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Author Topic: New member in shock! x.  (Read 3497 times)


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New member in shock! x.
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:40:53 AM »

Hi Everyone,

I am feeling very sad and somewhat odd, as I'm pretty sure I am now in the early stages of menopause. After doing extensive online research this week, I realise I check so many of the boxes WRT symptoms. AF is currently visiting and I feel so so sick.  I have flu like symptoms (not the first time) as in high temperature, flushes and chills, and I always gets migraine type headaches, back ache and recently hip pain and knee pain, which apparently are symptoms too. I am tired, not sleeping and trying really hard not to snap at my little cherub (and big cherub) For months now my memory has been shot, but I  NEVER  made the connection duurgh! everyone has been taking the mickey out of me for it. I bloat up by 3 pounds every months and I look like I've been inflated  . My boobs are soooooo painful in an icky "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH" kind of way. Yesterday I had the chills for 3 hours, and I couldn't get warm, then last night in bed I had awful night sweats, and a headache so bad it actualy woke me up  :(.

I am just 43. I know my hormones are obviously shot right now, but I feel really tearful about it. DH and I have decided no more babies some time ago, after a lot of deliberation, but the thought of it being decided for me really hurts for some silly reason. I remember the horrendous week or so when I cried constantly about it, months after we had decided, so that was probably the start of the hormonal change, as I felt desperately sad.

I have made an appointment at my GP for Monday, as I feel like I need to talk over if I should be on my pill/if anything can help etc.

Anyway I am grateful for this forum, it's always good to get these things of your chest. Would you say there's any doubt that what I am going through is the first throws of menopause?

Thanks in advance


ancient runner

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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 09:26:14 AM »

Sounds very plausible Vicki! Don't worry --knowing what's going on is half the battle. An expert will be along in a minute...


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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 03:58:54 PM »

Hi Vicki - You are obviously feeling dreadful but you mention a high temperature and this is never part of menopause symptoms. This coupled with the chills and then the hot sweats at night together with a headache makes me think that part of your problem is an infection of some kind. It is always difficult to tease out the different symptoms and blame everything on menopause.

At 43 you are at the right age for peri(pre) menopause so don't feel that you are "odd".



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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2013, 05:27:26 PM »

Hello Vicki and welcome to the forum.
Everything you have described, (with the exception of a high temperature) sound like menopause problems to me, it all seems very familiar.
Other members will be along with advice but you may want to visit your GP to discuss your treatment options.
Good luck, you are not alone and there is help for you.


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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2013, 09:13:27 PM »


You will get lots of support on here


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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2013, 06:38:29 AM »

Hi Vicki - You are obviously feeling dreadful but you mention a high temperature and this is never part of menopause symptoms.

Hi Taz, thank you, my Mum suggested this actually. I wonder whether because I had the chills for so long and I wrapped myself up like an eskimo, if the high temperature was due to heating myself up IYSWIM? plausible maybe, but definitely worth checking for an infection I agree. Thank you Ladies for all of your replies and welcomes. Yesterday wasn't the best of days, my temperament was on edge all day. How do you explain to a 3 year old that your hormones are to blame for lack of patience  :'( I just had to go with lots of hugs and kisses and the magic word sorry  :(. GP on Monday. I will be back with a report, as I will be interested to know what you think of my GP's reaction to the problem. Which forum should I do that in please?

Thanks again  :-*



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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2013, 06:44:05 AM »

Hi Vicki. You could put it under "All things menopause"

Even if you heat yourself up it wont lead to a fever - you will just feel hot if you know what I mean. Did you take your temperature? Some low grade chest infections can lead to chills and night sweats so it will be worth asking for a blood test to check for any infection.

I can remember that permanent PMT feeling when I was in my forties - I didn't connect it with anything to do with peri-meno though - didn't even cross my mind at the time. I can imagine how exhausting it must be with a three year old - although they are forgiving and great at giving hugs when you need them!

Taz  :)


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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2013, 11:05:02 AM »

 :foryou: Hi Vicki, Welcome to the forum - sorry to hear that you are not feeling at your best. Hormones, hormones - when out of balance they can wreak havoc.  It may well be that you are in the peri-menopausal stage but you have done the right thing to go to the GP to rule out perhaps a viral/bacterial infection, etc. 

It is awful when you are hit with an array of emotions and feelings/symptoms that seem to come out of nowhere or so it seems.  We are educated in our early teens about puberty but we were never educated about the menopause and have unfortunately had to learn about it, after the fact!! 

Hope you feel better soon.


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Re: New member in shock! x.
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2013, 06:15:30 PM »

Hi and Welcome Vicki
Sorry you are feeling rough.  Good you are going to the doctor.  I would expect the doc to do some blood tests to see what's going on.  Check thyroid etc.
What you describe sounds like peri meno - it was just the same for me but I was in my mid 30s!
All I can say is - thank goodness for HRT.
Get back to us when you have seen doc.
DG x