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Author Topic: How long should vagifem take to work?  (Read 16305 times)

ancient runner

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How long should vagifem take to work?
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:34:49 AM »

Was prescribed Vagifem on Thursday after a two-week break off Ovestin to make sure I still needed treatment. Vaginal pain and burning was quite bad by then. Five doses on, that's almost gone but urethral burning is now driving me mad and my bladder feels a bit sore. I'm assuming it just takes longer for the oestrogen to get there especially as I'm not slapping Ovestin all over the place at the moment. Does that sound right? No other meno symptoms apart from periods all over the place. Someone tell me I am being impatient?


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 08:37:45 AM »

I felt much better after the initial two week loading but, then again, that was when it was the 25 strength and not the 10. Are you sure you haven't developed thrush which could cause the burning or the beginnings of a UTI?

Taz  :-\

ancient runner

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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2013, 08:59:31 AM »

Hello Taz! I don't think so but I could slap on some thrush cream and see what happens. It doesn't feel much like thrush but on the other hand the last six months have been mostly so painful in different ways it's getting hard to know what's what. I think I might just be terribly impatient and the vagifem has further to travel than the ovestin did. Perhaps I should try a bit of that but I did wonder if the Ovestin was giving me a burning sensation...


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 09:06:26 AM »

Ancient Runner...snap!

I am on week 4 of vagifem.. Vaginal pain and bladder mostly settled but random urethral burning which comes on during the day(despite going commando!)
Driving me nuts...cant wait for it all to clear

Luv Tingly

ancient runner

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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2013, 09:15:57 AM »

Ouch Tingly! What'll we do then? Have you tried the thrush cream? I have seen your posts about this and did wonder about the similarity...
I am currently sitting and working on a neck cushion whilst looking after poorly small son. xx


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2013, 09:42:21 AM »

Tried the thrush cream.. Its sort of okay but doesnt really work to be honest... It just distracts you with a different sensation!!
Am hoping vagifem works in another month or so.. A woman called suzi q on here said it can take a couple of months... Ibe had this tho altogether since may and to be honest at one point i was actually feeling suicidal

My only other thing is i read a professor of gynae said oestrogel, 7 days of progest and a bit oftestosterone works ... So this might be my next port of call.

I look after my mum who is inthe end stages of life so i really understand your pain and predicament

Ps one thing i found by accident is at night i had a tissue with olbas oil on for my husband and i accidentally got a bit on my parts.. It doesnt half numb it for a bit!!! Probably v bad for you though!!


ancient runner

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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2013, 10:29:36 AM »

Olbas oil? Hurts enough if it goes up your nose!
I've been like this since Feb or March and nothing's really worked yet. High hopes of the vagifem. Estring has a bigger dose of oestrogen and that'll be next port of call for me if this doesn't do the job. Sorry about your mum.


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2013, 11:14:30 AM »

We'll have to keep in touch re progress

Ps olbas oil was on a tissue and some had evaporated!,,

Am also thinking of making vagifem 3 times a week

Funny enuf am having a great morning this morning....finngers xd

Best of luck to you ..hope ur son better soon

Tingly xxx


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2013, 10:17:00 PM »

Hi Girls
I'm on day 7 of Vagifem and the burning urethra is driving me nuts.  I have suffered from this burning on and off for years and I've usually controlled it by using Multi-Gyn Actigel which helps to keep the flora balanced in the vagina but this isn't working at the moment. Sitting down is what makes it really hurt >:(
I've asked doctors about this burning urethra and none of them seemed to know it was quite common in women of a certain age :-\ It's a relief to know I'm not the only one.
Like you, I'm hoping it will settle down.
DG x


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2013, 07:39:44 AM »

Hi dancing girl
Well another one in the burning club!!!
The indignities ive suffered in the past months...walking around commando, sitting on a cushion designed for heamerroids, coming home at 6pm laying on bed with legs akimbo with ice packs, hot water bottles you name it!!!
No baths, washing hair in bowl, cutting out tea n coffee name it!!!

But funny enough i had my first good full day yesterday and have woke up ok this morning , so maybe things are on the up!!
I think the thing that peeved me most was an expenxive consultant speaking to me and confirming it was atrophy , then examining me, and then on the second visit saying my vagina didnt show signs when she examined me

But offering no other explanation
I actually think my vagina had started to improve by then cos of the ovestin, but i was left with residual bladder

It was like a horror movie and i paid for it...she examined me roughly then said lets try stretching your urethra!!!
Think im a bit traumatized from crap medics really.. I started to think it was me but ehn i went on nhs choices my original docs have been red flagged as i changed

Anyhow DG best of british and if you find a magic cure be sure and let us know
Love tingly

ancient runner

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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2013, 10:21:22 AM »

Morning ladies -- fingers crossed, but it seems to be improving as of yesterday evening. Though I am still sitting on my U shaped travel cushion to work as I don't want to do anything to annoy my undercarriage...
still on loading dose of VF so will see how it works on x2 a week when I get there.
I've often had cystitisy symptoms through my life (oddly, improved post-children and for the last few years) and I wonder now if lots of it was hormone-related. We should write a book you know.


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2013, 02:04:13 PM »

Hi there 'Burning CLub Girls'
Clearly this is more common than we think.  I've always put it down to bacterial vaginitis or thrush.  Now i realise it is part of VA!! :(   I was peri from mid 30s - even on HRT my nether regions have been going down hill.  I've been getting this burning on and off since my early 40s.
I've found even unscented soaps have aggravated it so i use those special intimate washes.  I regularly use Actigel to keep ph level right but at the moment none of this is working. I find creams for thrush burn like hell as well.
Ancient runner - pleased to hear vagifem seems to helping.  As I mentioned I am on day 7 so maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel : :D
Tingly - I can soooo relate - I've tried so many things to make myself comfortable.
Anyone else out there part of this club?
Let's keep posting.

Suzi Q

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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2013, 04:25:28 AM »

Ive had the burning uretha part the bit between the cltoral hood down to the vaginal opening
Its red raw looks like someones burnt it and IM ON VAGIFEM  reading your posts brought back!
When I had periods that used to be a sign I was due Id go red raw@ sore Id forgot about that
Not always sore but always red raw looking. This weeks not been brilliant red raw sore and wee feeling not a bad we but today been 4 times already and NO its not THRUSH it just happens
Vagifem or no Vagifem go weeks and weeks with nothing feeling fine then BAM out of knowhere?
LAST night I also had something Ive not had for god knows nhow long the DIZZIES
IT HIT like a BRICK out of knowhere took a stemital 5m waited nothing so sat down between Bobbles legs and he massaged my kneck it went poor Bobbles his hands were killing him.
Todays uncomfy got the mirroe YES TAZ OKKKKKKK but Ive n ot looked or months
But I felt like there was something here? Hell Im pale limp flaccid flappy and red raw in the bitsa
What I call the bit from the clittoral hood down to the opening . YET nothing at the vagina?
I could see tissue but nothing dif to EB vaginal opening Ive seen on Tele young and old
But Vagifems not worked this week IM dry as a BONE put Vagifem in on SUnday and it dudu du
Took a min to put in usually it slides in like Butter IM dry inside too? So ladies Vagifems briliant
Even with Vagifem you get crap blips and when it happens its a 100 times worse than before


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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2013, 06:27:02 AM »

You are allowed a look now and again Suzi  :lol:

Like we have mentioned on here before you are probably sore because you now need much more oestrogen than is contained in even the higher dose of vagifem. You are going further into meno, Suzi, and your ovaries are making less and less oestrogen which is why lots of us have to use both HRT and Vagifem. I know you don't want to go down the HRT route but this is probably the reason why Vagifem is not as effective as it was.

Taz  :)

Suzi Q

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Re: How long should vagifem take to work?
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2013, 07:35:48 AM »

Taz IM now nesrly 60 cant take it anyway would I have chanced it at 37 YES if id have known
NOW even if I could find someone who would give it me aftre not having any periods since 1996 ?
I have enough bother with my fanny with out going backwards and forards shoving pills in to my mouth
Going on one then another Id have to go back to 2008 before Id condsider it but Id not get it even private I dont think? NO periods since August 1996 I think my Ovcaries gave up long ago BUT in saying that you maybe right
Wonder if 3 a week? because other than the dizzies I got last night IM well really well feel as well as i diid at 35
Except legas ache if I walk to far but in general health PLEASE GOD ID say IM fitter physial @mentaly than I was at 40
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