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Author Topic: Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!  (Read 2738 times)


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Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:43:58 PM »

Hi everyone,

I am so pleased I have found this forum and I can at last get some decent, worthwhile advice!

I am 35 and had a hysterectomy and oophrectomy 6 weeks ago due to severe endometriosis.  Obviously I have started with surgical menopause and I am finding it very difficult to say the least!

I have been getting various symptoms including hot flushes, itchy skin, migraine; but the main symptom I have is a deep sense of un-ease.  I really don't feel like myself any more.  It is a truly horrible feeling.

I started with estradiol, but unfortunately as I suffer with hypertension, my blood pressure began to increase further.  I was then taken off this and put on to medroxyprogesterone (I apologise for my spellings!).  This seemed to have no effect at all on my symptoms and after a weeks BP monitoring, my blood pressure today was  still very high indeed.  Therefore the doctor has increased my beta blocker to the max dose and I have started on Tribolone for a week with more BP monitoring to see if this controls my symptoms better.  My Dr has also made me an appointment to see a menopause specialist.

I am sorry for going on at length, but I really am feeling really desperate and I think it would help to know that there must be others who have problems with HRT and blood pressure, and of course the feelings of confusion, anxiety and depression!

I rather naively thought that after 6 weeks I would be on top of the world and back at work like a new woman!



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Re: Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 09:35:11 PM »

Hello Catty_1978 and welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear that you are having to face the dreaded menopause at such a young age and unfortunately the emotional difficulties you are experiencing are very common. The good news is there are many treatments available, it's just a question of finding the right one. I have very little knowledge of HRT but the ladies on this site have a wealth of knowledge and I'm sure someone will be along who can answer your specific question. The fact that you will be seeing a specialist is also a plus and shows that your GP is trying hard to help you.
Take heart, you are not alone and things will get better.
Keep posting and take care.


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Re: Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 09:39:50 PM »

Hello catty_1978  :welcomemm:
Please, please do not apologise - you are having a very tough time :-\
We girls are hear to help each other.  I have found this site helpful and therapeutic.
At 57 with all my bits still more or less in place I'm afraid I can't offer advice on your particular dilemmas but I really sympathise with your plight - you are so young to be going through this.
It's really good you are being referred to a menopause specialist as, at your age, you will need oestrogen to protect bones, heart etc.
I'm sure there will be ladies who have experienced similar problems to yours and will respond to you with advice and support.
Good luck DG x


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Re: Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 07:56:44 AM »

 :welcomemm: catty.

You will gets lots of support on here.

Dyan x


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Re: Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2013, 02:04:17 AM »

 I used to get these feelings....I would just go somewhere alone and make myself cry...for what, I don't know!

All I know is it made me feel better at the time to get that emotion of uneasy feeling
"out".  It used to happen several times a week.  Sometimes I even laughed afterwards, thinking this is quite crazy!

I had that in early menopause right after stopping periods and long before I began HRT.


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Re: Hello!! I'm a newbie and I need help please!
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2013, 01:31:47 PM »

Hi Catty

It's a horrible feeling isn't it - the unease, anxiousness. I myself am 33, and went through a radical hysterectomy 10mths as a result of cervical cancer. Im afraid that I cant really help much in the way of advice or hints regarding your hypertension and the impact all this may have on it however having felt similar things in my first few months post surgery I can let you know what helped for me and maybe in that you can find something that works for you! Its great you are seeing a menopause specialist as this made all the difference to me, currently I am on an oestrogen replacement pill called progynova ( I live in Australia so names of things may be different) and so far that's all Ive had to take, it did take a while, 10-12 weeks, before things started to settle down between the changes in my body, recovering from surgery and not to mention the emotional side of things. I spoke to a nutritionist and my pharmacist and got a really good chewable calcium supplement(caltrate) as obv there is an increased risk of diminished bone density, I also got additional vitamins to help my over all immunity and absorption of calcium, I made sure I was eating a well balanced healthy diet, lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish( particularly salmon) and minimised my intake of caffeiene and sugars. All of which helped with over all mood and also helped minimise feelings of edginess, anxiousness etc.
My anxiety kicked in mainly at night for no apparent reason, id feel almost scared, heart beating fast, twitchy etc or when I was facing social situations since my surgery -  the "first" conversations, how to handle the things people ask etc - all of which terrified me to begin with. I found that quietening my mind and focusing on my breathing helped. Id literally close my eyes and talk to myself inwardly, calmly repeating little things such as concentrate on listening to your breathing, find a slow steady rhythm, close out all the noise around me, listen to your heartbeat, literally stop thinking and gradually as I got used to doing this it became a lot easier to manage the anxiousness.

Id be lying if I said it takes care of things all the time and everything goes away but it does become more manageable and the best thing I have learnt so selfish! Take care of yourself, take the time you need to heal emotionally and physically. If you feel bad one day, then allow yourself that day, just always try to start afresh the next day. Hold your head high and have faith in yourself and your ability to over come this, after all you have gotten this far.
