc have you had blood tests for other things - have you had thyroid tests recently?

I do hope you begin to feel better soon - perhaps friends can come to you for that glass of wine instead until you feel up to the pub again?

Take care

Hurdity xx



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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2013, 05:45:11 PM »

Thanks Hurdity - a really lovely post!

Friends would visit but I am not in the mood at the moment. That's why I haven't bothered with the pub as the thought of having to maintain a conversation is quite tiring.

My iron levels are good so I don't think a tonic would be needed. Yesterday I was ok and managed to go out and meet a friend for a coffee. I was feeling quite good but then got really bloated when I got home and later in the evening developed diarrhoea again which kept me in the loo every 10 minutes for a couple of hours. Sigh. Probably to do with the antibiotics or maybe even some lactose intolerance from the tummy bug. I didn't feel ill with it though so I think it must just be me at the moment.

I find it strange to be having pmt type symptoms too. I have also got some breast tenderness. Thyroid levels are fine -they were checked in August when I had blood tests for what seemed like everything! Eighteen months ago I had a mid HRT cycle bleed preceded by all the normal PMT type symptoms. The meno clinic were really surprised that I seemed to be having some sort of natural cycle at 58 and referred me for a ultrasound and trans vaginal scan. The scans revealed a thickened lining but no ominous darker areas and as I was in the middle of a really heavy "period" at the time it was considered that I was ok.

As regards to HRT after 60 the menopause clinic said that after this age the risks begin to outweigh the benefits but I haven't actually read this anywhere?

Mysterious menopause!

Taz x


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2013, 06:01:14 PM »

Taz - listen to Hurdity - the voice of reason.  I will certainly continue HRT, if I need to, for as long as possible - I'll see how I feel as & when the flushes etc. return.
On the rare occasions i take antibiotics I get dreadful diarrhoea - this is terribly debilitating - you're bound to feel tired.
Take care.  DG x


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2013, 07:42:02 PM »

Funnily enough while I was actually taking the antibiotics (four weeks worth) my stomach felt better than it had done for ages which was a bonus. I never normally get stomach problems with them - they are either fine or I develop the skin rashes and weals and have to stop.

I will listen to Hurdity and to the rest of you lovely ladies!

Taz x
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