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Author Topic: Should I go back on HRT?  (Read 9584 times)


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Should I go back on HRT?
« on: September 20, 2013, 02:47:23 PM »

I am 56, started the menopause at 37  :P and had two 4 year sessions on HRT  :hapij:. I trained as a Pharmacy Tech so I did all my own research and knew what I wanted, my GP at the time was very supportive and I have never felt better than when on it. I was on Evorel and then Evorel Conti.

New GP insisted I came off it a couple of years ago and I do understand their point of view but since then I have had back to back UTI's, dryness, depression and now a prolapse (result of posterior presentation 29 years ago which was incredibly badly handled). Have seen yet another GP who seems lovely and said she would speak to the menopause clinic and see if there was any support for me going back on it. Prolapse is not bad enough for surgery (and who would want that anyway?) she will put me in touch with a specialist physio for particular exercises.

I am very well aware of the fact that there is no such thing as a drug with no side effects but I am weighing up the pro's and con's of going back on. I try to keep up to speed on all the research, as with all such drugs one study will contradict another. It's a bit of a minefield.

At first I thought that would be great to go back on but actually, I can't be on it forever so would have to come off at some stage and wondered whether I should just work hard on the correct exercises using Kegel8 Ultra (only had it a week) and wondered about getting a Hab it pelvic floor dvd.

I get such a hard time at the medical centre from most of the GP's for my UTI's - no-one takes me seriously but I have symptoms of UTI's or cystitis 85% of the time.

Sorry to ramble on - well done for getting this far. Anyone taken HRT for a really long period of time?


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 04:29:57 PM »

Hi bordersgirl - welcome to the forum.

When you came off HRT were you offered Vagifem at all? This may be enough to stop your UTI's - it was for me. I had recurrent UTI's and had to take an antibiotic each evening as a maintenance dose. After starting Vagifem I no longer needed the antibiotic and haven't had a UTI for the past six years until ten days ago - five weeks after stopping all HRT!  It would also help with your prolapse - is it a uterine prolapse? I am just deciding whether to have a hyster for mine as it has worsened considerably over the past year or so and as the doc said this morning "You're not getting any younger"  ;D

As for being on HRT - I have been on it for around six years and have just stopped as I am 59 and have been told that I should come off it by 60. My doctors have been really great in going through all the risks with me should I decide to stay on it. They wouldn't recommend it but wont stop me if I want to continue. I would think that if it  made you feel so much better than it would be a good idea to use it while you can! If you went through meno at 37 you had a premature menopause and, as such, you should have been given HRT up to the normal meno age of 51. This would not have put you at any risk and the usual thing would be for you to stop at age 50 and then restart if your symptoms warranted it. 

Taz  :welcomemm:



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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2013, 11:33:29 AM »

Hi Bordersgirl56
I have similar history to you. Peri in mid 30s - on HRT till 49 then tried to come off - dreadful meno symptoms for 3 yrs and then went back on HRT @ 53 ( Gel and Mirena). Now 57 I am reviewing things ( see forum Stopping HRT 21/2 yrs). Like you i have constant UTIs etc. - very distressing but have found regular use of Bio-Fem Actigel really helps to keep flora healthy.  I have been given Vagifem to help with things while I withdraw the HRT over next few weeks - apparently I could have been using the Vagifem with the other HRT to help things down below!!!! 
I would definitely try it.
How are other symptoms e.g. flushes, sleep etc?
Re: continuing HRT for any length of time - I know a lady in her 80s who is still taking it. Still working and really enjoying life - she was the one who told me (quite forcefully) to "go back on HRT at once" after I came off HRT at 49!! It all depends on the balance between the risks versus the benefits. I'm personally more frightened of the osteoporosis, alzheimers, heart decease and depression, which HRT helps to fight, than the relatively low risk of cancer and thrombosis.
Keep posting.  DG xxx


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 11:43:31 AM »

It also depends on the type of HRT as we get to that magic 60. Combined HRT increases the risk of stroke and heart disease - even though only slightly - in women over 60 but oestrogen-only has less risk I think.

It's a shame you weren't prescribed Vagifem alongside your HRT Dancinggirl - I was on both for quite some time. Started off on Vagifem then swapped to full HRT and then, eventually, needed to add the Vagifem back in.

Taz x


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2013, 11:53:07 AM »

I'm also thinking of going back on HRT.  I am now 66 and stopped about 18 months ago thinking it wouldn't make any difference now.  I was taking it for around 20 years with no problems and I've never experienced any menopause symptoms. I didn't need to stop - I'm very healthy and active. However, since stopping it, sex has become more and more painful and difficult. I have tried Vagifem and it gives some relief but not enough to make me comfortable.  I was taking Femoston Conti and I'm seriously thinking of starting again.  Has anyone experience of starting again after a break?  Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2013, 05:37:53 PM »

Hi Brenda - welcome to the forum.

I had a six month break and am on a break at the moment as my meno clinic and my doc both advise to come off at 60 and I will reach that age in February. If you do decide to start again you will probably be advised to use patches which carry less risk of a stroke than pills.

After six months off I found it took around two weeks for meno symptoms to subside again but my worst ones were hot flushes. The vaginal dryness was kept at bay with Vagifem but that was with the higher dose. I take it that you are on the lower dose? There are threads on here about the lower dose and how some members don't find it a high enough dose. They are experimenting with using it more often each week. If you use the search button in the blue bar towards the top of the page and put in Vagifem you will find various posts.

You will find lots of help and support on here.

Taz  :)


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2013, 06:11:50 PM »

Hi Taz
Thanks for the reply.  Actually, I've just checked my Vagifem and its 25 mcg - perhaps because I buy it in Turkey!  I use two a week but after reading the forum I think I'll try 3 a week and see if it helps.  As for the HRT I note you say that I would probably be prescribed patches.  I'm not familiar with patches and would rather stay with what I know than try something new!  I wish I'd never stopped!
Brenda xx


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2013, 06:48:04 PM »

Hi Stellajane,  I stopped HRT when we moved to live in Turkey because I wanted to be free of medications. I'm not sure I can get Femoston Conti here but will be checking at the pharmacy tomorrow - I'm pretty sure I will start again.  Interestingly, when I decided to try Vagifem I asked for the 10 mcg dose and was told they're not available here!  I will look at the book you recommend - I also see no reason to stop if it works for you.  Thanks for your advice.
Brenda xx


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2013, 06:50:10 PM »

No matter how well we feel on HRT it is still right that we are made aware of the risks from continuing into our sixties. Of course we feel better but that doesn't mean that we are not laying ourselves open to various problems. I think that we should be allowed to continue as long as we are made aware of the possibility of breast cancer (especially with combined HRT) or stroke.



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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2013, 06:52:41 PM »

I agree, Taz.  Being allowed to make an informed decision about our own wellbeing (physically, mentally, and emotionally) should be respected.


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2013, 07:00:34 PM »

Hi Brenda - what a good example you are of the benefits of taking HRT!  Scary to think you could have been enduring those miserable symptoms for years now if you'd never taken it.

May I ask what it was that made you decide to stop?

Can I mention a book available on Amazon called "Estrogen Revisited" by Donna Walters and Blane Crandall who's an American gynaecologist. Donna is now in her 60s but has taken oestrogen replacement since a hysterectomy in her 30s and the book basically questions why anyone should suggest she stops taking it now, when she's in excellent health and has never experienced any symptoms of menopause. Its a fascinating read.

Interesting you buy 25mcg Vagifem in Turkey - I can picture the MMers searching the late deals sites already!

I just bought the Kindle version of the book - looking forward to reading it!


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 04:55:27 PM »

Update!  HRT is not easily found in Turkey!  After asking a few pharmacists for Femoston Conti or something with a similar formula, I came up with zilch.  >:(  So I emailed the manufacturers in the UK and they referred me to their branch in Istanbul.  Called there, spoke to them and they told me it was not available in Turkey and there was no similar product they knew of. 
So I ended up ordering from the internet and it arrived today - having taken 4 weeks since despatch!
Anyway, relieved that I've now got a supply to restart with. 
Just debating with myself whether to take the full tablet (1mg/5mg) or to start on half a tablet and see how it goes.
By the way, I increased the 25mcg Vagifem to three times a week but it didn't make much difference to the discomfort during sex.  Hoping now to get back to "normal"!   :)

PS I read "Estrogen Revisited" - very enlightening! And shows how information we are given is sometimes incomplete and we should always add our own investigations.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 05:00:52 PM by brenda »


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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2013, 06:55:54 AM »

You could always try 1/2 tablet for a couple of weeks to see how you do and then move up.  That way you are tapering up and maybe you won't have any adverse effects as your body has time to adjust?  This is the one you took before, right?



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Re: Should I go back on HRT?
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2013, 05:24:20 PM »

Yes, Andius, this is what I was taking before for so many years.  Your advice is good and that's what I am doing but 1/2 tablet may be all that I need once my levels are boosted again.  The half dose of Femoston Conti (0.5/2.5) has been licensed but is not available online and is recommended as a maintenance dose.  Will keep you posted.