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Author Topic: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!  (Read 7821 times)


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I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:06:15 PM »

Hi ladies - well it's three months now since I stopped HRT. I was told that it would be good to come off it at sixty which is in February next year and I had been having problems with bloating and heartburn and just feeling generally "off" so I decided to give it a go early. I lost weight - half a stone in the first month - and 3 inches off my stomach which was great. No more heartburn either which is a bonus.

The downside - hot flushes now back to every 20 minutes exactly as they were six years ago. Vaginal dryness and cystitis type symptoms plus a kidney infection which doc did say was a result of stopping HRT and then having sex (lucky me). Dry hair and skin. I was not expecting the mood swings and the cravings for chocolate and salty foods. Because the kidney infection took a month to clear and I am still not quite right I am not sure whether I am feeling depressed due to no HRT or the results of the infection. Normally I go out at least five nights a week at around 9.30ish to have a chat at the pub and a glass of wine. Since the 8th September which was when the infection started I have been there just once.... My husband keeps trying to get me to go (sick of me sitting on the sofa in charge of the remote I think  ;D) and says he has never known me to be so quiet and "reclusive". I must admit that I have never been called "quiet" before  ;D

So, is this the new "post HRT" person or am I just suffering from after effects of an infection and the slight worry of waiting to have a urinary tract scan? Oh yes I am also waiting to have post-sex bleeding investigated too - only happened when I had stopped HRT. I read of others my age still being outgoing and doing lots of things so surely it can't just be my age?

Doc has given me vagifem which is helping a bit to make me more comfy by the way and I am not taking any other supplements so I can see it has been a shock to the system to withdraw the HRT although last time I came off very slowly but the results were the same.

Taz  :-\


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 12:14:11 PM »

Did you have all these symptoms before you started the HRT?  Some of them could be to do with the infection I suppose but it sounds as if you're feeling quite down.  Funnily enough I was thinking about stopping my HRT but your post is making me think again.


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2013, 12:23:49 PM »

I am casting my mind back and the flushes were dreadful before I started HRT and I was already on Vagifem for dryness - well not so much dryness as the razor blade feeling if you know what I mean. I did feel tired but not grumpy as this was one of the good things about going further into meno -the PMT which had plagued me since the age of 18 just disappeared. Now it's just as if my system is expecting a period - give me chocolate!

Not everyone gets their symptoms back and it is supposed to even out over the next year or so according to my GP. It is nice not to be as bloated and definitely better not to have heartburn which has always been a problem on HRT. Why are you thinking of coming off Greyhoundgal?

My doc has mentioned depression a few times in the last couple of years and it has been a very stressful year financially. I've never got on with anti depressants as they make me vomit or pass out within a couple of hours of taking them and I gave up plus who said that we have to be happy all the time? Maybe it is a natural part of life for some. I just hate the thought that I might stay like this for ever - sitting on the sofa watching TV - that's never been me in the past but maybe it is now. I keep thinking of my mum who was still really lively into her eighties.

Lots to think about as to the best way forward. I am at my happiest when I am on my own. Holding  conversations takes a lot of effort although I manage to still do my job although not as well as I used to perhaps.

Taz x


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2013, 12:37:58 PM »

It could be the lack of HRT Taz or a problem with your kidneys still. You had a really bad infection and although I hesitate to mention age we don't bounce back so quickly anymore.
My hubby tells me I am getting quieter as I get older and I do feel it myself. Despite being on HRT my temper/patience is short. Well not short really but when it goes it really goes.
I think a lot of people loose energy as they age. It's a case of thinking what we are capable of now. Certainly not as much as before.
I know none of us want to put on weight but as you are having so many flushes which are draining would you not consider clonodine to try and control them.



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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2013, 01:52:59 PM »

I might think about it although the friend who has been on it for two years and is the same age as me is being slowly weaned off by her doc - almost like with HRT. She has had dizziness as a side effect together with insomnia but her flushes went down quite a lot. I must give myself a kick up the bum  :kick:

Taz x


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2013, 02:10:13 PM »

Taz just one thing too many for your poor body. I'm dreading coming off HRT, reducing by half in New Year. 

I'm considering clonidine, though it was useless last time I tried it, or maybe Gabapentin. TBH I'm scared.

You've just not been yourself, not on here I hasten to add & maybe the upcoming scan is preying on your mind, making you more withdrawn to your hubby.  I get really impatient these days too & I'm still on HRT. Maybe says more about me, than anything else.  Maybe once you've had your scan things will seem brighter.   :hug:


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2013, 02:11:13 PM »

I have figuratively kicked myself so many times. Have to say it never works for long  ::)

There always seems to be another thing come along to put a spanner in the works.



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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2013, 02:58:00 PM »

Hi Taz, I have been off HRT since 11/08/13 & like you it hasn't been an easy ride.

I get really horrible hot flushes, I get tired because of poor sleep. But hey you I haven't lost any weight, in fact I've put on a few pounds but that could be down to my fab holiday.

I have been reminded this last month or so of Poppins thread "embracing the menopause" - do you remember it? I always said I would NEVER, EVER embrace it, however I have been able to accept it a little tiny weeney little bit.

I have decided that I am never going to be the happy go lucky person that I was - but then neither are men. My hubby (8 years my junior at 48) is experiencing similar issues.
He use to be down the pub most nights - not now his not. He gets tired & seems happy to have a nap in the armchair of an evening then have a pint watching the telly.

I do feel I am very slowly turning a corner - can't say I'm happy about it but I am fed up with trying to put something right that can't be done. I'm also fed up with fighting in.

I haven't given up, but I have slowed down & I am starting to put myself first.

Not much advice I can give you Taz except give it time. I know it's not easy when you have the type of job that you do, I couldn't do it. I manage 28hrs a week over 4 days but I couldn't work with children like you do.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. Have a glass of wine at home & venture out when you are feeling stronger.

Love Cazi xxx :cat48: :cat48:


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2013, 03:18:37 PM »

You sound settled Cazi. I returned to my HRT. I just turned 53 so have a bit of  time left before the pressure goes on to stop. I am only on a half patch and its controlling things.
I worry about my hubby because of his health issues. I actually think I have unrealistic expectations as he will be 64 next year and would be slowing down anyway.
We are not alone in our aging process, men go through it too.
I will never be the same as I was but my life is different too so it's inevitable that things slow down. No kids to run after in the same way. Good job too I could not keep up  ;D



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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2013, 01:38:29 PM »

I'm supposed to be halving my HRT after Christmas. Not looking forward to it at all.
Vitaman B6 is supposed to be a 'pick-you-up' maybe try those Taz?


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2013, 04:23:19 PM »

Thanks Cazi - work is the hardest thing as there is no room for mistakes!

I will try some B6 - thanks LM

I have also realised that my allergies to apples, oranges and coffee have started again - I get a skin rash but while on HRT that disappeared although I did use to get a different type of rash during the progesterone phase...

Taz x


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2013, 07:28:53 PM »

Vitamin B6, must give that a go when I reduce mine.


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2013, 08:55:25 PM »

Oh Taz 2 - so sorry to hear you're are having a tough time.  To come off HRT when life is so stressful, make things so much worse (I think having financial problems is a big stress - I am really familiar with that one!!).  It sounds to me as though you struggling to sort out how to move forward. After infections (I assume you had antibiotics) which really take time to recover from plus lack of sleep and everything that comes with meno symptoms, I think it is hard to be objective.  This deadline of 60 when they tell us we must come off HRT seems bonkers.  You're trying to work - the government wants us to work as long as possible - they've got to help us with these symptoms.
I tried being without HRT after all the scares 9 years ago and stuck it out for 3 years before going back on.  I am gradually reducing my HRT now (now 57) to have a break and see how things are.  I'm dreading coming off completely.  I've been given Vagifem to help with the dreadful burning which, after 4 weeks, is helping a bit (wish I'd had it before).
If the doctor admits you are getting infections because you've come off HRT surely that is a good reason to continue with HRT because taking antibiotics on a regular basis is so bad.
What HRT were you on - could you be given a lower dose. DG x


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2013, 09:30:39 PM »

Thanks DG. I was on Femseven Sequi. I went back to sequi from conti due to permanent PMT on conti whereas at least with sequi it was only for around ten days of the cycle. I did try halving them a year or so ago but that did no good at all.

The infection I had was a particularly persistent kidney infection - the thread is under "Upper urinary tract infection" I think. I have four weeks of antibiotics and my doc insisted I also took a probiotic to help counteract the effect. I am waiting for a scan of the urinary system to check that all is well. I then went down with a stomach bug (diarrhoea and vomiting) followed a week later by a tooth infection. Up till all of this I have only had one bug a year really - working in a primary school that's good going.

After stopping HRT I had a post-sex bleed which was about to be investigated when the kidney infection took hold so nobody is happy to do an examination for that until I have been scanned. I also have a uterine prolapse and I have been putting off having a hyster for that as work is so busy.. my excuse... really it's because I am not sure I want one!

It all seems to have got out of hand!!

Taz x  :)


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Re: I am SO grumpy without my HRT!
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2013, 09:54:21 PM »

Taz2 - you have every right to feel grumpy - what a dreadful run of problems.  You need a really good bit of 'time out'. I did some learning support work in a primary school for a time and it was 'tough' - I have enormous respect for anyone who works in our schools.
Of course, UTIs are very much linked to stress - a vicious circle! I had a root canal infection a few years ago - five days of unrelenting pain - it took me ages to recover from that.
No wonder you are at your wits end.
I hope the Vagifem is helping - I'm a bit more comfortable 4 weeks from starting it.  I've been trying the Vit E up the vagina as well and that seems to be good.
Keep off loading to us all here. :hug:
DG xxx
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