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Author Topic: Who is this person I call me?  (Read 3712 times)


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Who is this person I call me?
« on: October 25, 2013, 06:54:35 AM »

I am supposed to be an intelligent woman - I spent far too many years at university trying to achieve this status to suddenly find I want to give it all up after only a few years!! So my shock and horror when I discover that I no longer care about the job I thought was amazing only last year has left me questioning my very sanity and everything I thought I stood for.
I have always been opinionated apparently but now even I think I am rude. I have never thrown anything in rage in my life yet I have come so close recently to throwing something at people, not just walls.
My knees hurts, my shoulder frozen, and wrist has pins and needles. I cannot remember the last time I managed more than 4 hours sleep and I am anxious about the fact that I am anxious - yet there is no logical reason for it. I am running to the loo every hour, am constantly hungry and cannot be bothered to do anything other than stare at the TV or play aimless computer puzzles. I have the attention span of a gnat and the memory of a goldfish. If i was my boss i would sack myself - in fact I wish he would then I would have something else to worry about and could justify the anger and rage I seem to be feeling.
I feel very alone and I am only 46. I left my partner earlier this year, the kids have grown and flown, and for the first time in my life i am living on my own and independent. So just when my life was beginning I am knocked for six.
It seems this is the menopause......It is like childbirth, nothing can prepare you for it and nobody seems to talk about it. My doctor recommended this website last week and it is now my home page - without it I am not sure I would have coped. I have learnt so much and seen how so many have coped. I don't know who I am at the moment and am not sure I like who i seem to have become so if there is anyone who can help I would be grateful
Lost and bewildered  ???


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 07:07:45 AM »


It's great that your GP pointed you this way but what else did he do with regards to medication. You sound peri to me and could well benefit from HRT. Do you still have a regular cycle? Some GPs like blood tests which can be very unreliable and others go on symptoms alone.
I was like you with the massive mood swings and HRT fixed that for me.

You are not alone, you are not going mad and you will find support here.



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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2013, 07:19:48 AM »

I had a blood test last week and the Doc has asked to see me this morning. I admit i am nervous - I am not sure I can get through this 'change' and am scared to pin my hopes on HRT and find it doesn't have the desired effect. I had a merina coil fitted 6 yrs ago (replaced at the beginning of the year) and have not had a period since then so I have no idea if they are slowing, erratic or absent (merina coils are amazing!) My GP has said i can keep the coil and just have estrogen if I want so I hope I can get help today. It is nice to see someone has seen some benefit - I want ME back, I was rather attached to ME and do not particularly like this new person!


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2013, 08:02:02 AM »

Hope you & your GP can come to a joint decision over your needs. I for one cannot cope without HRT. I'm on oestrogen only & have been for a long time, with the exception of an 8 month break a while back. GP pointed me in the direction of this site and the rest, they say, is history.

Lots of very lovely ladies on here to help you along on this journey. Lots of fun too, check out the funnies section.


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2013, 09:44:13 AM »

Hello manic, have a cyber hug -  :hug: the menopause can ,'knock you for six' finding something that helps can be trial and error, there are times you feel you are always at the docs, hopefully after today's appt some help has been forthcoming.


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2013, 11:56:23 AM »

Hello Manic.
Your comments on moods and opinions really struck a cord with me. I find my moods change constantly and are irrationally extreme, a silly example being that I recently bought a book that I was really enthusiastic about reading but later the same day when I flicked through it I decided it was total rubbish and wanted to through it out. I feel that I don't know my own mind sometimes.
I am 57, haven't had a period in three years and I am currently battling on without HRT although I do take an anti-depressant. As you are only 46 I agree with the other ladies that you should think seriously about your options re hormones and medication, hopefully your GP is a good one.
Takce care and let us knowhow you get on.


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2013, 02:22:39 PM »

thank you for the heart felt comments. The Doc was understanding. I am starting a gel form of estrogen tomorrow and have been told to give it 2-3 weeks and not expect instant relief! I share an office with 3 has been a bit of a roller coaster and I have to admit they have kept their patience with me so far.


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2013, 03:26:02 PM »

Hope it helps, but don't worry if it takes a bit longer. Fingers crossed for you.


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2013, 03:51:23 AM »

It might take 3 months for you to get relief so hang in there!....Hopefully you will feel better and get more sleep in a couple of weeks!



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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2013, 02:31:12 PM »

Welcome manic. I haven't been here long & have found out so much information already. I never knew the meno could do this I just thought your periods stopped, you got a bit hot, end of.  Everything you say makes sense its horrible. B x


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Re: Who is this person I call me?
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2013, 03:03:12 PM »

 :welcomemm:  no education is wasted.  Did you enjoy your Uni days whilst there?  Lots of people do so but find that in the 'real' World the path they have choosen isn't all it was cracked up to be  ::)

We are allowed to change our minds - Woman's Privalege ........ I wanted to be a Vet. but can't add up/take away nor do I like getting up in the early hours; never wanted to teach, thought about Nursing for a nano-second: wanted to work in a Zoo but even in the 1960s needed 3 'A' Levels (remember those)?  I ended up in a Secretarial College doing sh/hand typing  :( ...... which actually led me to places I wouldn't have choosen  ::).  I also changed jobs several times until I began working from home, then took on 'pet sitting' by word of mouth for 5+ years.  Now  ::)

It ain't called 'the change' for nowt  ;).  Have a sit-down with your Boss and ask his true opinion of where he thinks you are now and where he would like you to be in 6 months' time.  Then decide what *you* would like!