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Author Topic: Menopause after surgery  (Read 4882 times)


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Menopause after surgery
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:25:50 PM »

Hi there this is my first post in new members area , I did post on flushes area and had nice reply from honeybun and jeanneA who has been a god send.I had to have a hysterectomy and omentectomy after tumours were found on both ovaries and abnormal cells in different areas this was 4 months ago so am still recovering and I am finding it all quite hard especially the menopause ,flushes have been my worst things so , but just recently my memory and concentration are all over the place and my words sometimes bit jumbled up so the menopause is like an unwanted gift that keeps on giving,anyone else having these problems ?.I am also very weepy and have few big mood swings so my husband has learnt just to keep quiet and just wait it out bless him.Has anyone got any helpful tips , things they may have tried that help a bit ,I can't take hrt and have to be careful with herbal thongs as I am on lots of medication for a disability that affects my back and legs ,so any wee trick or something would be worth a try.I look forward to hearing from anyone even if it just to say that your not alone in the weird feelings that the menopause and recovery from major surgery brings.


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 02:06:50 PM »

Hi Smudgy

you're definitely not alone!  I had a hysterectomy nearly 3 years ago, at the time I was on HRT but I've had to come off it so now i get all the menopause symptoms.

I remember after my surgery feeling all the things you do, especially the memory & concentration, and not being able to find the right word when i was trying to say something was so frustrating, it was like I'd had my brain removed too!!  Apparently it's also a reaction to the anesthetic as well as the lovely menopause.  For me it wore off as I was on HRT, but now it's coming back  :(

I'm trying acupuncture for the hot flushes, although the jury is still out on those.  I also tried soya but it didn't work for me.

Have you looked at the Hysterectomy Association website too, their forum was invaluable for me after the op, just being able to compare notes with other people who are going through the same thing?

Kim x



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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2013, 12:59:32 AM »

Dear Smudgy

You are not alone in this.  The jumbling of words is quite alarming but common feature of menopause, our brains must be speeded up with oestrogen!  All of the mood swings and the feeling like you cant cope and want to cry are also standard.  Getting overtired never helps but being women this is something we often are prone to do.  I hope someone can make some suggestions.  Some ladies take anti-depressant medication and many be able to comment on how easily they tolerate this and whether it helps with the emotional aspects and the flushes.  Clonidine is also prescribed for flushes, again I have not taken the plunge with this but maybe someone will be kind enough to offer an opinion.

Take care




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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2013, 07:45:21 AM »

Yep, I'm in this club too. Had a hysterectomy five yrs ago because of a ovarian cyst wich turned out to be a borderline cancer (strange term). So I can't have HRT either. The only menopause symptom I had heard about before my operation were hot flushes, so it was all a real shock, especially when I found out that the symptoms continue- I thought they'd only last a few months. I think I have adjusted to the woolly brain and hot flushes, but as Meg says many people need ADs. I found the vaginal changes more problematic, but have hormonal pessaries to help.  :-\

You are not alone!


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 12:03:43 PM »

Hi nillers thanks for your post like you at the time of my op two large tumours were found on each ovary and abnormal cells in womb ,some fluid in pelvic area and omentum which is why the op was a double whammy with hysterectomy and omentectomy,my results were also classed as borderline ,when I got results at first check up the consultant said borderline was a mystery to them so couldn't really give ant full explanation ,my husband asked if it would have turned to cancer and said no it would have stayed at borderline and the cells probably made more tumours.We went to local dr as was still in fair bit of pain and she said no hrt as had borderline cancer but when we said hospital said borderline was not cancer even she confused , I have another check up on dec 18th maybe see then if any clearer ??? were you told similar ?I am finding the weepyness and confusion etc worse than the flushes at the moment my family are slowly getting used to it and just wait till I spit it out eventually and my husband learning not to wind me up as before we are a family who laugh and joke round our problems but at the moment I just get upset and feel stupid , oh the joys of being a woman and joy of menopause.I look forward to hearing from you again it really is a god send to hear from people going through the same thing. :)


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2013, 12:23:57 PM »

Hi meg and kimmyh thanks for your posts it really is great to be in touch with women who are going through same thing ,at least I know I am not losing my marbles {well maybe a wee bit haha }.I have been taking a normal run of the mill multi vitamin and fish oil capsules and evening primrose oil capsules and my flushes seem bit better,whether it just a mental thing and change in the weather ,who knows but vitamins etc can't hurt.My pharmacist also got me to try a ladycare magnet especially for menopause you just attatch to underwear and just leave it on all the time ,I did try it but I suffer from migraines and I seemed to be taking more headaches,the weather was very hot and humid so don't know if it was magnet or weather or mix of both so I not using it just now but I will give it another go and let you know how I get on ,anyone out there who has used this let me know how you got on with it.Thanks again for replies it really is a god send to know you not alone and have somewhere you can go to talk and get it all out,my husband is really kind and caring and understanding but it not the same he does try really hard and tries to find things for me to do to try take my mind off things bless him,as I am registered disabled and can't work time really does stand still at times but hey ho not much I can do about it .Look forward to hearing from everyone again ,take care all of you and keep smiling. ;D


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2013, 12:27:01 PM »

Hi again kimmyH can you pass on website for the hysterectomy site thanks.


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2013, 11:30:43 AM »

Hi smudgy - this is the site I have had advice from re hysterectomy due to prolapse (I haven't had it done yet though!)  Not sure if this is the one Kimmy is talking about but you might get helpful advice there.



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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2013, 06:33:51 PM »

Thanks taz2 will go and have a look and see if any good and will report back.I looking  to see if anything not just on the effects but also any info on the scar you get ,as I am still healing last few days been horrid in fair bit of discomfort and hardly slept what ever way I turn it is like someone stretching an elastic band then letting it go and it hurts a bit ,this probably sounds mega weird but only way I can describe the discomfort and it driving me nuts and making me miserable and narky (more than normal ) I know I only four months in and got good bit of time still to recover but  it so hard  guess being really tired not helping .Hope this posts finds all you lovely women who have replied to me in good health,look forward to more messages keeping me sane ;) :o


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2013, 11:23:02 AM »

Hi there hope this post finds all the kind women who replied to me and made me feel more human in good health, you know who you are and each and everyone of you is a star :thankyou:.Oh my days the weather warm again and my flushes have tripled great !.Now for another question  just wondered if anyone else out there had a diagnosis of borderline with tumours and abnormal cells found ,find this really confusing I do have a follow up appointment and would appreciate any feedback on this so I can, ask questions .I have been told that all would have stayed borderline but they can't explain borderline to me and then a dr at my local practice thought I had borderline cancer so that has not helped my confusion,so any experience of this would be greatly appreciated.Discomfort with my scar driving me nuts especially over my belly button and pubic bone area will it ever stop :( .


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Re: Menopause after surgery
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2013, 04:16:33 PM »

Hi Smudgy

apologies I've been away for a while.  The link Taz gave you is the one I meant.  It's a great site, the baby sister to this one I guess!  I met some lovely people on there, and one who is now a great friend, we meet up regularly and share symptoms!

I remember it was a few months before my scar stopped feeling uncomfortable. It's almost 3 years since the surgery and it is still numb some days, I guess some of the nerves just don't grow back!

I'm off to see a consultant at the local menopause clinic on Monday to see if they have any other bright ideas of things i can take instead of HRT, I'll keep you posted!
