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Author Topic: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?  (Read 19579 times)


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Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« on: September 23, 2013, 06:48:22 PM »

Hello ladies, anyone else tired of feeling anxious so much of the time? I had a lot of anxiety last night and I feel really awful today, headache, sweaty, rumbly tummy, the lot.
It is all the more disheartening because I'd had a few days of feeling much better, even calm at times and now I've crashed again. I know experiencing lots of negative feelings is all part of the menopause but I am so, so fed up feeling crappy so much of the time.
I was given a new HRT but have delayed starting it as I was doing okay but now I'm frightened again. The future looks bleak on days like this.
Sorry to moan ladies but I needed to get this off my chest. Any words of wisdom would be gratefully received.
Thanks for reading.


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 06:51:58 PM »

I'm afraid I have no words of wisdom but a lot of understanding and sympathy.
It's so tiring being anxious all the time.
You did say you had a few good will again so hang on in there, you are not alone.




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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 06:56:40 PM »

You moan.  We understand  :hug:  I have 'nerves' - anxious guts, weak legs, shakey feelings ......... nothing except a small tablet from the GP helps  :'( when it is really bad.  I use Rescue Remedy mouth spray as and when ..........

carm 01

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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2013, 07:28:24 PM »

I know how you feel, I too was feeling much better because I stopped taking HRT as I was very anxious an low and I did feel better but WHAM!!! It's back, anxious, upset tummy, lack of sleep because I'm so anxious and every thing else   that goes with it. I take Kalms and on AD but I don't understand why it's still so bad.
The only thing that saves me is knowing that I'm not the only one who is going through this and hopefully it will end soon.

Take care everyone.    Carm01 XXX


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 08:45:16 PM »

Thank you so much honeybun, CLKD and carm 01. It was so reassuring to hear from you and to know you understand. Your posts have made me feel better and I'm very grateful for that.
At times like this I try and explain how I feel to my husband and although he does his best it is clear he doesn't really understand. Maybe men can't appreciate that these awful feelings are generated internally and are not always the result of an event or external problem that they can help to resolve. It must be very frustrating for them I suppose.

Once again thank you ladies. There is no substitute for the sympathy of other women.
Wishing you well.


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 09:11:29 PM »

Sending hugs, it must be awful feeling like that all the time.  I am fine during the day but I've certainly been finding I've been having an increased amount of disturbing and upsetting dreams. Don't know if that is related but its not helping my sleep thats for sure :(


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2013, 07:53:08 AM »

So sorry you feel this way know what you mean am exactly the same now on AD and HRT and under a Phychiaristit (spelling) and still feel crap most mornings don't know why I would lave to go back to being my old self again but can't seem to get out of the mind set i am in. Sounds stupid but just want my life back I feel such a failure at times now it seems as i am moaning and will shut up but it is always worse in the mornings and it always affects my stomach say i have severe IBS due to stress (AGH)

walking the dog

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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2013, 08:10:19 AM »


I am so glad its not just  me who feels like this as sometimes I think i am loosing the plot! I have been on an AD for just over a year and started back on hrt 4 month ago but the anxiety is awful I seen my doctor yesterday and she has changed my Ad so fingers crossed this one works. I want the old me back I feel lost inside myself somewhere, does that make sense? Im 48 next weekend and dreading the big 50 and still feeling like this ...

WTD xxxx


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2013, 10:18:25 AM »

Hello Evenstar, Leony and WTD.
Sorry to hear you are also suffering from these awful feelings. If someone had told me a few years ago that the menopause could have this effect I wouldn't have believed them and horrible as this is, at least we know we are not alone.
Sending you all my best wishes. Take care.

Mags 7101

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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2013, 03:52:36 PM »

 :( :(hi ladies it's great to have all your mm problems to read, to know I'm not alone and always have someone with the same problems as me, I thought I was going mad, felt very scared last week after yet another flush, I was shaking, sweating and panicking all at the same time, had to call my husband home from work as thought I would explode hope we all feel better soon thanks to you all it's great to hear from you Mags


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2013, 06:29:37 AM »

Hi all. Not sure if it's the same but I over react a lot and can be in tears at minor things anything from train being 2 mins late to getting constructive criticism in work
Try Nelson's ignatia tablets. Homeopathic so can't overdose. I now take these before work or any situation it think need it and keep a bottle in my bag along with rescue remedy gum and liquid.
Hope this helps.
Sorry if wrong bit new here xx


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2013, 12:56:11 PM »


I'm on HRT 50 patches, I still get scared, very nervous it seems anything out of the ordinary, like at the moment I'm having new windows fitted and it feels like your House is just not your own but the workman are very friendly so I can't complain it just me! I was even nervous ringing up for dentist appointment two weeks ago, I hate the dentist.! However the appointment was for today and I was so proud of myself I drove their on my own managed to park and had tooth removed, I wasn't too nervous either but I done it and it's over! Now I wonder what I was worried about!

My big problem at e moment is in the morning I have to get up and have breakfast ASAP and do nothing before hand apart from feeding pets otherwise I feel awful really exhausted I'm not sure if this is due to meno or my ms as I do have fatigue of varying degrees, but every morning it's the same!

One thing I alway think to myself no matter how bad I feel it tomorrow will be different and it normally is.


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2013, 07:03:28 PM »

Hi Kathleen, sorry to hear you are suffering so badly- I can truly empathize as I have been feeling anxious, nervous,scared, panicky, flat , horribly depressed to the point of thinking that I just want to go to sleep and not wake up, really struggling to get through each day,  feeling no sense of wellbeing, having awful hot flushes with horrendous adrenaline rushes and basically a total wreck! I am currently on a new antidepressant-mirtazapine, but after eight weeks am still very up and down. All of this kicked off for me around ten years ago with perimeno,  and really apart from a blissful break of 18 months, three years ago when my periods stopped then restarted, I have never really been free of it completely- I am feeling very despondent at the moment, especially after recently going on what should have been a relaxing holiday with my hubby, to Bulgaria, where I spent a lot of the time in the apartment crying and feeling afraid to go out- sounds bonkers Iknow.  on really bad days I despair and feel that I have lost my old carefree self- It truly is awful and no one can understand how much it disrupts your life, unless they  have been through it themselves.  Iwould give anything just to feel normal again and to wake up feeling happy instead of terrified- I am seeing my GP  this week to try and sort out the medication having tried virtually everthing- non of the alternative remedies worked for me either.  Sorry to moan and sound so miserable but  just wanted  you ladies to know that you are not alone in feeling so scared and anxious-I really wish that GP's were more clued up on menopause  and  there was more awareness about it- big hugs to  all of you who are suffering :) :)


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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2013, 08:23:09 PM »

Oh Mags,

I wouldn't go out at one stage too, if your going o see your gp please ask about HRT  the risks are a lot less than the rumours that were going round ten years ago! Unless there is some medical reason of course.

Hopefully you will find one to suit you, if migraines are frequent you can get one which is a patch, and by-passes the stomach .Mine started working after four days with the flushes and a few weeks after for the scared feelings and anexiety,and to be honest I dread when the time comes for me to come off it,I'm 47 by the way and have been on it three years now without any problem and it was the first one I tried.

I really hope things get better for you,  let us know how you get on

Ann x



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Re: Anyone Else Sick of Being a Nervous Wreck?
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2013, 08:54:30 AM »

Hi Smokey, and thanks for your very kind reply- I did try a conti HRT   last year, and it stopped the flushes straight away but dld nothing for the anxiety and depression-I also had heavy bleeds on it  so had to stop taking it. I am almost 57 and supposedly post meno but can't understand why I am  still feeling this way.I am going to make sure  I get some answers on Friday when I see the GP. Big hugs to you :) :)
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