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Author Topic: Told too old for HRT at 59  (Read 10918 times)


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Told too old for HRT at 59
« on: October 22, 2013, 01:39:27 AM »

Went to see GP Friday for medicines use review.  Told her about menopause symptoms as I have done before.  She refused me HRT saying I was too old at 59 and it could cause bleeding problems.  I agreed that I do not want bleeding problems, I have been period free since 50 but menopause symptoms are ongoing.  She has given me a prescription for fluoxetine 20 mg capsules, one a day.  Obviously my mood can sometimes be low and I can be teary in typical menopause fashion.  I am completely unusure about whether to take fluoxetine.  I do not fancy taking a capsule as I would have to take a full one and was wondering whether to ask her for 20 mg in tablet form and maybe if I did decide to embark on it I could start by breaking it in half.  Does fluoxetine help with hot flushes.  I have suffered with queeziness in the mornings which has been one of the worse symptoms and apparently one of the many side-effects of the SSRI's can be nausea amongst many other things.  Feel sometimes advice of GP's falls far short of what we should be receiving.

Regards from



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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2013, 07:11:25 AM »

Am I wrong?...isn't it the younger ones who are most likely to have the bleeding problems?

Perimenopause/early menopause??

Maybe you could see another doctor or a specialist?



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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2013, 08:24:12 AM »

You would be given a conti HRT and patches would be safer or gel and a separate progesterone.
A conti HRT can take up to 6 months to settle so yes you could have a little spotting but that's usually it, although a few ladies have said they have proper bleeds.
It's all to do with quality of life. Can you change your GP and speak to a sympathetic one or ask for a referral to a clinic.
I could not tolerate an AD as it made me very sick but plenty are just fine.
There is an AD that helps with flushes but it's not the one you have been given. Sorry can't remember what it is called.



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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2013, 09:42:40 AM »

Meg - See another GP - sorry got to dash


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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2013, 11:42:07 AM »

AD's help some with their symptoms. I too would be looking for either a more sympathetic GP, if one exists or better still a referral to meno/gynae clinic. 


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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2013, 04:31:14 PM »

Fluoxetine (Prozac) is often prescribed to help with hot flushes nowadays. The dose is 20mg - please don't even consider halving the capsule as the medicine inside is designed to dissolve only when it reaches the stomach. If you take the drug without the capsule it dissolves in the wrong place and can irritate your oesophagus and you wont get the benefit either.

As for being too old at 59 - my own docs and the menopause specialist also agree that 60 is the absolutely cut off age for HRT but not due to bleeding problems but more the supposed increased risk of stroke and blood clot.

If you really do want to go onto HRT then the GP should prescribe it after having first explained to you all of the risks. This is what happens at my GP surgery and it has been put on my notes that I agree to accept the risks should I continue with HRT after the age of 60.

Taz x



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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2013, 07:10:48 PM »

Meg - you are absolutely not too old to start - just!

Recently the British Menopause Society reviewed all the information and came to the conclusion that there was a "window of opportunity" for women under 60 or within 10 years of the menopause to start HRT, and if done so at this time then the benefits should generally exceed the risks (or be equal to them once you reach 60).

Read what it says on this site about the risks and benefits at different ages:

Here is a brief summary - on this site:  (2013)

Summary practice points

    The decision whether to use HRT should be made by each woman having been given sufficient information by her health professional to make a fully informed choice.
    The HRT dosage, regimen and duration should be individualised, with annual evaluation of pros and cons.
    Arbitrary limits should not be placed on the duration of usage of HRT; if symptoms persist, the benefits of hormone therapy usually outweigh the risks.
    HRT prescribed before the age of 60 has a favourable benefit / risk profile.
    It is imperative that women with premature ovarian insufficiency are encouraged to use HRT at least until the average age of the menopause.
    If HRT is to be used in women over 60 years of age, lower doses should be started, preferably with a transdermal route of administration.
    It is imperative that in our ageing population research and development of increasingly sophisticated hormonal preparations should continue to maximise benefits and minimise side effects and risks.
    This will optimise quality of life and facilitate the primary prevention of long term conditions which create a personal, social and economic burden.

This is the consensus statement on HRT May 2012:

And this from the International Menopause Society:

Risks associated with MHT are acknowledged, but benefits derived from MHT will generally
outweigh the risks for women under 60, or within 10 years of the menopause.The risks are
generally small.

In view of the above, as Taz says - the GP should prescribe it - but you will need to be armed with all the info to demonstrate you know what you are talking about and prepared to take the risks because as things stand it seems like in your case,  the benefits still outweigh the risks (just) and there isn't a moment to lose if you are keen!!

Personally I wouldn't touch fluoxetine with a barge-pole to deal with meno symptoms, when it's a hormone deficiency we are talking about.. It should only be used ( and sparingly) - for the purpose for which it was developed, and then only for a very limited period, to prevent dependence.

As honeybun says you won't necessarily get bleeding problems although you might get some spotting initially until you settle down.

If you do go down this route be sure to choose a transdermal method as this would be preferable at your age. Ideally you should go for separate oestrogen and progesterone which would mean Utrogestan ( micronised progesterone) - and you would have to make sure you insisted as many GPs are quite ignorant of what's available.

Hope this helps and keep posting!

Hurdity x


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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2013, 07:53:23 PM »

Meg, I too have been prescribed an AD (sertraline/zoloft) they nearly gave me prozac like you but the GP decided on the other, think it was a close decision so they must both be good in these situations.  I was given 50mg & then they upped to 100mg after a week but like you my worst meno symptom was nausea pre the AD. I felt like I was pregnant again. I kept on the 50mg for a while, did a few days at 75mg & then upped to the 100mg. The biggest side effect is nausea with my AD so it terrified me along with diarrhea. I had already tried all the anti sickness drugs in the previous months. I have had side effects esp at the beginning but I am a month in, I had the nausea anyway I don't think it made it worse. I take immodium most days but its getting better. A lot of the side effects are produced by the worry of them but some are real but I'm managing them & hoping to feel better in the next few weeks. I think 20mg is a lowish dose so I would take it. Some AD's are better taken in the day some at night. I know it is scary but someone here said get yourself stable on these drugs & then you can fight the hormonal corner so that is what I am doing even though I know its hormones that has got me in this state. But I am at such a low ebb.    If you really don't want to take it though I would get a second opinion, it really depends on how bad you have got. I was at the bottom of the well. B x   

Ju Ju

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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 08:14:43 PM »

I am 59. Today I was prescribed Tibolone. It has been an up hill struggle, but I went armed with letters from a private gynaecologist (who said the risks far outweighed the benefits, but made recommendations for a 3-6 month trial) and a therapist I have been seeing.


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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2013, 08:48:19 PM »

Happy Birthday Ju Ju I hope you enjoy your present! :D  Sounds like you have had to work really hard to get it though b x


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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2013, 12:29:50 AM »

Dear Ladies

Once again I have to thank you for your detailed and caring replies.  I think I have a poor GP but I feel so anxious these days about anything to do with doctors visits.  I absolutely hate being in the waiting rooms and I've stuck with her because there is hardly ever anyone in the reception area and it's big and airy.  This is pathetic I know.  Pre meno I didn't like surgeries but since meno kicked in well the drop in hormones has really ramped up the anxiety.  If I wasn't struggling so much financially I would probably opt to see a meno specialist even just for a one off visit and that is something I am still considering.  I think a lot of women are being prescribed SSRI medication now and I do thank you for your input on this.  I will consider carefully all of your advice, you are all so helpful.



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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 07:35:30 AM »

Meg I can relate to all of that. Waiting at the GP is horrible normally but now with the meno symptoms & anxiety it is torture. I would go private too if I could, wish I had now beginning of Sept as our bank balance has fallen badly as I haven't worked since August, I work for myself & have turned  enough work away now to have every private test/consultation possible.
Let us know if you decide to take your AD, I think you have to decide for yourself. Its hard, if you take the advice of a friend who had a good meno or someone with no anxiety issues they will say of course you don't need it but you need something be it hormones or an AD or both!  B x

Alison M London

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Re: Told too old for HRT at 59
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2013, 02:48:13 PM »

I currently take 20mg Fluoxetine an have been doing for the last couple of years. I had ongoing depression which I now think has been more lifted by the HRT. Clearly my GP prescribed me Fluoxetine when I was 48.  I think I had  been in Perimenopause then but he wasn't the sharpest of men.  Told me 'we all have things to bear in life' when I was telling him my symptoms and blabbing in the surgery. (About 60 and solo practice in a small village). Also as, I had a history of depression when I asked he said there was no test for the menopause??? Suggested I used the services (paying of course) of his wife (the clinic nurse) who offers aromatherapy etc. as a sideline. I declined but was then reluctant to see him when the symptoms got worse.
As soon as I changed doctors to a larger practice here in London and have much younger female doctor she suggested HRT. I'm relieved as if I was in the Midlands I'd probably just still be on the Fluoxetine (which did help somewhat).
There was a recent article in the Daily Mail about Fern Britton that really got me thinking.  I know we are all different people but the combination seems to be working for me now.
I had no nausea from the Fluoxetine but it does tend to make (me and some others) feel slightly worse symptoms for two weeks before it kicks in properly and raises your mood. I have had nausea from the HRT but that has disappeared now (after about three weeks).
Having a good GP seems to be key. Can you change yours?