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Author Topic: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!  (Read 5339 times)


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Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« on: October 29, 2013, 11:02:18 AM »


Good Morning Girls.

I am 54 years old and live in Norway.  Still trying to come to terms with the language barrier and I have a new lady doctor who I have seen once.  Here's my questions:-

My last period (thin and watery) was last July and I have been without a period since then.  Do i class myself as 3 months post menopausal after the 12 month wait with no period?  If so, can you explain why once a month, I get all the symptoms of a period coming on, but no blood?  I get low backache radiating down to the back of my thighs, vaginal cramps, abdominal cramps, bloating, mood swings, fatigue.  Interestngly, I get all the p type symptoms when my daughter is about to start her period....strange?

In November 2010 I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2.  The previous July, I had a very strange, very heavy period, in that I had bled twice during that month.  My first period came on my birthday in July, and I remember it was horrendous and I was flooding everywhere.  Two weeks later, I got short, when out to dinner and another p came out of nowhere and I passed a huge blood clot.  Thereafter, I didn't have another period up until my diagnoses of Type 2 diabetes.  I had been convinced that I was starting the menopause as I had been dripping sweat and had been feeling terrible.  The doctor put me onto Metformin straight away, and, it was only after being on the drug that I read that it was also given to women suffering from Polycystic ovaries and was used to kick start fertility.  After being on the Metformin for 3 months, my periods started up again and my previously high blood glucose reverted to near normal levels.  This continued up until a year when the doctor took me off Metformin and my periods stopped.  Coincidence?

I am also suffering from vaginal problems and am due a smear test.  Last one was normal and was done exactly 3 years ago.  Will she be able to see if I have symptoms of atrophy?  I have a sporadic burning, stinging sensation going on, but this is all alien territory for me.   The last couple of months, I have been wakening up in the middle of the night and have nearly been caught short, due to leakage of urine. 
Also get feelings of cystitis but not related to UTI.

The feeling of going mad is a very real one and I have come to the conclusion that every weird ache and pain must be due to hormone fluctuations.

I have gone through all of this cold turkey since 2010.  Ironically, I had spent a fortune at the health food store buying all sorts of supplements like sage and menopace but wasn't allowed to take them when I was on Metformin.  For the past year and a half, I have been taking Vitamin E capsules orally and feel, they have been keeping things on an even keel.  I'm not keen to take HRT as my father suffered from peripheral arterial disease and I have the diabetes.

Someone did mention breaking the Vitman E caps and inserting the oil vaginally?  Would that help me?

I have an appointment booked with my very busy doctor on the 18 November and I feel that I won't have enough time to ask all my questions.  Maybe I should make a separate app for smear test/flu jab and just concentrate on the meno questons?

Sorry for the ramble, but some of you might be able to recognise some of the things I have mentioned.  My family all try to undersand, but invariably, I get the rolled eyes and not again look!   I even printed off advice for husbands but had to forcibly make him read it as he had never time in the office! 

Donnarob. x
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 11:52:09 AM by donnarob »


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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 11:04:17 AM »

p.s. I meant to say that my last period was in July 2012.



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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 11:32:38 AM »

donnarob with reference to HRT and peripheral disease there does seem to be for and against the effect on it.

I can well understand your dilemma, you do say Vitamin E is keeping things on an even keel, so I wonder if your GP would consider vagifem or estriol cream for your VA problems.

It is normal to experience all the signs of a period but not actually have one, they are called "phantom periods) as you get further into menopause these symptoms will probably ease. 

Hope I have answered some of your questions, I expect other ladies will be along soon to give their advice.


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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2013, 08:09:24 PM »

Interesting links silverlady.

However the first one was an actual study involving over 2000 women whereas the second was just an article with no references to follow up the statement.

Another Danish study involving approx 100 women concluded this:

"After 10 years of randomized treatment, women receiving hormone replacement therapy early after menopause had a significantly reduced risk of mortality, heart failure, or myocardial infarction, without any apparent increase in risk of cancer, venous thromboembolism, or stroke." (but it is reported in many places).

it has recently been concluded that the safest time to start HRT is within 10 years of menopause or before age 60 - with regard to risks, so personally in your case if you are thinking about it, then the sooner the better.

I wouldn't have thought your father's condition would necessarily bar you from HRT.

Transdermal method of oestrogen delivery ( patch or gel) is supposed to confer lower risk of thrombosis:

I would definitley consider it and also yes use a local oestrogen such as Vagifem or Orthogynest pessaries for your vaginal/bladder poblmes - before they get any worse - and if you can get hold of them in Norway

Hurdity x


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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 09:51:03 AM »

Thanks for the replies girls.

I have a doctor's appointment next month and will have a chat with my lady doctor about these options.

I am still confused as to where I am in my menopausal journey?  Am I classed as post menopausal by 3 months or 15 months?  I am hoping since I have come this far, cold turkey, things may start to improve generally.  However, if I do have VA, I'm sure the doctor will be able to detect this when I get my 3 yearly smear test.   

What I have noticed, is that I get all the symptoms of a period around the same time each month.  For instance, this morning, I have been weepy, have cystitis type symptoms, bloating, swollen boobs, distracted, and tend to run to the loo far more often than at any other time of the month!  Phantom period?

I keep a diary of my blood glucose levels on a daily basis and also jot down how I'm feeling generally and it does follow a set pattern.

This forum has been a revelation to me.  Generally speaking, I tend to write a list (as suggested by my doctor) of all that is ailing me, but usually 9 times out of 10, time is of the essence and I come away feeling frustrated and non the wiser!  Do we find, that GP's generally are of the opnion that the menopause is something compeltely natural and that you're being a bit of time waster?



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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2013, 11:51:39 AM »

donnarob - I have responded to you on 'The Burning club' thread but having read through all your info on this thread I wanted to add some support here.  I really understand your fears - I think they are normal as we are bombarded with conflicting information.
Hurdity is an excellent source of help as she has a science background and brings a great deal of common sense to our threads - so do take in her posts and look at the links she suggests.
You explain your health issues really well and you clearly have many anxieties and questions that need addressing.
I think it is really important to go into a doctors appointment well prepared - write your questions down and, if the appointment is rushed, ask for another longer appointment.  Perhaps even give the list of questions to the doctor to study so when you next see her she is prepared?
Many, many ladies are using Vagifem - it is very low dose and may well help burning and urinary problems.

DG :hug:


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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2013, 12:23:47 PM »

"However the first one was an actual study involving over 2000 women whereas the second was just an article with no references to follow up the statement"

Hurdity just because the article did not have references to follow up the statement does not mean it does not have merit, some scientific articles can be hard to follow and understand.

I don't think its incautious for donnarob to be concerned about HRT because of her fathers peripheral arterial disease, I would be too, she must have been concerned for her to state this, I was just trying to point out that there are different points of view.

My family has a history of stroke and I am very cautious too and find the evidence for and against confusing, even the medical scientific community had so may varying conclusions papers, and believe me I do trawl  google scholar on this and for other scientific proof.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 02:44:11 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2013, 02:41:05 PM »

donnarob - GPs are as diverse as we are! Some good and knowledgeable, some shockingly poor and ignorant re menopause. Thats is why it is best to be well read, researched and as Dancinggirl says - to be well prepared with written questions.

Menopause starts at the date of the last period but can only be decided in retrospect. ie once 12 months have passed, you enter menopause at the date of your last period, but are post-menopausal one year following (because until this point you don't know whether you will get another period or not) Hormone levels continue to decline over the couple of years or so following the last period until they reach on average an all time low, and many post-menopausal symptoms ( eg vaginal problems) do not start for some women until after this point.

Of course - we are all different and some women have their last period more than 12 months following their previousone but the medical profession has decided that the 12 month time lapse is the cut off time to investigate any further unscheduled bleeding.

You don't need to wait for VA to be detected by a doctor in order to treat it. The fact that you are post-menopausal and are experiencing burning, stinging and cystitis feelings shows that you are and local oestrogen will definitely help with this. You can use local oestrogen whatever your family hisotry because very little estrogen is absorbed systemically.

As you have diabetes I presume you check the glucose levels in your urine too - because I am sure that sugar in the urine would also lead to some of the sensations and bladder problems you describe?

I would also go to the dcoctor sooner rather than later regaridng the urge incontinence. Although many of us on here suffer from night frequency ie having to get up once or more in the night - few have mentioned any urge incontinence related to this (unless it happens and they haven't said). For example I wake with a strong pressure on the bladder - which causes disturbed sleep long before I am aware I need to get up - but there is no urgency, just pressure, and not much there when I actually go.

Hope this helps!

silverlady - I totally agree that many of these issues are confusing because papers are published - often involving only a few women and then yield conflicting results.

What I find most helpful are the larger studies, and the review papers that summarise all the research into a particular issue and then come to a conclusion based on all the evidence. Also the position statements from the British or North American or International Menopause Societies tend to provide the most up to date information for some issues.

Hurdity x



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Re: Can anyone help me as I have loads of questions!!
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2013, 03:19:51 PM »


Thanks for the lovely detailed reply.  You have answered so many of my questions and I now don't feel so isolated and alone.  Up until recently, our GP was a male locum and he seemed to be rushed off his feet all of the time.  I had difficulty understanding him as his English was as bad as my Norwegian!  :)  However, the GP who I had been assigned to, eventually came back from maternity leave (one year in Norway) and she is lovely.  I have an app later on next month and I intend to address all of my medical issues with her then.  She wants to do a full blood count and HbAic test to check my blood glucose.  My diabetes has been under control for the past couple of years and I do not take any meds for it.  I doubt if that is what is causing the bladder problems.