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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: I just want to be well!!!  (Read 1889 times)


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I just want to be well!!!
« on: September 20, 2013, 02:36:07 PM »

Hi, new to this forum. Looks like everyone is friendly and supportive  :)

I am 56 and started the menopause at 37, so it's been a long haul, off and on HRT (never felt better than when wearing my wonderful patches).

Lots going on in my life, just diagnosed with a cystocele, I have recurrent UTI's and/or cystitis - other aches and pains consistent with "my age"!!!!

We are indeed the sandwich generation: mother (has dementia) lives with dad - they are 84 and 93 respectively and he is her primary carer but I obviously do the shopping, washing etc. My sister died 5 years ago from cancer so there is just me. Hubby and I have 3 sons between us and my two are married - one is having a third baby in Dec and the other her first in Nov (well, their wives are!). I have just fallen out with my Latvian daughter in law so things are a bit strained. :'(

I honestly feel I am being pulled in so many different directions. My hubby is an angel and very supportive. Are we selfish to have hoped we would have a few years to ourselves? Maybe. His mother died last month at age 97, he had been visiting her regularly in a home for 3 years.

I'm going to ask a specific question about HRT in another thread - this was just to say hello  :D Look forward to getting to know you all.


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Re: I just want to be well!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 03:53:28 PM »

Hi and.  :welcomemm:

I agree it's really hard to be trying to cope with meno and children leaving home having babies and elderly parents.
I am a carer for my 91 year old mum who still lives in her own home. My youngest has just left home for uni so I have empty nest issues.  BUT.

I long for more time for me and hubby. I have spent so long doing for others I have forgotten how to be just me. I then feel very selfish thinking these things. You have my sympathy but no advice on how to change things cause I ain't got a clue.

The forum is a great place to come for a chat and great advice. It's been a life saver for me.

Look around and join in there is always someone around for a chat.



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Re: I just want to be well!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 11:59:30 AM »

I can relate to everything both of you say. I feel pushed and pulled in so many directions & awful guilt if I do anything for 'ME'.
I'm feeling exhausted much of the time and know it is stress related. Hormone issues just make everything so much tougher!
Love  DG x


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Re: I just want to be well!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2013, 09:33:28 PM »

Thank you for your replies. Just knowing others share the same feelings and pressures helps.

Onwards and upwards  :D