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Author Topic: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause  (Read 3903 times)


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Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:48:09 PM »


Just new to the forum and looking for some words of wisdom!! I was diagnosed with cervical cancer after 18mths of minimal symptoms and clear blood tests/smear tests - due to the type/location and size of my tumour I was left with no option but to have a radical hysterectomy and removal of my lymph nodes at 32. Subsequently my body started to experience menopause, by and large I have been quite lucky regarding symptoms, the oestrogen replacement pill Im taking seems to keep a handle on the symptoms for the majority of the time. However I have found that my memory has taken a significant hit, I forget things easily and frequently, I get hazy and muddled, often mixing up my words or simply just forgetting how to put together an actual sentence! It is impacting me both at home and at work and whilst my colleagues laugh my mistakes off Ive been labelled as the dizzy one which may seem silly but really upsets me, I am good at my job and working hard to progress within my company and don't want to be labelled as the ditsy one..... I often find an overwhelming urge to put a brave face on and as my job is customer related Im being upbeat and happy at work when truthfully some days it takes all the energy I have just to show up. By doing this im exhausted ALL the time, I even tried getting back to the gym taking baby steps as the gym was always something I loved, and irrespective of eating well, getting plenty sleep etc Im tired all the time.
I have days where Im weepy and sad but try to allow myself those days and start afresh the following day, Im never to sure as to whether these weepy moments are as a result of the menopause or simply grieving. My partner and I do not have children and obv as a result of my surgery we can no longer have our own children. So I really don't always know whats menopause related and whats not.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can boost my memory and improve my concentration? Any hints how to minimise the tiredness?? Or any tips about anything really lol!

Any help would be appreciated :-)

ancient runner

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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 03:16:57 PM »

Oh, crumbs, didn't want to read and run. Poor you: you've been through so much I'm not surprised your brain's working on other things than the next words which should come out of your mouth. My guess is that things will improve as you process what's happened but I am no expert. Don't worry -- there'll be an expert along soon! :)


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 03:43:51 PM »

 :) Thanks I do hope it does!!


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2013, 04:02:31 PM »

Hi Ellemick.

What a lot you have gone through - it's no wonder you are feeling as you are!

I don't know a lot about surgical menopause but I do know that women are often offered testosterone as well as oestrogen replacement. The ovaries produce testosterone which gives us energy etc. so it could be that you need this as well as the oestrogen. This is from the menu on the left of the screen 

Taz x


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2013, 04:10:59 PM »

Thanks Taz, I wasn't aware of this! I will definitely speak with my oncologist/menopause specialist to find out more about it and see if its something that applies!


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2013, 01:34:35 PM »

I agree with all Taz has advised you ellemick.

Another reason you might be having problems  maybe because of the surgery and Anaesthetic which can interfere with memory, if you have had your op recently it does take about three months or longer for some for it to clear, also it takes about a year to get over a hysterectomy especially a radical one.

Make sure you take a good B complex with B12 mineral supplement

A good multi vitamin

Vitamin C the best is chewable with rosehip powder

Fish oil supplement.   

Also consider Bio-Strath.


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2013, 03:06:24 PM »

Thanks Silverlady, will look into your suggestions! Im currently 10 months post surgery and the fatigue is stil pretty severe but hopefully things will start turning around soon.


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2013, 10:18:20 PM »

Hi there ellemick.   What a brave lady you are.  You sound so grounded and sensible but I'm worried you may be suffering from some post traumatic depression - I believe chronic tiredness is often a symptom. Your body has also taken an enormous battering.
I have experienced some terrible traumas in my life and at one stage came very close to a total breakdown.  I was fortunate that, at the time, I had a good GP who simply took me in hand and got me some cognitive therapy that brought me back from the edge. I'm not saying you need therapy as i think you seem to be coming to terms with things but don't underestimate the impact of what you have gone through.
You brain is dealing with so many emotions at the moment no wonder you can't concentrate.
Instead of the gym, try long walks in a park or the countryside if you can - best of all is the beach. Let nature work it's magic. Your energy will come back, just give it time.
Keep posting  DG x


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2013, 12:28:32 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl

Thanks for your message, I actually have my first cbt session arranged and will be starting that soon so hopefully that will help. We are pretty lucky in that we live at the beach so I get to spend a lot of time outdoors walking the dog etc which does help clear my mind and help rebalance things for sure. Im currently 10mths post surgery so as much as I know my emotions link in to my energy levels I suppose I was hoping to have seen a bit more of an improvement on some of the physical things by now. Hopefully with some more time things will improve. Its just very disheartening to not be able to do even half of the things I used to and I suppose given that I had no choice in my hysterectomy and all that it then meant for my partner and I the loss of control over something that used to be an integral part of my life is upsetting and disheartening; I was a gym manager/fitness instructor and whilst in the year running up to my surgery I wasn't working in the field it was still a huge part of my life. Being so tired, forgetful, clumsy etc is probably very little to many people, and believe me I know how lucky I have been in many other aspects, but I suppose it doesn't really help when I see my friends doing all I cant, enjoying the things I cant etc it just makes things so much harder to get past.

However, I have gotten this far so no doubt will manage to find a way through one way or another :-)


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Re: Cancer, hysterectomy and subsequent menopause
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2013, 05:07:30 PM »

I was a professional dancer so can really relate to your frustration at not feeling up to returning to a full fitness regime. 10 months is not that long a time since your operation - I'm sure your energy, concentration and memory will return.  As a fitness instructor you will have innate discipline and focus and this will win through.
I don't wish to be patronising or glib in any way but when I look back at my tough times and traumas they have taken me down different roads that have often been positive life changes -broadening my skills and life experiences.
Since finding this site a few weeks ago I've found a whole new set of friends and learned so much from them, it has really helped me.
Keep with us brave lady.
DG x
