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Author Topic: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)  (Read 7087 times)


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Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:45:53 PM »

Hi everyone

I'm new to the forum - have many questions :)


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 03:22:17 PM »


Ask away, usually someone who can help.


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 06:58:12 PM »

Hello Ang, I'm pretty new here too, but everyone seems really nice!


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 01:06:14 PM »

Hi both

Welcome to MM. Fire away with the questions, lots of ladies only too happy to help and sympathise  :D

Delilah x


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 02:28:17 PM »

Don't forget the funnies.


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2013, 09:27:27 PM »

Hi there' Lots of lovely ladies on here :)


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2013, 08:10:23 AM »

Hi from a fellow Ang! We're all in the same HUGE rowing boat so Hello and welcome and most of us will have experienced all or most of any symptoms you might have - don't be afraid to post :-)
 :hug: X


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2013, 08:01:41 AM »

Hi bessboo,
Dyan x


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2013, 05:26:04 AM »

 ;)  Hi everyone - thanks so much for your lovely welcome :)
Took me a little while to get back in the forum.

So here's a bit about me and my experience to date - which may not be strange at all ... feels it to me though lol

July 2010 - missed my P
July 2011 - missed my P 
Sept/Oct 2012 - missed 2
January 2013 - started to experience hot flushes in the early evening - nothing major but was not a normal thing for me (we are in Oz - and it was 35 degrees so was a bit tricky).
February 2013 - hot flushes began mid afternoon through to evening followed by night sweats
Have tried various natural remedies. oh and the dreadful insomnia (boooooooooooooooo).  Work full time so not the best thing to happen.
May 2013 ... and this is where I started to really struggle.  Lost my voice 2 days before we were going on holiday, felt pretty shabby - hot flushes and night sweats continued.  Given antibiotics just in case.  Came back from holiday voice intact, but not at all my usual self  ... and here's where the fun starts...

I wake up in a morning with what I can only describe as phlegm in the back of my throat (don't drink or smoke - and have cut out all the foods which may add to the mucus problem). Not so bad in the morning, but by lunchtime (especially if I have been in the aircon heating in the office), my mucus membranes are raw!  All eases by the time I have travelled home - but post nasal drip still continuous.
Phlegm hinders my working day (and social life).  When it is at its highest in the day I feel awful - like I have a sinus infection.  I have lost count how many times I have been to my docs to discuss and resolve this problem.  I spoke with her about histamines and various other Peri-M issues - she had run some bloodtests 3 weeks ago to check out what was happening - all tests were fine - just confirmed that I was definitely heading for menopause.  Do you think my symptoms are related to the menopause? I try not to worry about it all - in experiencing this every day - day in day out now for some time - it is tricky not to worry.

Thank you for listening/reading - always feels better to get your worries/concerns of your chest I reckon :))


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2013, 06:11:21 PM »


I had a big problem this time last year with postnasal drip - got to the point where I was waking up during the night choking and couldn't catch my breath. Various GPs prescribed antibiotics, anti histamines, nasal sprays and all to no avail. I finally paid to go through BUPA. The consultant put a tube down my nose, saw my throat was burnt (which was what caused my coughing fits at night) and diagnosed acid reflux. Had to take omeprazole and antibiotics for 3 months as well as gaviscon advance. Also cut out chocolate, caffeine and tomatoes (although back on them now) and raised bed about 6 inches so I don't lie flat. Since then I've had very few problems - make sure I don't eat just before going to bed and slurp of gaviscon if I get indigestion. I've also only used my asthma inhaler once in 12 months - I've read acid reflux can mimic asthma symptoms.

Hope you manage to get some relief soon


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2013, 04:17:45 PM »

HI Ang,
just read ihs repy to you. I also get these feelings with throat, wake up and think I can't breathe.Acid reflux...... interesting , as I also have to chew indigestion tablets sometimes during the night and drink water constantly.I am also 'drippy' and need paper hanky all the time.I have noticed that any kind of tomatoes are bad for me[even ketchup or pasta sauce] so will cut these out. Caffeine and choc? WAAAAAAAAAA! I will try.


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2013, 10:59:43 PM »

Hi everyone,

It is for sure a tricky time to manage.  Mucus is very frustrating and if I fall off the wagon I pay.
For me - if I absolutely avoid chocolate, icecream, cheese (anything dairy related), coffee, tomatoes
sugars (which is quite tricky), no wheat (gluten)  - mucus is much better.

The aircon at work was having a major impact on my sinus issues.  - I had a permanently crusty nose - and was actually being slow baked from around 8.00 - noon.  It turned out others were experiencing similar - and just hadn't said anything.  The lovely folk who manage the building have sorted this - and no more being slow baked by the vent above my desk yeyyyyyyyyyyy.  No more crusty nose or headaches :)))) - all helps the cause  ;)

When I think back, the wheels of on the bus started to fall off back in May 2013 - I ended up by visiting a naturopath who came recommended by others.   He said all the right things (but not overkill) and I came away with 1 x 250ml bottle of 'liquid' and 3 50ml bottles of different liquids.  I was willing to try anything at that stage - and guess what... there was a marked improvement in about a week -  3 times a day at the start - definitely did something :)

I am still taking this - I know what is in it - natural herbs - have looked them up and they appear to be all good  with no side effects :)    I do get a couple of hot flashes first thing in the morning and
a couple during the night - but nothing which I cannot manage - especially now the aircon is improved at work. 

But... still am not able to tolerate any of life's guilty food pleasures and have to ensure I remain gluten free and no dairy.  If I sneak a chocolate - I know about it.



Reflux and stomach issues are all good at this point.

I did go and see a naturo


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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2013, 07:36:11 AM »

Well good for you bessboo!!!! as what you are doing seems to be working for now. ;)

I just wanted to say that I did not have allergies as a child, but have developed some now in menopause.

Are you allergic to gluten?, and if so, did you just develop it or has it been something you have had to deal with for a while?



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Re: Hi I'm Ang and a newby :)
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2013, 09:34:49 AM »

Hi Bessboo
I get ongoing problems with mucus and sensitive sinuses.  It has definitely got worse with the menopause.  My theory is that, like all other areas of our skin, the lack of oestrogen dries us out and makes us more sensitive to irritants.  I find central heating, air-con etc are dreadful. Moist air is what we need. Having been a professional singer I have enlarged sinuses as well!!
Some tips that I find helps:
Inhaling regularly with salty water - don't use menthol etc as this can aggravate. I put a teaspoon of salt in boiling water in a cup, cup my hands round my mouth and nose and round the top of the cup and inhale the steam. 
Saline solution has a wonderfully calming effect.
You can buy nasal washes which flush out your sinuses with saline solution and if I have a bad sinus headache I find they are wonderful.
good luck DG x